Our coaching certification program allows health enthusiasts to access our self-paced online course, done-for-you tools, and tailored live coaching sessions for individualized support. 

discover how to Become A Certified Health Coach & Unlock Step-By-Step Resources To Enjoy A Profitable Business in just 4 months

discover how to Become A Certified Health Coach & Unlock Step-By-Step Resources To Enjoy A Profitable Business in just 4 months

If you’re done with the uncertainty and overwhelm that comes from choosing the right health coaching school…

Enroll today!

For Health Enthusiasts Who Want To Become A Health Coach AND Make A Great Living:

Introducing The Most Cutting-Edge Program 

Transformational Nutrition Coach®


the certified



years of studying Transformational Nutrition

is the average salary of ITN graduates within their first year

Certified transformational nutrition coaches


"I have charged more than $20,000 for a single program and I do that on the regular. With the ITN curriculum, there is SO MUCH potential."

“ITN came to my life when I was stuck and directionless. From the moment I signed up, my life changed. ITN helped me reclaim my health and gave me powerful coaching tools I have not seen anywhere else.

“With ITN I can safely say that I will have the confidence to grow a business that fits around my family and schedule.


brandi mackenzie


Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach

Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach

Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach

what graduates are saying
about ITN

what graduates are saying about ITN

You are feeling burnt out or uninspired by your current day-to-day responsibilities and ready for a career that's fulfilling, profitable, and allows for more free time.

You don’t feel in control of your schedule, usually having to work M-F 9-5 or long hours away from your family. You're frustrated seeing others thrive in careers they love while you're stuck.

You want to make money doing something that gives you meaning instead of having a set salary determined by someone else. You know you have SO much potential!

You want the freedom to work from anywhere, anytime. It feels like you're missing out.

You want to help others transform their bodies and lives with a proven coaching process that consistently produces results - so you never worry about what to say to a client.

You are already in the health and wellness field, but you want to see your calendar fill up faster than ever with high-paying coaching clients!

You're in the right place if...

You're in the
right place if...

Becoming a health coach can simultaneously feel simple, yet incredibly complex. The simple part is you know you want to help people live healthier, happier lives. The hard part is knowing which certifications you need and how to translate your training into creating a business that consistently brings in clients that you can truly help. 

… NOT spend months self-educating or guessing how to get started through trial and error. I get it.

This brings you to right now:

Deciding if it’s time to invest in a certification program and, most importantly, WHICH program will give you the education, tools, and support you need to feel confident in your ability to coach a wide array of people.  

I’ve been in the health coaching industry for 20 years now, and after talking to, working with, and coaching thousands of people in the health coaching space, writing two best-selling books, and being the nutritionist to many celebrities … 

Becoming a health coach can simultaneously feel simple, yet incredibly complex. The simple part is you know you want to help people live healthier, happier lives. The hard part is knowing which certifications you need and how to translate your training into creating a business that consistently brings in clients that you can truly help. 

… NOT spend months self-educating or guessing how to get started through trial and error. I get it.

This brings you to right now:

Deciding if it’s time to invest in a certification program and, most importantly, WHICH program will give you the education, tools, and support you need to feel confident in your ability to coach a wide array of people.  

I’ve been in the health coaching industry for 20 years now, and after talking to, working with, and coaching thousands of people in the health coaching space, writing two best-selling books, and being the nutritionist to many celebrities … 

A Letter From Cynthia

The biggest mistake I see most people make when starting out in the coaching field is getting an education that ONLY provides basic health and wellness information. 

You’re becoming a health coach because you actually want to make an impact while enjoying a career of freedom, meaning, and purpose. 


I've been there. I get it. 

A Letter From Cynthia

Yes, you can absolutely go online right now and find a basic health certification program anywhere between $1,000 and $4,000, and you’d technically be able to start coaching clients. 

But let me ask you this...

  • The science behind common health conditions so that you can help people feel better and live healthier, happier lives.

  • The psychology behind your client’s health struggles so that you can help them achieve transformative and sustainable results.

  • How spirituality can help you dive deeper with your clients so that you can find out what they’re REALLY hungry for. 

  • Feeling confident coaching your clients and bringing all your knowledge into an actual plan, specifically dedicated to their needs.

  • Real world application of the information you learned during the program so that you can build a lasting, scalable business.

  • The truth about building a health coaching business in the modern world tools and strategies proven to work.

does that program educate you on:

<< go back

Yes, you can absolutely go online right now and find a basic health certification program anywhere between $1,000 and $4,000, and you’d technically be able to start coaching clients. 

But let me ask you this...

  • The science behind common health conditions so that you can help people feel better and live healthier, happier lives.

  • The psychology behind your client’s health struggles so that you can help them achieve transformative and sustainable results.

  • How spirituality can help you dive deeper with your clients so that you can find out what they’re REALLY hungry for. 

  • Feeling confident coaching your clients and bringing all your knowledge into an actual plan, specifically dedicated to their needs.

  • Real world application of the information you learned during the program so that you can build a lasting, scalable business.

  • The truth about building a health coaching business in the modern world tools and strategies proven to work.


A Letter From Cynthia

When these fundamental elements of becoming a Health Coach are skipped, here’s what I’ve seen happen… 

  • It can take several months - or longer - to get their first client because they don’t know how to market, sell, and properly price their services. 

  • Once they start getting clients, they quickly realize they have a lot of information memorized about health and how to help people, but they don’t know how to actually apply it to someone’s unique needs and goals. 

  • Or they might get several clients but haven’t learned how to automate their marketing and coaching so they’re working less but making more, resulting in frustration and burnout.

ITN is different because it was made for coaches by a coach: me! 

With my 20+ years of hands-on coaching experience, I’m committed to equipping you with cutting-edge tools in health, coaching, and business.

My goal is to ensure you have everything you need to coach your clients with confidence and successfully run a thriving business!

<< go back

Why Your Journey to Becoming a Health Coach May Feel Stressful & Uncertain...

The Right Program Doesn’t Just Get You Certified, It Also Needs To...

so that you can understand past trauma, their mental environment, and the mental health elements that are going to play a massive role in their results. 

Incorporate the Psychology of health

so you can practice real-life scenarios and avoid the common mistakes most new coaches make in the first 3-5 years of running their business instead of just being a number. 

provide LIVE Coaching in Small Groups 

so you can help your clients find meaning, purpose, and connection in their lives so they enjoy what feeds their soul.

incorporate the Spirituality of health

that doesn’t take up 40 hours of your work week, but can allow you to be profitable working from home, part time so that you can enjoy more freedom, flexibility, and time to pursue your passions or spend time with loved ones.

Help You Build a successful Business 

so that your clients can achieve real, lasting transformation in all aspects of their health - physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Provide a Holistic Approach to Coaching

so you can get the guidance you need to become an effective - and successful - health coach.

provide 1:1 Customized Support

My premier, 
online coach certification program provides 
                - with no
guesswork - 
confident, credible coach 
                           6-figure income doing work that
come alive!

My premier, 
         online coach certification program provides 
                - with no
guesswork - 
confident, credible coach 
6-figure income doing work that

Imagine replacing your salary within your first year of coaching, working on your terms, and building a business that aligns with your passion for health and helping others.

Investing in this program is not just an expense—it’s an investment in a future where you have control over your income, your schedule, and your purpose.

while creating a

to become a



makes you

you need



At the heart of our coaching program Is 3 core functions


You don't have to "know it all" when it comes to health coaching. You simply need a step-by-step coaching process that works every time for everyone so that you are a confident coach that gets your clients results!  

After decades of working in health coaching and navigating the bumps in the road, we created unique methods that remove the guesswork, saving you time and money and boosting your confidence as a coach!

At ITN, we have partnered with and are approved by the leading health boards and governing associations across the globe so our coaches are seen as credible and in demand!

saving time and money

building confidence

establishing credbility



"In my first month of business, I made $5,000 and over the next few months that increased to five figures a month."

