Coaching Skills

What You Should Know About Functional Nutrition For Master Certified Health Coaches

functional medicine

Functional nutrition is a system used to address health concerns based on the root cause, coaching tools, and therapeutic partnerships. It can be helpful when exploring root causes and supporting the client by demonstrating empathy and true concern for their challenges.


These are important components to working with clients and they’re just one part of the curriculum in the Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach program at ITN. We’ve taken the practice of functional nutrition combined with our even deeper exploration of health conditions and their causes with additional psychological and spiritual factors to creating a complete and holistic approach to health and healing. This approach is called Transformational Nutrition®.

Transformational Nutrition is the scientific study of human health and wellness on multiple levels including the biological, psychological, and spiritual areas of life. It was created to solve the problem of Health Coaches only looking at physical symptoms when attempting to help their clients restore their health and live a life they value.

A Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) is trained in addressing physical root causes, like those discussed in functional nutrition, as well as how to take their clients even further using the power of psychology and spirituality to create a lasting, permanent transformation.

What’s more, at ITN we teach you how to think outside the functional nutrition box using a unique proven framework that works for everyone, everywhere, no guesswork required.

Rather than using the same protocol for various conditions no matter who your client is, we show you how to personalize the protocol with ease, so every client feels uniquely heard, and invested in their own transformation. ITN shows you exactly how to work with your clients so they are left feeling empowered and supported every step of the way.

Our unique model, Transformational Nutrition, also addresses the difficult circumstances that can often come up in a traditional coaching model that doesn’t take into account the psychological factors such as past pain, trauma, or emotional triggers.

For example, if you give your client a meal plan without addressing these deeper factors, what do you think she will do when she feels lonely or disappointed after a hard day? She may choose to eat her feelings away and be ashamed to talk to her Health Coach about it unless you are uniquely trained to address these factors from the very beginning.

This goes beyond empathy and connection and deeper into a true understanding of what’s really ailing your client and why so you can create powerful plans for complete transformation.


As you can see, functional nutrition is a powerful tool in coaching; however, when combined with in-depth psychological and spiritual skills, you end up with a new science that’s completely life-changing.

If you are interested in learning more about the Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) program at ITN, being more successful in your business, and getting your clients results so that you can truly make an impact, check out our Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) program right now!

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  1. Nicole says:

    As a graduate of the MCHC program, can you also become board certified with NANP?

    • Team ITN says:

      Hi Nicole,

      Great question- Anyone who graduates from our Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) program qualifies to sit for the NANP Board Exam. Master Certified Health Coaches (MCHC) who are not also CTNCs do not qualify to sit for the exam. If you have any questions about this, please don’t hesitate to email our support team at!

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