Psychology of Nutrition

5 Examples of Mindfulness to Practice Daily

5 Examples of Mindfulness to Practice Daily

Mindfulness. It’s a word we’re hearing more and more of these days, especially given the curve balls that the past year has thrown our way.

It’s left many of us feeling stressed, uncertain, and wondering what is going to happen from each day to the next.

But on a more positive note, it’s also made us want to connect with our inner selves as well as connect with others on a deeper level by practicing mindfulness. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that we should never take anyone or anything for granted.

The first thing that comes to mind when we think of mindfulness is usually meditation, or being centered. While meditation is a great way to tune in, there are other ways that you can practice mindfulness daily to achieve a more Zen vibe.

Mindfulness Means Being Present

Mindfulness can be as easy as refocusing, living in the moment, and bringing our awareness and attention back to the present.

Time is something we always crave more of, but in wishing for more time, we wind up shifting our attention from the present moment.

Sure, it would be great if there were more hours in a day. But the thing is, it’s not actually time that we need more of.

We need more presence.

No matter how many things you have going on in any given day, it’s so important to show up for the moment you’re in.

And when those times come up where you realize you’re not living in the present, it’s time pause, take a deep breath, and take a moment to refocus your thoughts and practice mindfulness.

5 Examples of Daily Mindfulness

1. Put Down Your Phone!

Are you guilty of picking up your phone and mindlessly scrolling through your social media feeds pretty much anytime you have a free minute? We all are.

Remember life before smartphones? (Seems like a lifetime ago.) If we were out to eat and the person we were dining with got up from the table, there was no phone to look down at. Or if we were in the waiting area at a doctor’s office, we actually had to pick up a magazine to be entertained.

We’ve become way too reliant on our phones, to the point where we’ve forgotten how to JUST BE.

The next time you have a free minute or two, instead of reaching for your phone, take a moment to just pay attention. Notice the people around you. Indulge your senses. Be present. Do nothing.

Be mindful instead of distracted for once.

set an intention each morning

2. Set an Intention Each Morning

One of the best ways to set yourself up for mindfulness throughout the day is to be mindful before you even get out of bed.

Before the hustle and bustle of the day’s activities begin, take a moment to set an intention for the day. Not only will it start the day off on a positive note and get you in the right headspace, it will also set the tone for the day by getting you in the habit of being present right from the get-go.

3. Truly Listen

Whether it’s family members, co-workers, or total strangers we run into during the day, how often do we truly listen to them while interacting instead of just hearing what they are saying and having it go in one ear and out the other?

If we’re feeling rushed, frazzled, or are juggling a million different tasks, sometimes it can be tough to stop and really pay attention to what someone is saying.

Remember, as human beings, we all have 3 basic needs. We need to feel seen. We need to feel heard. And we need to feel like we matter.

By stopping and taking in what someone is trying to communicate to you, you’ll not only be practicing mindfulness, but you’ll be telling them that what they have to say is important and that they matter to you.

4. Be Aware and Observe

Going back to learning to “just be” … take time to stop and smell the roses, literally. Get your brain off auto-pilot. Instead of going through the motions like you do every day, really pause to take in your surroundings.

If you’re outside, close your eyes and listen to the sound of the wind or the birds chirping. Take a deep breath and take in the different scents in the air. Feel the sensation of the warm sun on your skin – or even the chilly snow, depending on what part of the world you live in!

There are so many little things that we don’t notice or bother to appreciate during our daily routines. You can be mindful simply by calling attention to them for once.

5. Practice Gratitude at the End of the Day

Just as setting an intention in the morning can help make for a productive and mindful day, taking time to practice gratitude before you go to sleep is another way to recenter yourself and maintain awareness.

It doesn’t matter how small it is. At the end of the day, there is always something to be thankful for. Think of three things that you are particularly grateful for or that had a positive impact on your day, and give thanks for whatever they may be.

See? Practicing mindfulness doesn’t have to be a full-blown meditation session or something that takes up a huge chunk of your time. By incorporating these easy practices into your life daily, you’ll be well on your way to living a happier, calmer, more mindful life.

What are your favorite ways to practice mindfulness? Let us know in the comments! Want to connect with other like-minded people who are on a similar journey as you? Join our Transformation Generation Group on Facebook!

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