"ITN changed my life. I learned how to coach effectively, set up my business, and keep growing personally and professionally.

I am so grateful for my new life, and to Cynthia for showing me how to make my dreams a reality."


I signed my highest paying client ever last week. It was a $22,000 package, paid upfront in full.

ITN will teach you the science, psychology and spirituality of running your business, of finding your voice and will support you in every turn. I am so grateful to have found this program and community!


Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach

Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach


We offer the most Premium health coaching Education

Personal one-on-one coaching sessions

Live Weekly Coaching labs so you feel confident coaching

Sit for the NBHWC board exam - no additional training required

Qualify to offer Pharmaceutical Grade Supplements

90 Day Done-For-You Transformational Nutrition Coaching Method Program 

6-Steps to 6-Figures (or More) Business Building Blueprint

Alumni community access for unparalleled support

Build Your business With Monthly Business Coaching labs

Everyone’s talking about “mind, body, spirit”, right? We all know you need all three areas to be healthy and get your clients results as a health coach.

But what almost no one understands is that it’s the combination of all three, at the same time in a proven system, that actually gets results.

And when you can offer this to your clients in a simple system that requires very little time, you can build a wildly successful coaching business while being seen as a go-to authority.

You can create your own schedule, work from anywhere and have plenty of time for a spontaneous road trip or romantic getaway, to pick your kids up from school, or to head to your favorite workout!

The Transformational Nutrition Model is backed by science, requires no guesswork, and it works to get your client lasting results so they refer their friends and family and you don’t even have to market your services!

ITN was the first school to combine physical nutrition with mental and spiritual nutrition into one powerful proven coaching system. We have made sure that the education we offer our students is the most cutting-edge, comprehensive and in depth education available. No other school’s training comes close. 

Often imitated, never duplicated

the transformational nutrition model


as seen in


the science of nutrition 

  • Macronutrients, micronutrients, and supplementation so you can provide personalized nutrition plans to maximize your clients’ health and well-being.

  • Detoxification, digestive health, and food sensitivities so that you can help clients eliminate toxins and improve their gut health for better energy and vitality.

  • Anatomy, physiology, and body systems so that you can recommend the proper nutrition and lifestyle adjustments to support key bodily functions and ailments

  • How to read labels and analyze eating habits so that you can guide your clients toward healthier, more informed dietary choices

  • Chronic health conditions so that you can tailor your approach to the needs of clients at every stage of life or through unique health challenges.

  • The science of Transformational Nutrition so that you can combine the best of science, psychology, and spirituality to create holistic, lasting health transformations.

  • How external factors like environmental toxins and food allergies so that you can help clients minimize harmful exposures and optimize their lifestyle for better health.

  • Plus...so much more!

The Psychology Of Nutrition

  • Emotional eating, food addiction, and eating disorders so that you can provide care and support for clients struggling with their relationship with food and body image.

  • The connection between stress, eating behaviors, and cortisol so that you can help clients manage stress to prevent overeating, undereating, and digestive issues.

  • The psychological and physiological impacts of obesity so that you can offer comprehensive support for clients dealing with obesity and its mental health effects.

  • Brain anatomy, the nervous system, and neuroplasticity so that you can guide clients in healing their brain and nervous system for better overall well-being.

  • Common mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, alcohol abuse, and PTSD so that you can recognize symptoms and provide informed support using holistic care methods.

  • The principles of trauma and emotional resilience so that you can help clients overcome the long-lasting effects of trauma and improve their mental and physical health.

  • Emotional intelligence and emotional hygiene techniques so that you can teach clients to improve their relationships, self-care, and overall mental health

  • Plus...so much more!

pillar 1:

48 in-depth lessons including...

pillar 2:

23 in-depth lessons including...

The Spirituality Of Nutrition

  • The relationship between spirituality and holistic health so that you can help clients achieve deeper transformation and well-being 

  • Life-stage spiritual challenges and solutions so that you can guide clients through their unique spiritual challenges at different stages of life.

  • Spiritual nutrition principles like conscious cooking and ethical eating so that you can teach clients how food choices affect both their physical and spiritual health.

  • Techniques for overcoming fear and letting go so that you can help clients release attachments, embrace their authentic selves, and achieve spiritual growth.

  • Spiritual rituals and practices like prayer, meditation, and mindfulness so that you can recommend tailored spiritual practices to improve clients' mental, physical, and spiritual health.

  • The role of flow and the shadow in spiritual freedom so that you can help clients overcome internal blocks and lead a more harmonious, fulfilled life.

  • The six foundations of a spiritual life so that you can teach clients to nourish their mind, body, and spirit for lasting transformation and fulfillment.

  • Plus...so much more!

pillar 3:

20 in-depth lessons including...

Part 1 - What is Coaching and Areas of Focus

Part 2 - What Coaching Isn't 

Part 3 - Constant Growth, Imposter Syndrome, and Building Confidence

Introduction to Coaching Clients With Confidence

Part 1 - Scope of Practice, Responsibilities, and Ethics

Part 2 - Ethics, Legal, and HIPAA

Scope of Practice and Top Coaching Mistakes

Part 1 - What to Know Before Starting to Coach

Part 2 - 11 Steps to Coaching Successfully

Part 3 - The Coaching Session

Part 4 - Structure of a Coaching Session

Part 5 - Goals and Implementing Action

What to Know Before Starting to Coach

lesson 1

lesson 2

lesson 3

Effective Coaching Curriculum That Leaves You Confident:

Part 1 - Single and Group Coaching

Part 2 - Partner Coaching

Part 3 - Online Coaching and Integrating Different Types of Coaching

Part 4 - Discovery Sessions and Sample Sessions That Sell

Types of Coaching & How To Conduct Each With Ease

Part 1 - Open-Ended Questions, Empathy, Active Listening, And Building Rapport

Part 2 - Building Rapport with Facial Expressions, Body Language, and Mirroring

Part 3 - Closed-Ended Questions, Interrupt and Redirect, Bottom-Lining, Scaling Questions, and Summarizing

Effective Coaching Skills That Get Results

Part 1 - Self Determination Theory, Finding the Bigger Why, and Accountability

Part 2 - Reframing and Addressing Negative Self-Talk

Part 3 - Responding, Sharing Information, and Intuition

Effective Coaching Skills That Get Results - Part Two

lesson 4

lesson 5

lesson 6

Effective & Confident Coaching Curriculum:

Part 1 - Detecting Patterns and Wrapping Up the Coaching Session

Part 2 - After The Session

Part 3 - Coaching Program Termination and Reasons to End the Coaching Relationship

How To Conduct A Successful Coaching Session

Part 1 - The Role of Psychology in Coaching and Psychological Practices

Part 2 - The Role of Psychology in Coaching and Psychological Practices

Part 3 - Closed-Ended Questions, Interrupt and Redirect, Bottom-Lining, Scaling Questions, and Summarizing

Psychology in Coaching

Part 1 - Self Determination Theory, Finding the Bigger Why, and Accountability

Part 2 - Reframing and Addressing Negative Self-Talk

Part 3 - Responding, Sharing Information, and Intuition

The RAIN Method & Other Powerful Techniques

lesson 7

lesson 8

lesson 9

Effective & Confident Coaching Curriculum:

Part 1 - Single and Group Coaching

Part 2 - Partner Coaching

Part 3 - Online Coaching and Integrating Different Types of Coaching

Part 4 - Discovery Sessions and Sample Sessions That Sell

Positive Psychology & How To Use It Effectively

Part 1 - Stages and Spectrum of Change

Part 2  - Motivational Interviewing Meets Transformational Nutrition

Part 3 - 4 Principles of Motivational Interviewing 

Part 4 - 4 Types of Change Talk

Part 5 - Commitment Talk

Motivational Interviewing & Skills

Part 1 -  Spirituality, Holistic Health, and Transformation

Part 2 - Spirituality and The Healing Process

Part 3 - Spirituality & Transformation

Part 4 - Personal, Communal, and Environmental Spirituality

Part 5 - Spirituality in Coaching and Spiritual Practices

Spirituality in Coaching and Spiritual Practices

lesson 10

lesson 11

lesson 12

Effective & Confident Coaching Curriculum:

