ITN Scholarships

       Sergeant Zak Garcia Scholarship Fund

After separating from the military, many veterans feel that they’re missing the sense of purpose that being in the service provided.

For our veterans who want to continue to serve, we offer the Sergeant Zak Garcia Scholarship Fund.

With our Transformational Nutrition curriculum, veterans are able to step into a fulfilling career while feeling supported every step of the way.



The CARE Scholarship

We recognize the need for elevated voices and a more prominent presence of BIPOC in the health and wellness field. In recognition of this, ITN offers a BIPOC scholarship.

The Mission of the CARE Scholarship


C - Create

A - Amplify

R - Raise Awareness

E - Educate

Create access to health information and coaching for BIPOC leaders and communities.

Amplify the voices of BIPOC in the health and wellness field.

Raise awareness of structural inequality so we can be a part of the solution.

Educate BIPOC communities on the power of Transformational Nutrition which includes not just physical health but mental and spiritual health as well.

We pair this with a next-level education on powerful coaching skills and business building skills to set BIPOC coaches, and their clients, up for success.
