Psychology of Nutrition

Stop Caring What People Think and Unleash Your Creativity


When we’re born, we enter the world as these amazing little beings, full of possibility, imagination, and creativity.

If we want something, we cry, and people give it to us.

We’re encouraged to play make-believe and dream about what we want to be when we grow up. But as we start getting older, we begin hearing things like, “You’re too loud. Look at little Suzy. Little Suzy is just sitting there quietly. Be more like little Suzy.”

We start to hear the message that we are inherently flawed. And, we become conditioned to be, do, feel, and act a certain way, so we fit in with everyone else. So we’re not weird. So we conform and fall into line. This continues through grade school and beyond.

You get the degree, so you can get the job. Then you’re supposed to find the “one”, have the 2.5 kids, and the white picket fence.

We become so busy trying to be what “they,” say we should be that we forget who we are. We don’t remember the greatness and individuality that we have inside of us.


This attempt to be like everyone else, so people don’t think you’re “weird” or “different” has left you hungry.

It’s left you hungry for yourself — your True Self — not the self you pretend to be so you can fit in and gain approval from others. Our False Self will keep you hungry, unhappy, and unfulfilled as long as it’s around.


To let go of your False Self and tap into your innate creativity, it’s important to remember who you were before society, your parents, and your peers told you who you should be. When you do this and finally get to know your True Self, everything is possible.

Ram Dass said, “Only when I know who I am will I know what is possible.”

One of the easiest ways to discover who you are is to try new things — read books you wouldn’t typically read, watch movies you wouldn’t usually watch, learn to play a musical instrument, paint, draw, or write.

You can cut out pictures from magazines of things that inspire you or make you happy and create a vision board, or take yourself out for coffee, lunch, or dinner to try new foods.


You might have a preconceived notion that you don’t like something (even though you may have never actually tried it). But what if you were open to everything life has to offer?

Creativity often shows up in the most unexpected places.

When you find something you enjoy doing, then join groups of other people who enjoy them as well so you can learn to appreciate these things more!

Another great tip we can give you is to think about the things you enjoyed doing when you were young and carefree. What could you do for hours and be super happy?

Try giving that a whirl again and see if it’s still something that lights you up.


Discovering who you are at your core and what makes you happy is critical to living a life where you can feel genuinely inspired and free to unleash your creativity fully.

You have gifts that are beyond measure, and you are meant for greatness.

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