Part 1 - TNCM Introduction and the 5 Step Transformational Nutrition Coaching Process

Part 2 - 10 Day Transformational Nutrition Reset Cleanse 

Part 3 - Transformational Nutrition Health Assessment

Part 4 - Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency Symptom Matrix

The Transformational Nutrition Coaching Method

Part 1 - Instill Hope and Increase Motivation

Part 2 - Increase Motivation and Buy-In

Part 3 - Using Conscious Expansion and Coaching Different Kinds of Clients

Part 4 - Handling Your Own Issues and Responding to Complaints

What To Do When Your Client Isn’t Making Progress

lesson 13

lesson 14

Effective & Confident Coaching Curriculum:

This health coach certification program is a comprehensive, A - Z guide to feeling confident as a coach!

But we also help you build a sustainable, successful business that gives you freedom and fulfillment.

It includes...


Business Building Blueprint

6-Steps to 6-Figures (or More) 

Value $3,997

The exclusive 6-step Business Building Blueprint walks you through how to create a successful career and scale up your lifestyle without having a college degree, being well connected, or spending all your time marketing on social media! 

From setting up the right type of business to branding and websites, we’ll help you build a successful career with confidence (even if you’ve never started or run a business before) or take your current coaching business to the next level! 

even if you’ve never started or run a business before!

Build your business effortlessly and create a 6-figure income in your first year

Part 1 - Million Dollar Mindset

Part 2 - Million Dollar Mission

Part 3 - Your Money Mindset

Part 4 - How To Create Success On Your Own Terms

Million dollar mindset & mission

Part 1 - Creating a Personal Brand that Stands Out

Part 2 - Choosing Your Audience and Marketing through Stories

Part 3 - Seven Key Elements for Creating a Strong Personal Brand

Part 4 - Building a Website That Gets Results

Part 5 - Getting Your Website Up and Running

Part 6 - Bonus - Setting Up Your Business

Your personal brand 

Part 1 - Story-Based Marketing

Part 2 - The Importance of Crafting Compelling Copywriting

Part 3 - How to Write Compelling Copy That Sells and Serves

Part 4 - How and Why to Build an Email List

Story-based marketing

class 1

class 2

class 3

6-Steps to 6-Figures (or More) Business Building Blueprint Curriculum:

Part 1 - How and Why to Create Your Signature System That Sells

Part 2 - Finding Success in One-On-One Coaching

Part 3 - How to Host Successful Discovery Sessions

Part 4 - Discovery Sessions that Sell

Part 5 - Responsable Reviews (yep, it’s spelled right!)

Part 6 - Creating Group Coaching Programs

Making money as a coach - part 1 

Part 1 - How to Create Successful Speaking Engagements, Memberships Programs, and Books

Part 2 - Successfully Launch Online Programs, Products, and Webinars

Part 3 - How to Host Live Events that Make Money and A Big Impact and Working With Affiliates

Making money as a coach - part 2

Part 1 - How to Create Your Successful Marketing Strategy

Part 2 - How to Create Your Million Dollar Marketing Framework

Part 3 - How to Create Your Signature Talk

Part 4 - Creating Powerful Content

Part 5 - Cornerstone Content and Creating a Content Calendar

Part 6 - Your 6-Step Business Building Blueprint Wrap Up

Million dollar marketing

class 4

class 5

class 6

6-Steps to 6-Figures (or More) Business Building Blueprint Curriculum:

DFY 100+ Profitable Coaching Niches Guide

DFY 37 Out-of-the Box Places to Find High-Paying Clients Guide

DFY 100 Social Media Prompts to Grow An Audience of Paying Clients

DFY 21 Places to Find Clients and Make Money Without Social Media

DFY Profitable Coach Website Templates and Training

DFY Profitable Coach Sales Page Template

DFY Opt-In Free Gift to Grow An Email List of Paying Clients

DFY Email Funnel That Sells Your Coaching With Ease

DFY High-Converting Sample Sessions that Sell Script

DFY Pricing Guide from “Just Starting” to “Highly Experienced” Coach

DFY Legal Client Contract

DFY List of Recommended Resources to Manage and Market Your Business with Ease

every single step to get paying clients With done-for-you plug and play templates

From website templates and social media prompts to how to find your niche and pricing your services, we’ve got you covered!

You'll learn exactly how to set up, attract eager clients, and hit the ground running, securing a six-figure income in your very first year, all while saving time and money!

The Profitable Health Coach Business In A Box contains everything you need to create a successful business effortlessly.



Value $9,997

Bestselling Author, Creator and Host of the #1 iTunes Health Podcast: The Model Health Show

Shawn Stevenson

4x NYT Best-Selling Author

Class: Supporting Clients with an Elimination Diet – 7 Foods, 7 Pounds, 7 Days

JJ Virgin

Founder and CEO of WellnessMama.com & Co-Founder of Wellness

Class: Time Management & Systems - How to Build a Business You Love In Just a Few Hours a Day

Katie Wells

Life Coach for the Dr. Phil Show, 2x NYT Best-Selling Author, Founder of CAST Centers

Class: How to Be You, Only Better – Coaching Your Clients on Becoming Their Best Self (And Why It Matters)

Mike Bayer

JJ Virgin


“I strongly believe in ITN’s mission and the ability of the institute to train the next generation of coaches.”

founder, bulletproof


“ITN is changing the game! As soon as I saw their one of a kind approach to coaching and nutrition, I knew I HAD to be part of it!"

dr. kellyann petrucci

nyt bestselling author

Founder & CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, Best-Selling Author, Speaker & Business Consultant

Class: Multiply Your Income With High-Level Group Coaching and Masterminds

Bedros Keuilian

Harvard-Trained Psychiatrist and Brain Researcher, Neuroscientist, Best-Selling Author

Srini Pillay

NYT Best-Selling Author, Brain Coach, Host of Kwik Brain Podcast

Jim Kwik

Robin Nielsen

Integrative Clinical Nutritionist, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition, & Women's Health & Hormone Expert

Class: Food, Sleep, and Passion – 3 Secrets to Fabulous Hormone Balancing and Vibrant Aging

Naturopathic Physician & NYT Best-Selling Author  The Thyroid Reset Diet

Classes: How to Improve Thyroid Health Through Iodine Regulation // Practical Steps, Food, Movement, and Powerful Lifestyle Practices That Improve Adrenal Health

JJ Virgin

Dr. Alan Christianson


“I strongly believe in ITN’s mission and the ability of the institute to train the next generation of coaches.”

founder, bulletproof


“ITN is changing the game! As soon as I saw their one of a kind approach to coaching and nutrition, I knew I HAD to be part of it!"

dr. kellyann petrucci

nyt bestselling author

NYT Best-selling Author, 2x Host for PBS Specials, Media Personality

Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, M.S., N.D

Dr. Tom O’Bryan

Founder of theDr.com, Author, and Creator of the Documentary Betrayal: The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You
Classes: Advanced Autoimmune Training to Get Your Clients Results // Gluten, Thyroid Disease, and Their Health Connection

Dr. Terry Wahls

Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Iowa & Author of The Wahls Protocol

Class: The Wahls Protocol – How to Use It to Address Autoimmune Diseases

JJ Virgin


“I strongly believe in ITN’s mission and the ability of the institute to train the next generation of coaches.”

founder, bulletproof


“ITN is changing the game! As soon as I saw their one of a kind approach to coaching and nutrition, I knew I HAD to be part of it!"

