Psychology of Nutrition

8 Foolproof Ways Busy Women Get Rid of Stress

8 Foolproof Ways Busy Women Get Rid Of Stress

Karen jumped out of bed with her mind running through the extra-long to-do list she had for the day.

Not only did she have her usual list of juggling home, work, family, and friends, but she also needed to make sure her daughter made it to soccer practice on time tonight AND get her boss that budget report she’d been meaning to finalize.

Not to mention, she had a PTA meeting she needed to make it to and was in charge of carpool this week.

Stressed didn’t even begin to cover it. Her head was spinning, but she knew she needed to find a way to relax and ease her mind if she was ever going to accomplish all these things in a single day.

Relaxing and unwinding are critical for your health and happiness. It allows you to feel invigorated and productive and also helps you to better take care of the long list of items on your to-do list.

This list of 8 proven ways busy women get rid of stress will have you unwinding while staying on top of your schedule in no time.



Stuck in traffic? Don’t take this time to wrap up a meeting with a co-worker who is late on her deadline, take this time to rest.

Find just 60-seconds in your day, somewhere. And when you do, take your hand and place it over your belly.

Allow yourself to feel it go in and out. Now breathe in through your nose, hold your breath for 3 counts, and then slowly breathe out through your mouth. Continue this sequence for a full minute, and you’ll start to feel much more at ease.


The next time you feel your blood start to boil over a disagreement with your spouse or a misunderstanding with your co-worker, reach for a teakettle.

A warm cup of green tea will help to calm your bubbling nerves. As you sip your tea, release the thoughts from the previous conversation and focus on the warm tea as it fills your belly.

Green tea is also full of L-Theanine, which helps reduce the feeling of anger.


Feeling anxious and stressed out? Relief may be no further away than the faucet.

When you feel a spike in your stress or anxiety levels, take a few moments to dab cool water on each of your wrists and behind your ears.

This may sound simple, but these locations house major arteries within your body. So dropping cold water on these areas may help to calm down your entire body.

This gives you much-needed relief quickly so you can continue conquering your day.


Take a few moments over your lunch break to walk outside. You don’t have to break a sweat to enjoy the amazing results of connecting with nature.

Spending even 10 minutes outside provides your body with a quick dose of vitamin D and fresh air.

Did you know that sunlight deprivation can cause a condition known as SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder? When you are inside the majority of the time, you only receive 150 – 600 lux.

However, being outside can provide you with 100,000 lux! This can do great things for your mood. A little bit of time in nature can go a long way to reduce stress.


Carry a small notebook with you in your purse, car, or bag. When you feel frustration or stress creeping up on you, take out your notebook, and write it out.

Allow yourself about 3 minutes to really get it out, then fold the page in half and put your notebook away.

Writing out your frustration allows you to release the negative feelings, and folding the paper in half reminds you that those feelings are in the past.


When you hear a song that makes you feel energized, happy, hopeful, or even just bouncy, add it to your playlist. Fill this list with all kinds of music that makes you feel good.

When you’re feeling a bit frazzled or tense, listen to your Happiness Playlist and allow yourself to zone into the music for a little while.

You can even get lost in the music while you’re checking things off your to-do list.


Scent is an amazing thing. A smell alone has the ability to transport you to another place and time.

Some essential oil scents trigger relaxation responses within the body. Some of these scents include sandalwood, lavender, and tea tree. Sample different essential oil scents until you find one that helps you feel more relaxed.

Essential oils can be added to water and then diffused throughout your home. You can even carry a bottle with you for relaxation while you are on the go.


Long day at work? Relaxation may be no further away than your four-legged family members. Cuddling with your cat or dog releases chemicals within your body that help you relax and become happier.

Animals have an amazing way of boosting self-confidence and calming frayed nerves.


Stress can cause havoc in your life, causing you to miss out on some amazing things. Relaxation is attainable, worth it, and doesn’t take much time at all.

Invest in yourself, because you are worth it. Figure out which relaxation techniques work best for you and use them throughout your day. When your stress is kept under control, the world is a little bit brighter, and you are better prepared to swing and hit that next curveball that comes your way.

Which one of these techniques will you try this week? Share it in the comments!

And if you’re looking for more, check out this 5 Minute Morning Ritual That Can Transform Your Entire Day.

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