Coaching Skills

How A Master Certified Health Coach Can Support People With Chronic Illness

Understanding The Scope Of Practice For Master Certified Health Coaches

A Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) is uniquely trained to educate and support people with chronic health conditions by focusing on all body systems as well as psychological and spiritual factors.

While having a team of health professionals can be essential to managing certain conditions, a Master Certified Health Coach can be there every step of the way, leaving clients confident and positive about their recovery.


Let’s take a look at a case study with Matt. Matt has Ulcerative Colitis and has been somewhat managing his symptoms with medication prescribed by his doctor. The medication is not for long-term use and his doctor is working with him on managing this.

Matt is also tired of missing work, skipping social events, and canceling plans last minute because of symptom flare-ups. It’s embarrassing and frustrating, and he is beginning to pull away from friends and coworkers because of the shame he feels. He has even begun to experience anxiety and depression.

So Matt has decided, along with the encouragement from his doctor, to address nutrition and lifestyle factors to improve his symptoms. Matt began searching for a Digestive Health Specialist and found one of ITN’s Certified Transformational Nutrition Coaches (CTNC) that had their own story of overcoming digestive health concerns.

At their first session, they talked in depth about Matt’s current diet, stress levels, the painful experiences he has had with Ulcerative Colitis, and all the methods that Matt has tried for symptom relief.

They discussed when the symptoms first began: when he was a child, seeing his parents constantly fighting before they ultimately divorced. Matt had never correlated the symptoms to his tumultuous childhood. He began to see that the family stress and discord really did affect him, even though he was so young when it happened.

He also realized that when his own marriage took a turn for the worse is when his symptoms returned full force.

After addressing these psychological root factors, Matt and his coach begin to co-create an action plan that he felt really good about. His dietary likes and dislikes were implemented into his protocol which left him feeling empowered and excited about his new way of eating.

Matt also began to heal past relationships and to implement spirituality into his life. In the practice of Transformational Nutrition, spirituality isn’t about religion but rather connection so Matt started to connect deeper to himself and have open conversations with his parents and his wife to repair their relationships.

As their health coaching sessions continue, Matt begins to implement one or two new things every week. He begins things like adding bone broth, switching from coffee to tea, regular trail walking for relaxation, and reading before bed (rather than watching television) to encourage restful sleep.

Because Matt’s coach is a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) and is trained in all the major systems of the body, he was able to better understand the connection of his digestive concerns to his anxiety and depression. His coach was able to educate him on practical protocols for anxiety and depression because of their in-depth education, and Matt no longer felt like he was emotionally out of control.

Things seemed to be going great until he had a stressful situation at work last week. In the past, situations like this would have led to him eating his way through the stress, which would have led to increased flare-ups and him missing more work.

This time, he spoke with his coach about this situation instead. They discussed him finding an outlet for these feelings, rather than internalizing them, and his coach helped him to start identifying his emotional triggers and what he could do when they arise. Matt felt so relieved to have someone who was there for every step of the way.

While Matt understands that his coach cannot treat or diagnose or manage his medication, the value that he finds from the education and support in managing his health has gone a long way in empowering him to live his life fully. Matt has become more confident, meeting new people who have the same (newly formed) healthy interests that he does, and he has even joined in an adult soccer league!


As you can see in this case study, Matt was well educated about the role of a coach and by utilizing a co-created action plan, he was able to greatly improve his quality of life. Matt greatly benefited from the whole person perspective in Transformational Nutrition and the in-depth education on all systems of the body that his coach had from being trained as a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC).

If you are interested in learning more about the Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) program at ITN, being more successful in your business, and getting your clients results so that you can truly make an impact, check out our program right now!

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