dr. kellyann petrucci

nyt bestselling author

Selena Soo

Publicity & Marketing Strategist & Creator of Impacting Millions

Dr. Brian Mowll 

Founder & Medical Director of SweetLife® Diabetes Health Centers

Class: The Blood Sugar Blueprint – A Proven Plan for Balancing Blood Sugar 

Dr. Mark Atkinson

Founder of the Human Potential Institute & Creator of Human Potential Coaching 

Dr. Mike Dow, Psy.D

Sought-After Psychotherapist & NYT bestselling author 

Class: How to Fix Brain Fog 

JJ Virgin


“I strongly believe in ITN’s mission and the ability of the institute to train the next generation of coaches.”

founder, bulletproof


“ITN is changing the game! As soon as I saw their one of a kind approach to coaching and nutrition, I knew I HAD to be part of it!"

dr. kellyann petrucci

nyt bestselling author

Gina DeVee

Leading Women's Empowerment Coach and Best-selling Author 

Classes: Understanding Coaching Basics // Transforming Limiting Beliefs // Creating Wealth Consciousness and The Life You Desire to Live // Designing A Successful Health Coaching Business

Jay Ferruggia

World Renowned Strength & Conditioning Specialist & Muscle-Building Expert

Class: How To Leverage Your Social Skills to Land Clients (Even If You're An Introvert)

Former Olympian, Performance Coach to Olympic Athletes & Founder of the Champions Blueprint

Dr. Jeff Spencer

Natalie Ledwell

Co-Founder of Mind Movies & Host of The Inspiration Show & WakeUp! 

Class: 5 Steps To A Success Mindset

JJ Virgin


“I strongly believe in ITN’s mission and the ability of the institute to train the next generation of coaches.”

founder, bulletproof


“ITN is changing the game! As soon as I saw their one of a kind approach to coaching and nutrition, I knew I HAD to be part of it!"

dr. kellyann petrucci

nyt bestselling author

Zak Garcia

Former CMO, Bulletproof Coffee, Sought-After Marketing & Leadership Strategist

Dr. Susan Albers, Psy.D

Clinical Psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic & NYT Best-Selling Author of Eat Q: Unlock the Weight-Loss Power of Emotional Intelligence 

Class: EatQ – Unlock The Weight-Loss Power of Emotional Intelligence

Bo Eason

Former NFL All-Pro, Actor, Playwright, Motivational Speaker, Leadership Trainer, and Best-selling Author 

Class: How to Attract Clients by Mastering Your Personal Story

Jennnifer Hudye

Messaging Expert, Marketing Strategist. & Founder & CEO of Conscious Copy & Co.

Class: How to Write Copy that Connects and Converts So You Can Attract More of Your Dream Clients

JJ Virgin


“I strongly believe in ITN’s mission and the ability of the institute to train the next generation of coaches.”

founder, bulletproof


“ITN is changing the game! As soon as I saw their one of a kind approach to coaching and nutrition, I knew I HAD to be part of it!"

dr. kellyann petrucci

nyt bestselling author

Lisa Sasevich

Founder & CEO of The Invisible Close, Queen of Sales Conversions, Business Coach, & Author of Meant For More

Classes: Meant For More – How to Tell Your Story to Serve Others and Make a Great Living // How to Boost Sales Using Irresistible Offers

CJ Quinney Jr

Motivational Speaker & Co-Host of the Podcast The Secret to Success

Class: Building a Brand that Actually Connects and Converts

Engine at Entrepreneurs on Fire, Host of the Podcast Ditch Busy & Co-Author of The Podcast Journal

Class: Time Management - The Secret to Running Your Business on Autopilot

Kate Erickson

Marisa Murgatroyd

Founder of Live Your Message & the Creator of the Experience Product Masterclass

Class: How to Create a Website that Gets Clients

JJ Virgin


“I strongly believe in ITN’s mission and the ability of the institute to train the next generation of coaches.”

founder, bulletproof


“ITN is changing the game! As soon as I saw their one of a kind approach to coaching and nutrition, I knew I HAD to be part of it!"

dr. kellyann petrucci

nyt bestselling author

Jaime Masters

Host of Eventual Millionaire Podcast, Business Coach, Best-Selling Author, & Professional Speaker

Class: Relationships and Masterminds Essential to Becoming a Millionaire

Natalie Jill

Founder of Natalie Jill Fitness, Best-Selling Author, Brand & Personal Development Strategist
Class: Best Kept Secrets to Creating a Booming Social Media Presence (And a Thriving Business)

Erin Matlock

Founder of Brain Summit, Artist, Author, and Consulting Strategist in Brain Health

Class: Mental Health and Successful Group Coaching

Dr. Kim Millman, M.D.

Stanford-trained MD, board certified in internal medicine, with a PhD in infectious disease epidemiology & Owner of the Millman Clinic

Class: Know Your Nutrition Failure Points to Get Your Clients Real Results

JJ Virgin


“I strongly believe in ITN’s mission and the ability of the institute to train the next generation of coaches.”

founder, bulletproof


“ITN is changing the game! As soon as I saw their one of a kind approach to coaching and nutrition, I knew I HAD to be part of it!"

dr. kellyann petrucci

nyt bestselling author

Dr. Anna Cabeca, OB-GYN

Triple Board Certified OB-GYN & Author of 2 best-selling books, board certified in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine

Class: The Cutting-Edge Hormone Protocols that Mainstream Doctors Aren’t Talking About and How They Can End Fatigue and Weight Gain

Producer of the Tapping Solution & NYT Best-Selling Author

Class: The Tapping Solution For Weight Loss, Freedom From Food, and Body Confidence

Jessica Ortner

Diane Sanfilippo

 CEO of Balanced Bites, Certified Nutrition Consultant, & 3x NYT Best-Selling Author

Class: How to Regulate Blood Sugar Levels Naturally With Simple Shifts

Dr. Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS

Founder of Ancient Nutrition & 6x Best-Selling Author

Class: How to Optimize Digestive Health, Including Healing The Gall Bladder and Finally Detoxing Properly

JJ Virgin


“I strongly believe in ITN’s mission and the ability of the institute to train the next generation of coaches.”

founder, bulletproof


“ITN is changing the game! As soon as I saw their one of a kind approach to coaching and nutrition, I knew I HAD to be part of it!"

dr. kellyann petrucci

nyt bestselling author

Tricia Greaves

Founder of Heal Your Hunger & Emotional Eating Expert 

Class: How to Heal The Underlying Causes of Food Addiction

Sean Croxton

Podcast Host of the Quote of the Day Show, Money Mindset Teacher, Creator of Money Mind Academy, Founder of Simple Clear Marketing

Class: How to Bust Through Myths and Finally Discover the Truth About Health and Transformation

Dr. Sara Gottfried, M.D

Harvard Medical School and MIT trained MD, 2x NYT Best-Selling Author

Class: The Hormone Cure – Reclaim Balance, Sleep, Sex Drive, and Vitality Naturally With The Gottfried Protocol

Kevin Gianni

CEO and Co-Founder of Annmarie Skin Care

Class: How to Have the Biggest Health Impact With the Smallest Amount of Time and Money

JJ Virgin


“I strongly believe in ITN’s mission and the ability of the institute to train the next generation of coaches.”

founder, bulletproof


“ITN is changing the game! As soon as I saw their one of a kind approach to coaching and nutrition, I knew I HAD to be part of it!"

dr. kellyann petrucci

nyt bestselling author

Nick Polizzi 

Founder of The Sacred Science and Film Director

Class: How The Sacred Science of Plants Could Change Our Health and Vitality for Good

Jonathan Bailor

Founder of Wellness Engineering & CEO of SANE Solution & NYT Best-Selling Author of The Calorie Myth

Class: The Calorie Myth and How Knowing the Truth Can Heal Your Body and Life

Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, DC.

