Spirituality of Nutrition

3 Simple Steps To Let Go Of Fear Immediately

3 Simple Steps To Let Go Of Fear Immediately

Food was something that I both loved and hated.

It gave me comfort when I needed it, but it was also one of my biggest enemies. I ended up carrying an extra 25 pounds that I didn’t need as a result of it.

To be honest, I was scared of it. While I tried to fight against it, it would get the best of me.

But that’s what usually happens when we’re face-to-face with fear. We push it aside, run away from it, avoid it, or we let it get the best of us.

And when we dare to tackle our fear, we say things like, “I’m going to kick fear’s ass,” or, “I’m going to get over my fear once and for all!”

What I learned is that instead of kicking fear to the curb, you should face it and embrace it.


Fear is a part of who we are, and we can never get rid of it altogether. It’s always something that will come back.

The trick is to accept it instead of casting it out because that’s when fear starts to lose its power. If you’re wondering how to do that (and I know you’re curious), keep on reading!


1. Acknowledge it. Fear will happen to you at one point or another. There’s no escaping that fact no matter how hard you try.

Instead of trying to get rid of it or even avoiding it entirely, welcome it as if it were an old friend.

You’ve spent too long avoiding it and being in denial of it. The first step toward a truthful you is admitting you have a fear.

2. Embrace it. Think of fear as someone you haven’t talked to in a long time. Invite fear into your home and embrace it; make it feel loved.

Imagine how you would feel if somebody who’s been shunning you for years and acting like you didn’t exist all of a sudden said, “Welcome! I’m so glad you’ve come!”

Once you’ve gotten comfortable with your fear, talk it out. Fear always wants to talk about something, like the way you’ll look in that dress, or what people will think about you. Think about the worst thing that could happen, but don’t let that thought stay there.

3. Release it. Once you’ve thought through the worst-case scenarios, let fear go and thank it for teaching you a lesson. You can now look forward to the excitement of doing something, rather than focusing on the fear of it because you no longer have that fear.

Do this exercise anytime you’re scared to do something. Fear is a part of life, and I know you have what it takes to turn it into something positive and a unique part of you.


Now that you know how to accept your fear, tell us in the comments below what is ONE thing you’re scared of.

If this is the first time you’re saying your fear out loud, this is the perfect chance for you to try out this exercise!

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