Coaching Skills

ITN Student Success: Christina Johnson

Christina Johnson, CTNC

Christina Johnson, CTNC loved her work as a teacher and counselor, but she felt like she was being called to go in a different direction.

About ten years ago, she was struggling with her own health issues, and after discovering how good healthy felt with the help of a Naturopath, she had her first ‘aha’ moment that led her down the path of nutrition.

After some time and a lot of courage, Christina became a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach and now combines all her skill sets to help women change their lives!

We sat down with Christina to ask her a few questions about her experience. This is her story.


How long have you been coaching?

I’ve been coaching for 4 years.

What’s your niche?

I specialize in working with women who have struggled with their weight for many years. Through my 4-step Total Body Reset system, I help them create a healthy lifestyle and a better relationship with food so that they can lose weight without dieting.

My clients discover that losing weight in a healthy and sustainable way is the key to aging well, being able to stay active as they get older, and reducing the risk of future health issues.

Ultimately, my goal is to help my clients create a healthy lifestyle that becomes their new “normal” so that they can keep the weight off for good, feel confident in themselves, and live a full and happy life.

What is your story? How did you get into coaching?

I’ve had a winding path to becoming a health coach. I worked as a teacher for 5 years. Then, I went back to school to get my Master’s degree in Counseling, and I worked as a School Counselor for 9 years.

While I loved working as a teacher and counselor, I felt like I was called to be doing some other type of work. I just wasn’t sure what that was at the time.

About 10 years ago, I was struggling with some of my own health issues, so I sought the help of a Naturopath. With his guidance, I completed a 21-day clean eating “detox”, where I cut out all sugar and processed food.

At the end of just 3 weeks, I was amazed by how much better I felt! I noticed less joint pain, better sleep, fewer headaches, less ace, improved digestion, and steady weight loss.

That was when I had my first light bulb moment, and I realized how much of an impact our eating and lifestyle habits have on how we feel each and every day.

From that moment on, I began reading everything I could about holistic health and nutrition.

One day when I was talking with my brother-in-law about a nutrition related topic, he asked me if I ever felt like I had missed my calling. In that moment, the seed was planted, and I started to think that perhaps I could turn my passion for health and wellness into an actual career.

It took some time…and a lot of courage…but I eventually looked into what it would take to become a health coach, which led me to ITN.

I’m so thankful that I became a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach and started my health coaching practice. Now, I can combine all of my skill sets – teaching, counseling, and coaching – to help women completely change their lives!

Christina Johnson, CTNC

What do you consider a success of your coaching career?

I’m proud that I’ve learned the necessary skills to build my coaching business from scratch, that I’ve been able to talk to hundreds of people at different events and workshops, and that I’ve been featured on podcasts and interviews.

However, one success has been the most meaningful to me and fuels my passion to continue this work. So many clients have told me that because of the work we’ve done together, their life has been changed forever. And they are so grateful for this change. They feel more confident in themselves, happier overall, and can live their life more fully.

The transformation my clients experience is truly the reason why I do what I do every day, and I consider it my most important success.

What is something you would tell someone interested in ITN?

I spent weeks researching different health coaching programs before choosing ITN, and I’ve never once regretted the choice that I made.

When I began ITN, I believed in the healing power of food as medicine. However, ITN taught me the role psychology and spirituality plays in our health and weight loss journey as well.

Without these pieces, I truly would not be able to make as big of an impact in my client’s lives.

On top of the amazing curriculum, the support and community at ITN has been important to my success as well.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

If you’d like to learn more about my approach to healthy and sustainable weight loss, you can get started with my free guide: “Top 10 Foods that Make It Easier to Lose Weight”.

For more information about Christina’s coaching programs and services, check out her website.

And follow her on Facebook.

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