2x Best-Selling Author of Chicken Soup for the Chiropractic Soul & Host of the Radio Show, Self-Healing with Dr. Fab

Class: The Power of Self-Healing – The Food, The Exercise, and The Lifestyle Made Simple

Get ready to become a certified health coach by learning from the very best in the business.

In addition to our founder, Cynthia Garcia, teaching cutting-edge coaching techniques and business-building tools, these leading experts are committed to setting you up for success by revealing their exact protocols, systems, business strategies, and most importantly, the truth about what really works behind-the-scenes to get lasting results.

More Than 40+ Classes from Industry & Medical Experts



Learning the science, psychology, and spirituality surrounding nutrition coaching is only the beginning. Helping your clients apply this information in their lives is where you make your living.

You will get our entire turnkey 90-Day Coaching Program designed to help you coach clients and make money without the hassle of creating your own program! It includes:

  • A 12 Week Coach Guide (For you)
  • A 12 Week Client Workbook (For your client)
  • Customizable Meal Plans to Support Your Clients
  • Supplement Information For Additional Support
  • And so much more…

You’ll never worry about what to say or do with a client ever again!

90 Day Done-For-You Transformational Nutrition Coaching Method Program

The Transformational Nutrition Coaching Method is a 12-week program designed to help your clients transform their health - physically, mentally, and spiritually. You'll receive a Coach Guide with step-by-step session plans and a Client Workbook with done-for-you worksheets and guides.

Coach Guide


Welcome and Pre-Cleanse

In this session, you will help your client discover the unmatched power of Transformational Nutrition Coaching and support them in laying the foundation for rebuilding optimal health - physically, mentally, and spiritually.

coaching session 01:

The Transformational Nutrition Cleanse

Discover the power of the Transformational Nutrition 10-Day Reset Cleanse using the tools provided including daily journals, meal plans, and more to achieve overall nutritional balance, energy, and well-being.

coaching session 02:

The Transformational Nutrition Plate, Hormones, & Hunger Cues

In this session, you will help your client discover the unmatched power of Transformational Nutrition Coaching and support them in laying the foundation for rebuilding optimal health - physically, mentally, and spiritually.

coaching session 03:

Transforming Your Digestive Health

In this session you will explore digestive health with your client. You’ll discuss any symptoms they might have and help them understand how to maintain good digestive health with simple – yet powerful - shifts.

coaching session 04:

The Psychology of Food & Emotional Eating

In this session, you will support your client in understanding the psychology of food and emotional eating and why this is so important to reaching their goals. Enhance your well-being with balanced lifestyle changes.

coaching session 05:

Transform your Physical Environment: Lifestyle

In this session, you will focus on toxins, lifestyle factors, and their physical environment itself, including the potential for hormone disruptors. Discover strategies that enhance vitality and well-being.

coaching session 06:

Transform your Mental Environment: Mental Health

In this session, you'll explore what your client is feeding themselves mentally and the impact it has on their overall health, mood, eating habits, lifestyle habits, and more. You’ll learn natural strategies to manage and overcome anxiety and other mental health concerns.

coaching session 07:

Transform your Spiritual Environment: Relationships

Explore the spirituality pillar of Transformational Nutrition and the importance of relationships and deep connections to your overall health. Regain energy and health through holistic management of spiritual hungers.

coaching session 08:

Transform your Physical Environment: Sleep & Rest 

In this session, you’ll empower yourself with tools to combat low energy, brain fog, and exhaustion naturally. Learn how to target low mood, cognitive function, weight management, and overall well-being.

coaching session 09:

Transform your Mental Environment: Boundaries & Stress

Empower yourself with the knowledge and skills to effectively set boundaries and manage stress, leading to improved mental, spiritual, and physical health. Explore relaxation techniques, personalized nutrition, lifestyle adjustments, and mindfulness practices. 

coaching session 10:

Transform your Spiritual Environment: Toxic Relationships

In this session, you’ll define and identify toxic relationships empower yourself with the tools to set boundaries and lifestyle changes to attract loving, healthy relationships that lead to optimal health.

coaching session 11:

Closing Session
Unlock The Secrets To A Longer, Healthier Life

In this session you'll work with your client to review everything you've covered in this program and the progress they've made. You'll work with them to co-create a plan for moving forward that includes a strong support system. You’ll also explore possibilities of working together in the future and unlock the secrets to a longer, healthier life.

coaching session 12:

Use Our Pre-Made Program To Start Coaching Clients, Getting Them Results, and Making $10,000 - $20,000 a Month Working Just 10 Hours A Week

The success of our graduates is partially due to the fool-proof, plug-and-play coaching program Cynthia developed after years of struggling to get herself and her clients results.

The 90 Day Done-For-You Transformational Nutrition Coaching Method Program is a turn-key solution with weekly curriculum that gives you all the tools and knowledge you need to help your clients solve their health issues fast and naturally.

You’ll tailor the program to your client’s needs with ease and confidence!

One group of 20 students a month at $500 each = $10,000
One group of 10 students a month at $1,000 each = $10,000
One group of 30 students a month at $500 each = $15,000
One group of 20 students a month at $1,000 each = $20,000

It couldn’t be more simple or enjoyable to make a difference while making a great income!

When you use this program to coach groups, the math is simple:

Value $10,000


The most premium, cutting-edge nutrition certification available

Get your own personal coach For Guidance

Live coaching labs To Leave You Confident

Become a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBHWC)

You’ll receive a premium education that is modern, cutting-edge and backed by science so that you feel confident in your knowledge and abilities as a coach. As a CTNC graduate you will be seen as more credible and stand out in the coaching industry. 

When it comes to your health and career, don’t settle for imitations. 

To us you are more than just a number. We invest in your success and provide you with three 1:1 coaching session to use when you need them while going through the course. 

There are no other courses that offer the same level of personalized support. 

You will learn to master all of the key skills you need to coach confidently and create raving fans out of your clients. We will train you on a number of coaching modalities, prepare you with real-life practice, and help you avoid the most common coaching mistakes.

You’ll experience open/freestyle coaching labs, coaching Q&A labs, and breakout coaching labs where you will practice your coaching skills in small groups and see expert coaching demonstrations with explanations and "play-by-play" breakdowns.

When you’re finished, you’ll be qualified to sit for the NBHWC board exam
(No additional courses needed) 

As part of the course you also get an extensive NBHWC Prep Course and Study Guide to help you feel confident and ready to pass the board exam.

Become “Highly Qualified” Instead Of “Newly Qualified” With The Most Premium & Cutting Edge Nutrition Coach Certification Available 

When it comes to your career, don’t settle for quick certifications that toss hundreds of people on calls, lack real experience in the coaching field, and don’t prepare you for creating a lucrative business in the modern world. 

As a CTNC graduate, you will be seen as more credible and stand out in the coaching industry with our certification, which is modern, holistic, and backed by sciences, so you feel confident in your knowledge and abilities as a coach. 

$297 Value

$2,497 Value

Bestselling Author, Creator and Host of the #1 iTunes Health Podcast: The Model Health Show

Shawn Stevenson

4x NYT Best-Selling Author

Class: Supporting Clients with an Elimination Diet – 7 Foods, 7 Pounds, 7 Days

JJ Virgin

Founder and CEO of WellnessMama.com & Co-Founder of Wellness

Class: Time Management & Systems - How to Build a Business You Love In Just a Few Hours a Day

Katie Wells

Creator of Bulletproof Coffee & 3x NYT bestselling author

Class: The Bulletproof Solution to Reducing the Risk of (And Getting Rid Of) Diabetes

Dave Asprey

The Most Extensive Library Of Expert Trainings!

