Coaching Skills

5 Exciting Opportunities For Master Certified Health Coaches

5 Exciting Opportunities For Master Certified Health Coaches

The field of health coaching continues to grow and expand. Numerous companies – from Fortune 500 companies to startups – are creating and expanding corporate wellness programs and employing health coaches, people with health struggles are turning to health coaches for guidance and support they don’t get from their doctors, and doctors are welcoming health coaches into their practices like never before.

As this demand continues, so does the demand for Health Coaches who are educated beyond habit change and nutrition basics. More and more people are seeking out Health Coaches who are truly master’s of their craft, have an in-depth understanding of all major systems of the body as well as the top health conditions that are plaguing our world, and know how to create personalized protocols that get results.

Enter Certified Transformational Nutrition Coaches (CTNC).

As a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach, you truly stand out. You will be educated in the next-level of nutrition and transformation resulting in more opportunities for you to get your message and your work out to the world.


Clients, companies, experts, and other healthcare practitioners will see that you are more credible and confident based on your dedication to an advanced education. This creates numerous opportunities for you including…

  1. Clients will experience amazing results and you will have referrals lining up for your programs! As a true expert, you will be able to command premium rates and increase your income rapidly.
  2. You can be the last stop for even the toughest oh health cases! Doctors and colleagues will be able to refer and collaborate on cases with you because you will have the time and the ability to address the root cause factors from a truly holistic perspective.
  3. You will be able to grow your business faster and more quickly with done-for-you protocols (that you won’t have to spend time researching!) available in the Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) program at ITN. More time for your clients means more income which allows you to get your work and your message out to the world in a much bigger way!
  4. You can land more speaking opportunities because you will be seen as a go-to expert in all areas of health. The body systems are all interconnected, and having an expert-level education in these systems means you will be much more credible and in demand.
  5. You can get media and press attention which means more income and more opportunities so you can finally have the thriving business of your dreams while sharing your gifts with the world and living a life that leaves you feeling fulfilled!


The bottom line is people are searching for specialists now more than ever so they can get to the root of their chronic health conditions. Becoming a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) from the Institute of Transformational Nutrition shows your clients that you are invested in seeing them through every phase of their transformation.

And since it’s Transformational Nutrition, you’ll have a full understanding of every facet of health and transformation including physical, emotional, and spiritual.

If you are interested in learning more about Transformational Nutrition, being more successful in your business, and getting your message out into the work in a bigger way so that you can truly make an impact, explore our Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (MCHC) program right now!

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