Business Skills

How to Write a Powerful Brand Story

Crafting a Powerful Brand Story
  • Crafting your brand story does not need to be an enormous undertaking. 
  • Sharing your unique experiences with your audience can help build trust, credibility, and loyalty. 
  • It is important to create different variations of your story to share through different platforms. 
  • Tell your brand story often!

What even is a brand story… and why do you need one?

Essentially, a brand story is an explanation of who you are, what you stand for, how you got here, and how you can help your audience.

Crafting your brand story might seem like a big undertaking, but as a coach, it’s incredibly important to help you stand out and differentiate yourself from others in the industry.

Through your content on social media, your “about page” on your website, and through networking opportunities and conversations, you will share pieces of your story consistently to help people remember you, feel like they know you, and view you as a trustworthy resource in your area of expertise.

Jenna Kutcher is an entrepreneur and online marketing guru who has done an incredible job of sharing her brand story. Because she shares it frequently and in a variety of ways, many of us know it by heart!

Jenna took a $300 camera, built a successful photography business, and now runs a 7-figure empire while working from home as a small-town mama. This story of how her business and brand came to fruition and what her life looks like now allows us to not only understand her, but also relate to her. We can see parts of our own story in hers, and we feel a deeper connection to the work she does because of it.

As a modern-day coach, it’s essential that you continuously share your story of how you got to where you are. Your audience wants to know what your background is and what motivated you to do what you do!

We’ve all experienced our own version of transformation or overcome a hurdle that motivated us to take a leap of faith, whether it was related to a career or relationship change or something entirely different. By sharing your story with your audience, you will attract those who need your help in the unique way only you can provide.

How to write a powerful brand story

How do you get started writing your brand story? Do you start at the beginning or work your way back? It’s likely you have “side stories” of events and happenings that also occurred along the way — how do you work those in, too?

Simply follow this five-step guide. Within no time, you’ll have created a worthy brand story that your audience will love.

1. Free-write your entire story

This is always the first place to begin. It doesn’t matter how far back you go, but if you’re struggling to get started, begin when your interest was first piqued in health and nutrition. 

Did you receive a diagnosis that made you become aware of your habits? Perhaps it was a family member’s health that made you stop and think. Did you always have a passion for wellness? Don’t worry about how this all flows together quite yet, just allow your mind to wander and reflect.

The benefit of this first step is that your story is often not quite what it seems on the surface. It has more to do with the underlying lessons you learned and how these experiences shaped you into the person you are now. 

2. Write several versions of your story

The next step is to tailor your story to different audiences. Note, this doesn’t mean changing up details to make your brand story happier, sadder, or more successful! The goal should always be authenticity.

However, as you put your brand story into action, you will want a couple of different versions depending on where you will be telling the story.

For example, you’ll use your longest, most detailed version on the “About” page of your website. After that, use a more condensed version as a bio on your website or as an Instagram highlight to introduce yourself to people.

By writing multiple versions of your story, you will also become more comfortable sharing it. As people read or hear your background, you will be creating trust and forming a personal connection with your followers.

When you have a powerful story — including the good, bad, and hard parts — your audience will relate. Since no one’s life is perfect, and they’ll be able to see a reflection of their own lives in yours.

3. Edit your story to speak directly to your ideal clients

When writing your story, you want to act as though you are speaking directly to your ideal client. Include details about your own experience that they could be experiencing in their lives now.

Share how you have earned your credibility to be a coach, and put an emphasis on how you overcame your struggles so they know they can trust you to help them achieve this result, too.

You will also want to use language they understand — this means avoiding industry jargon. Emotions that they may be experiencing themselves at the moment they are reading your story.

4. Close your story with an impactful mission statement

A traditional story has a beginning, middle, and an end. But in the case of a brand story, the end is the present.

What do you offer your clients today? What are you on a mission to achieve as a brand and through your work? Which lessons have your own journey taught you, that you now want to share with others?

By including this in your brand story, you are communicating to the listener that you are available to support them.

5. Keep in mind that your story is not necessarily about you

As a potential client is reading your story, they will be getting to know you. However, they will also be looking for ways they can relate to you. We do this subconsciously for all stories we hear — we try to relate it back to our own lives.

If they can see parallels in your background to their own, they will resonate with you and want to get to know you on a deeper level.

This being said, you want to craft your story in a way that sets the stage and allows people to relate to you first before establishing yourself as a resource for them to achieve a similar transformation to your own.

Here’s what to take away…

Humans are naturally predisposed to crave and seek out a great story — something that makes them feel something. A powerful brand story provides just that. When written correctly, you can  communicate who you are, how you got here, and connect with your audience.

Your brand story is a way for potential clients to relate to you and to view you as someone who can help them achieve the transformation they ultimately desire.

To help you get started on writing your brand story, try these 7 Prompts To Help You Write An Authentic Story.



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