Founder & CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, Best-Selling Author, Speaker & Business Consultant

Class: Multiply Your Income With High-Level Group Coaching and Masterminds

Bedros Keuilian

Life Coach for the Dr. Phil Show, 2x NYT Best-Selling Author, Founder of CAST Centers

Class: How to Be You, Only Better – Coaching Your Clients on Becoming Their Best Self (And Why It Matters)

Mike Bayer

Harvard-Trained Psychiatrist and Brain Researcher, Neuroscientist, Best-Selling Author

Srini Pillay

NYT Best-Selling Author, Brain Coach, Host of Kwik Brain Podcast

Jim Kwik

The Most Extensive Library Of Expert Trainings!

NYT Best-selling Author, 2x Host for PBS Specials, Media Personality

Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, M.S., N.D

Naturopathic Physician & NYT Best-Selling Author 
The Thyroid Reset Diet

Classes: How to Improve Thyroid Health Through Iodine Regulation // Practical Steps, Food, Movement, and Powerful Lifestyle Practices That Improve Adrenal Health

Dr. Alan Christianson

Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Iowa & Author of The Wahls Protocol

Class: The Wahls Protocol – How to Use It to Address Autoimmune Diseases

Dr. Terry Wahls

Founder of theDr.com, Author, and Creator of the Documentary Betrayal: The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You
Classes: Advanced Autoimmune Training to Get Your Clients Results // Gluten, Thyroid Disease, and Their Health Connection

Dr. Tom O’Bryan

The Most Extensive Library Of Expert Trainings!

Founder & Medical Director of SweetLife® Diabetes Health Centers

Class: The Blood Sugar Blueprint – A Proven Plan for Balancing Blood Sugar 

Dr. Brian Mowll

Publicity & Marketing Strategist & Creator of Impacting Millions

Selena Soo

Sought-After Psychotherapist & NYT bestselling author 

Class: How to Fix Brain Fog 

Dr. Mike Dow, Psy.D

Founder of the Human Potential Institute & Creator of Human Potential Coaching 

Dr. Mark Atkinson

The Most Extensive Library Of Expert Trainings!

World Renowned Strength & Conditioning Specialist & Muscle-Building Expert

Class: How To Leverage Your Social Skills to Land Clients (Even If You're An Introvert)

Jay Ferruggia

Leading Women's Empowerment Coach and Best-selling Author 

Classes: Understanding Coaching Basics // Transforming Limiting Beliefs // Creating Wealth Consciousness and The Life You Desire to Live // Designing A Successful Health Coaching Business

Gina DeVee

Co-Founder of Mind Movies & Host of The Inspiration Show & WakeUp! 

Class: 5 Steps To A Success Mindset

Natalie Ledwell

Former Olympian, Performance Coach to Olympic Athletes & Founder of the Champions Blueprint

Dr. Jeff Spencer

The Most Extensive Library Of Expert Trainings!

Clinical Psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic & NYT Best-Selling Author of Eat Q: Unlock the Weight-Loss Power of Emotional Intelligence 

Class: EatQ – Unlock The Weight-Loss Power of Emotional Intelligenc

Dr. Susan Albers, Psy.D

Former CMO, Bulletproof Coffee, Sought-After Marketing & Leadership Strategist

Zak Garcia

Messaging Expert, Marketing Strategist. & Founder & CEO of Conscious Copy & Co.

Class: How to Write Copy that Connects and Converts So You Can Attract More of Your Dream Clients

Jennifer Hudye

Former NFL All-Pro, Actor, Playwright, Motivational Speaker, Leadership Trainer, and Best-selling Author 

Class: How to Attract Clients by Mastering Your Personal Story

Bo Eason

The Most Extensive Library Of Expert Trainings!

Motivational Speaker & Co-Host of the Podcast The Secret to Success

Class: Building a Brand that Actually Connects and Converts

CJ Quinney Jr

Founder & CEO of The Invisible Close, Queen of Sales Conversions, Business Coach, & Author of Meant For More

Classes: Meant For More – How to Tell Your Story to Serve Others and Make a Great Living // How to Boost Sales Using Irresistible Offers

Lisa Sasevich

Founder of Live Your Message & the Creator of the Experience Product Masterclass

Class: How to Create a Website that Gets Clients

Marisa Murgatroyd

Engine at Entrepreneurs on Fire, Host of the Podcast Ditch Busy & Co-Author of The Podcast Journal

Class: Time Management - The Secret to Running Your Business on Autopilot

Kate Erickson

The Most Extensive Library Of Expert Trainings!

Founder of Natalie Jill Fitness, Best-Selling Author, Brand & Personal Development Strategist
Class: Best Kept Secrets to Creating a Booming Social Media Presence (And a Thriving Business)

Natalie Jill

Host of Eventual Millionaire Podcast, Business Coach, Best-Selling Author, & Professional Speaker

Class: Relationships and Masterminds Essential to Becoming a Millionaire

Jaime Masters

Stanford-trained MD, board certified in internal medicine, with a PhD in infectious disease epidemiology & Owner of the Millman Clinic

Class: Know Your Nutrition Failure Points to Get Your Clients Real Results

Dr. Kim Millman, M.D

Founder of Brain Summit, Artist, Author, and Consulting Strategist in Brain Health

Class: Mental Health and Successful Group Coaching

Erin Matlock

The Most Extensive Library Of Expert Trainings!

CEO of Balanced Bites, Certified Nutrition Consultant, & 3x NYT Best-Selling Author

Class: How to Regulate Blood Sugar Levels Naturally With Simple Shifts

Diane Sanfilippo

Triple Board Certified OB-GYN & Author of 2 best-selling books, board certified in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine

Class: The Cutting-Edge Hormone Protocols that Mainstream Doctors Aren’t Talking About and How They Can End Fatigue and Weight Gain

Dr. Anna Cabeca, OB-GYN

Founder of Ancient Nutrition & 6x Best-Selling Author

Class: How to Optimize Digestive Health, Including Healing The Gall Bladder and Finally Detoxing Properly

Dr. Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS

Producer of the Tapping Solution & NYT Best-Selling Author

Class: The Tapping Solution For Weight Loss, Freedom From Food, and Body Confidence

Jessica Ortner

The Most Extensive Library Of Expert Trainings!

Podcast Host of the Quote of the Day Show, Money Mindset Teacher, Creator of Money Mind Academy, Founder of Simple Clear Marketing

Class: How to Bust Through Myths and Finally Discover the Truth About Health and Transformation

Sean Croxton

Founder of Heal Your Hunger & Emotional Eating Expert 

Class: How to Heal The Underlying Causes of Food Addiction

Tricia Greaves

CEO and Co-Founder of Annmarie Skin Care

Class: How to Have the Biggest Health Impact With the Smallest Amount of Time and Money

Kevin Gianni

Harvard Medical School and MIT trained MD, 2x NYT Best-Selling Author

Class: The Hormone Cure – Reclaim Balance, Sleep, Sex Drive, and Vitality Naturally With The Gottfried Protocol

Dr. Sara Gottfried, M.D

The Most Extensive Library Of Expert Trainings!

Founder of The Sacred Science and Film Director

Class: How The Sacred Science of Plants Could Change Our Health and Vitality for Good

Nick Polizzi

Integrative Clinical Nutritionist, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition, & Women's Health & Hormone Expert

Class: Food, Sleep, and Passion – 3 Secrets to Fabulous Hormone Balancing and Vibrant Aging

Robin Nielsen

2x Best-Selling Author of Chicken Soup for the Chiropractic Soul & Host of the Radio Show, Self-Healing with Dr. Fab

Class: The Power of Self-Healing – The Food, The Exercise, and The Lifestyle Made Simple

Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, DC.

Founder of Wellness Engineering & CEO of SANE Solution & NYT Best-Selling Author of The Calorie Myth

Class: The Calorie Myth and How Knowing the Truth Can Heal Your Body and Life

Jonathan Bailor

The Most Extensive Library Of Expert Trainings!

