Spirituality of Nutrition

24 Questions to Find Your Purpose (Yes, Really!)

find your purpose

We know it’s easy to get wrapped up in the season and upcoming holidays this time of year. But these crisp fall nights are a perfect time to take a minute and focus on you.

We’re talking about your happiness and what REALLY matters to you.

You have meaning, a purpose, and gifts to share with the world. But you have to know what those things are before you can fulfill them.

The following questions will help you get crystal clear.


Find a quiet space where you feel safe, and you won’t be disturbed. Set aside at least an hour for this process. It might take longer, and it might take much less time but an hour is a great place to start.

Close your eyes and take five deep breaths in and out — breathing in through your nose, deep into your belly (not your chest), and releasing all the air in your lungs out through your mouth.


Open your eyes and work through these questions in the order they’re listed. Don’t overthink the answers. Just feel into your heart. Allow your feeling to flow and write down the first thing that comes up for you – even if you think it sounds odd or not like you at all. Get out of your head and into your heart. There is no limit to how much you can write.

Ready? Let’s do this…


1: What is your earliest memory from childhood and how does that memory make you feel?

2: When do you remember feeling the happiest in your childhood? Was there an event that led to experience this joy? Describe that in detail.

3: What three words would other people use to describe you?

4: What three words would you use to describe yourself?

5: What do you take a stand for?

6: What do you take a stand against?


7: If you could only do one thing for yourself — not anyone else — for the rest of your life, what would it be?

8: What is the most significant challenge you’ve overcome and what did you learn from it?

9: What accomplishment are you most proud of in your life?


10: What makes you feel happiness or joy with the friendships you have?

11: What makes you feel happiness or joy in your romantic relationship?

12: What makes you feel happiness or joy in your career?

13: What makes you feel sad or unfulfilled with the friendships you have?

14: What makes you feel sad or unfulfilled with your romantic relationship?

15: What makes you feel sad or unfulfilled with your career?


16: What is your biggest fear?

17: What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

18: What have you done in the past that is the most meaningful for you?

19: How do you feel about your parents?

20: What was the defining/pivotal moment in your life that forever changed you?

21: What do you believe is possible in your life?

22: What is the number one belief that keeps you stuck in your life and holds you back from getting what you want out of life?

23: If a magic genie granted you one wish, what would that request be and why?

24: What legacy do you want to leave behind? In other words, what do you want people to say about you when you’re gone?


How do you feel after working through these questions? Relieved? Surprised? Sad?

Sit with these feelings and just allow yourself to feel everything. Write down any important thoughts coming up for you.

It’s always fascinating when we discover the things about ourselves we had forgotten. Sometimes these things challenge us, and sometimes they inspire us. And, sometimes they shift everything in life.

Based on your answers, you will start to see some changes that you want to make. You will see what makes you happy as well as what isn’t serving you. Now, you have the opportunity to do things differently and live out your purpose.

These changes might seem overwhelming at first, but you can certainly ease yourself into them. Take things one at a time and baby step your way into the life you know you’re meant to live. Or, throw yourself in full force and take action! Only you will know the best way to move forward.

The important part is that you move.

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