More Than 40+ Classes from Industry & Medical Experts

Get ready to become a certified health coach by learning from the very best in the business.

In addition to our founder, Cynthia Garcia, teaching cutting-edge coaching techniques and business-building tools, these leading experts are committed to setting you up for success by revealing their exact protocols, systems, business strategies, and most importantly, the truth about what really works behind-the-scenes to get lasting results.

plus, learn from the best

Thousands of students who have gone through ITN have said the Coaching training alone was worth $15,000+ because it fast-tracked their business. 

When you enroll in ITN, you’re getting my 20 years of hands-on coaching experience sorting through the science, building a multi-million dollar empire, and then turning it all into a step-by-step process that ANYONE can use to become a successful health and nutrition coach. 

My work – the exact same content that’s taught in this course – has received the highest praise by the world’s top thought leaders.

And that’s what you have available to you right now. You can’t find this complete education anywhere else.

And you certainly don’t want to spend the time, money, energy, and effort to try to piece it together on your own.

And here’s the best part: you don’t have to pay $15,000. 

I created a fool-proof coaching model, along with the templates, guides, and resources to make it a no-brainer to get your clients results and grow a wildly successful business.

When you enroll in ITN, you’re getting my 20 years of hands-on coaching experience sorting through the science, building a multi-million dollar empire, and then turning it all into a step-by-step process that ANYONE can use to become a successful health and nutrition coach. 

My work – the exact same content that’s taught in this course – has received the highest praise by the world’s top thought leaders.

And that’s what you have available to you right now. You can’t find this complete education anywhere else.

And you certainly don’t want to spend the time, money, energy, and effort to try to piece it together on your own.

get started today!


select the plan that's best for you:

enroll now

Want additional financing options?
Click here to book a call with our support team.


 only $5,997

enroll now



most flexible

most popular

As low as


0% apr financing for up to 24 months!

"I have a double-digit income from this, but we’re still growing! We’re really only about a year in, so we’re just at the infancy stages of our career."

eric hall

Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach

But perhaps you still have some doubts about whether THIS program is the right one for you. I get it., Maybe you're thinking…“This sounds too good to be true! Is this really what I need?” 

Well.. it’s simple. Try it. Check it out. 

Take a full 5 days to review all of the resources you have access to for LIFE, and discover all the personalized help you will receive within the first several months. 

If, for any reason, you don’t feel like this was worth the investment, simply let us know, and we’ll gladly refund your entire investment. 


No Risk Money Back Guarantee 

The fact that you’re reading this section likely means you already know ITN will help you become a certified health coach has more than just the qualifications but is able to build a profitable and sustainable business. 

And guess what… We have more for you. 

  • 10 Clients, 90 Days, 0 Guesswork Workshop - This exciting workshop ensures you walk away with clarity on who you coach, what topic/niche you coach them on, and how you can stand out as a highly-profitable coach! 

  • DFY Sales Email Series - This 3-part email series provides word-for-word what to say to have clients ready to sign up AND pay your rates without question!

  • DFY Sales Script - A step-by-step script that converts 0ver 90% of your “free coaching sessions” into paying clients!

  • DFY Coaching Agreement - Save time and money by letting your client sign on the dotted line and get started right away!

Your First 10 Clients Fast Track Course 

This exciting training was designed to get you clients FAST with no guesswork!

Here's what we've done for you.... 

course 1:

$497 Value

Unlock 3 Free Bonuses When You Enroll Today 

Make More By Working Less 

One of the biggest concerns with building a business that allows you to have more free time to do the things you love is TIME!
“I don’t have enough time” is such a common phrase among life coaches and this powerful course is here to put a stop to that!
It's the same course Cynthia personally uses to run multiple 7 and 8-figure businesses, live in two cities, and have time for self care - all without overwhelm.

course 2:

the ultimate time management course

$697 Value

Be Professional On Video (Without The Expense) 

course 3:

a step-by-step checklist

$197 Value

We’ve put together a guide that includes everything you need to be set up for success including lighting recommendations, a list of equipment we use personally to help you feel confident and camera ready anytime, anywhere!

what you'll get when you enroll today...

Here’s A Breakdown Of Everything You Get When You Join The Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) Program Today

  • The Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) Program

  • 90 Day Done-For-You Transformational Nutrition Coaching Method Program 

  • 6-Steps to 6-Figures (or More) Business Building Blueprint 

  • Profitable Health Coach Business In A Box Program

  • Weekly Live Coaching Labs 

  • Monthly Live Business Coaching Labs 

  • Your Own Personal Coach and Mentor 

  • A Supportive, Empowering Community 

  • Bonus Trainings, Workshops, And Master Classes 

  • NBHWC Board Exam Prep Course:

  • Plus… so much more!

Enjoy this carefully crafted, time-tested, and result-oriented curriculum designed to help you feel confident, be credible, and build a fulfilling and high-paid career helping people feel better again. This program includes the Science, Psychology, and Spirituality of Nutrition, and cutting-edge Coach Training.

Kickstart your business (and confidence) with this fully-developed course ready to use with your clients to get results without the stress of content creation! Every session,
every step, is laid out for you, so you’ll never have to worry about what to say to a client.

Generate a 6 or even 7-figure income helping others get their health and life back – no guesswork needed. This powerful blueprint is how I built my business from scratch to 6 figures in my first year of coaching. And now, our students do it too! We walk you through building your business, step-by-step. From your website and branding to marketing and sales, we make it easy!

Don't let the tech or marketing side of running a health coaching business hold you back. We'll provide you with everything you need to set up and run your business and marketing efficiently – all with no guesswork from you. From templates and done-for-you emails to marketing strategies, everything is included!

Enjoy interactive, live coaching sessions where you’ll see expert coaching skills demonstrated in real time. You’ll also dive deeper into coaching concepts and participate in hands-on group sessions so you can apply your learning, receive feedback, and build confidence fast.

Enjoy live, interactive Business Building Labs to get expert coaching and feedback on growing and scaling your business – without overwhelm, frustration, or confusion. Discover what’s working now and exactly to get clients and build a successful business with ease!

Our coaches have been where you are and they can help you to avoid the bumps in the road so you can set yourself up for success as a health coach and save time and money.

You get to network and make connections, collaborate, and stay up to date with the latest in health coaching practices and business building techniques with people who are just like you! Together we can grow faster - and have more fun doing it!

These powerful courses include our Work Less, Make More, Time Management Mastery Course, Be Professional On Camera (Without the Expense), a 90 Day Done-For-You Social Media Plan, and Master Classes taught by the world’s leading experts in health, and business.

We make it simple to pass your NBHWC Board Exam with our exciting prep course, exam study guide, and more – all designed to ensure your success.

  • The Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) Program

  • 90 Day Done-For-You Transformational Nutrition Coaching Method Program 

  • 6-Steps to 6-Figures (or More) Business Building Blueprint 

  • Profitable Health Coach Business In A Box Program

  • Weekly Live Coaching Labs 

  • Monthly Live Business Coaching Labs 

  • Your Own Personal Coach and Mentor 

  • A Supportive, Empowering Community 

  • Bonus Trainings, Workshops, And Master Classes 

  • NBHWC Board Exam Prep Course

  • Plus… so much more!

Enjoy this carefully crafted, time-tested, and result-oriented curriculum designed to help you feel confident, be credible, and build a fulfilling and high-paid career helping people feel better again. This program includes the Science, Psychology, and Spirituality of Nutrition, and cutting-edge Coach Training.

Kickstart your business (and confidence) with this fully-developed course ready to use with your clients to get results without the stress of content creation! Every session,
every step, is laid out for you, so you’ll never have to worry about what to say to a client.

Generate a 6 or even 7-figure income helping others get their health and life back – no guesswork needed. This powerful blueprint is how I built my business from scratch to 6 figures in my first year of coaching. And now, our students do it too! We walk you through building your business, step-by-step. From your website and branding to marketing and sales, we make it easy!

Don't let the tech or marketing side of running a health coaching business hold you back. We'll provide you with everything you need to set up and run your business and marketing efficiently – all with no guesswork from you. From templates and done-for-you emails to marketing strategies, everything is included!

Enjoy interactive, live coaching sessions where you’ll see expert coaching skills demonstrated in real time. You’ll also dive deeper into coaching concepts and participate in hands-on group sessions so you can apply your learning, receive feedback, and build confidence fast.

Enjoy live, interactive Business Building Labs to get expert coaching and feedback on growing and scaling your business – without overwhelm, frustration, or confusion. Discover what’s working now and exactly to get clients and build a successful business with ease!

Our coaches have been where you are and they can help you to avoid the bumps in the road so you can set yourself up for success as a health coach and save time and money.

You get to network and make connections, collaborate, and stay up to date with the latest in health coaching practices and business building techniques with people who are just like you! Together we can grow faster - and have more fun doing it!

These powerful courses include our Work Less, Make More, Time Management Mastery Course, Be Professional On Camera (Without the Expense), a 90 Day Done-For-You Social Media Plan, and Master Classes taught by the world’s leading experts in health, and business.

We make it simple to pass your NBHWC Board Exam with our exciting prep course, exam study guide, and more – all designed to ensure your success.


Total Value $58,176+

The Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) Program 

90 Day Done-For-You Transformational Nutrition Coaching Program

6-Steps to 6-Figures (or More) Business Building Blueprint 

Profitable Health Coach Business In A Box Program 

Weekly Live Coaching Labs 

Monthly Live Business Coaching Labs 

Your Own Personal Coach and Mentor 

Bonus Trainings, Workshops, And Masterclasses

A Supportive, Empowering Community 

$15,000 Value

$10,000 Value

$3,997 Value

$9,997 Value

$5,000 Value

$5,000 Value

$2,497 Value

$4,997 Value


But that's not what you'll pay. Not even close.

certification Program

Make More By Working Less Time Management Course

Be Professional On Video (Without The Expense) 

Your First 10 Clients Fast Track Course

NBHWC Board Exam Prep Course

$697 Value

$197 Value

$497 Value

$297 Value


$697 Value

$197 Value

$497 Value

$297 Value

$15,000 Value

$10,000 Value

$3,997 Value

$9,997 Value

$5,000 Value

$5,000 Value

$2,497 Value

$4,997 Value


get started today!


select the plan that's best for you:

enroll now

Want additional financing options?
Click here to book a call with our support team.


only $5,997

enroll now



most flexible

most popular

As low as


0% apr financing for up to 24 months!

"I was able to change my business to being a hundred percent nutrition coach. And that's already been a decade since I've been doing that."

maria mizzi

Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach

"I've already been able to acquire a career through ITN and I'm only 45% the way through. I'm going to be working now as a nutrition and health coach in a doctor's office here on St. Croix in the US Virgin Islands."

angela coursey

Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach



Be part of something bigger and help us change the world!

Enroll and get Instant access to your first lessons (100% online).

Set aside 4-8 hours a week to complete your lessons, enjoy live labs, and connect in the community!

Enjoy a life of freedom with a substantial income while having a meaningful impact!




Upon successful completion of the course and Certification Exam, you'll receive... 

  • A badge designating you as a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach that can be hosted on your website, signature, LinkedIn profile, and more. 

  • A digital, printable certificate suitable for framing.

  • Status, recognition, and credibility as a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC)

  • Lifetime alumni access to our private student community with continued updates and support.

get started today!


select the plan that's best for you:

enroll now

Want additional financing options?
Click here to book a call with our support team.


only $5,997

enroll now



most flexible

most popular

As low as


0% apr financing for up to 24 months!

"ITN has the world’s best coaching education here in one place, taught by the greatest teachers on the planet."


International Best-Selling Author, Host of The Model Health Show

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need any prior experience to become a Certified Health Coach? 

No, you do not need any prior experience or training to become a certified health coach with The Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) program.

Whether you are brand new to health, or you have been through your own health experience, we will equip you with the knowledge and skills to facilitate your own transformation as well as transform the lives of others. 

What support am I offered in the program? 

We pride ourselves on offering a high-level of support to our students to ensure their success as health coaches. When you enroll in The Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) program, you will be provided with:

Private 1:1 Coaching Sessions With a Personal Coach

Weekly live Coaching Labs:
  • Small group coaching labs where you'll learn to master all of the key skills you need to coach confidently and effectively. We will train you on a number of coaching modalities, prepare you with real-life practice, and help you avoid the most common coaching mistakes.

  • You’ll experience open/freestyle coaching labs, coaching Q&A labs, and breakout coaching labs where you will practice their coaching skills in small groups and see expert coaching demonstrations with explanations and "play-by-play" breakdowns.

Monthly Business Building Labs to get business coaching and personalized support with building your business. Plus, bonus business training from industry professionals.

We are always just an email or phone call away with a quick response time!

Are there live training sessions /if so how many and when?

YES! There are weekly live small-group sessions for CTNC students.

These live weekly trainings range from:
  • Open/freestyle coaching labs
  • Coaching Q&A Labs
  • Breakout coaching labs where you will practice their coaching skills in small groups and see expert coaching demonstrations with explanations and "play-by-play" breakdowns.
  • Student Led Training - Your fellow students (or you!) lead a special training around a variety of topics ranging from health to business
  • Expert Trainings from leading industry professionals 

If you are part of The Business Building Blueprint, you will also receive:
  • Monthly Business Building Labs - Get business coaching and personalized support with building your business. 
  • Expert Training from Industry Professionals - Enjoy training on getting clients, making money as a coach, choosing your niche, and building your business with experts who have proven success track records.

If I can’t make the live trainings, will there be recordings I can watch? 

Yes we always record the live calls Coaching Labs and share the recording in your student portal.

What is the length of the program, and how much time is required each week to complete my certification? 

The CTNC program is designed to be completed in as little as 4 months, with two new lessons dropping each week. We give you 12 months to finish your certification.

We suggest blocking out 4-8 hours per week to dedicate to the course if you would like to complete your Certification in 4 months. We also have integration weeks built into the curriculum, which are break weeks which allow you time to catch up or implement what you have learned.

How fast can I get my certification? 

It takes as little as 4 months to complete your certification.

Lessons are released weekly which gives you time to go through the content and understand it. We hold a high standard of education for our graduates and we want to ensure no one rushes through the content without actually learning it. 

Does this certification qualify me to be a health coach in my state? 

As a CTNC graduate you are allowed to practice coaching in all states. There are rules and regulations that differ from state to state regarding what title you are allowed to use.

Nutritionist and Dietitian are protected titles in many states so we suggest staying away from those. Calling yourself a Certified Health Coach and practicing as a coach is not restricted by any state, provided you stay within your scope of practice, which is something we discuss extensively inside the course. 

What is the difference between the Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) program and the specialist certifications?

The CTNC program certifies you to become a health coach. It is our only health coaching certification and the only one that qualifies you to call yourself a Certified Health Coach and sit for the board exams. 

Our niche trainings are specialist certifications - they are shorter, more specialized trainings designed to supplement a health coaching certification. These specialist certifications allow you to specialize in the niche you’re passionate about, be seen as more credible, and charge higher rates. 

Book a Call

Schedule a time to speak with a member of our Support Team to get all your questions answered. 

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Make a massive impact helping people transform their health, bodies, and lives forever.

Create an income that doesn't require you to work long hours while

Do what you’re passionate about every single day! 

It is 100% possible to...

People are ready and waiting for you to share your passion for health.

Make a significant income on the side or launch a new career.

Learn in-depth concepts and techniques for holistic health coaching.

Be seen and respected.


Don’t forget that. It doesn’t matter how small you start, start now, and start something that matters.

You can make a difference in people’s lives 

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