Business Skills

7 Productivity Tips To Implement Today

7 Simple Productivity Tips
  • If you are trying to start your own business, we know that having a lot on your plate can disrupt your productivity. 
  • Productivity tips are helpful, but remember that not all of them may apply to you. 
  • Remember that after a productive day, it is important to rest, relax, and unplug from work. 
  • Studies show that working in 90-minute increments can be extremely beneficial to your productivity.

In need of simple productivity tips?

Look, we don’t blame you for doing a quick Google search for productivity tips. It can be hard to stay productive throughout the workweek, especially if your mind is full of swirling deadlines and projects galore!

And if you’re an entrepreneur, then you have all the needs of your business thrown in alongside it all.

However, by following some best practices of successful entrepreneurs and business leaders who have come before you, you’ll be able to get things done easily!

Start by checking out these 7 productivity tips that the most successful people use daily to help them stay on track!

7 productivity tips to start using today

1. Utilize a project-management software

A tool like Asana, Teamwork, or Redbooth can keep you organized and productive by tracking all of your tasks in one place.

Rather than keeping hundreds of to-do lists all over your desk, you’ll have everything in one place! This is a great way to also map things out and make sure your entire year is planned.

2. Plan out your day the night before

Don’t wait until the morning to decide what you’re going to do that day. 

A quick 10-minute planning session the night before will have you set up for success — and productivity — the following day!

3. Complete 3 big tasks a day

We grossly overestimate the time we have on any given day. As a result, we put a ton of things on our to-do list and then feel bad when we don’t get them all done. 

By focusing on three of your most important tasks, you’ll actually be much more productive. Plus, you will avoid getting burnt out or feeling overwhelmed!

4. Work in 90-minute intervals

A study from Florida State University showed that productivity and performance are at their peak during uninterrupted 90-minute chunks.

Set a timer on your phone, and every 90-minutes be sure to stretch, refill your water, and allow your brain to rest before starting again.

5. Avoid multitasking

While multitasking may seem more productive, it’s actually not. 

In fact, researchers at the University of Michigan found that productivity decreased by 40 percent when people tried to do two or more things at once. Use tools like StayFocusd and FocusMe to block distracting websites, limit the number of tabs you have open, and prevent distraction.

6. Take breaks

Research conducted by the Federal Aviation Administration showed that short breaks between longer working sessions resulted in a 16% improvement in awareness and focus. 

Further research confirms this by showing that longer productive sessions of 90 minutes followed by short breaks lasting 15-20 minutes (but no longer) sync closely with our natural energy cycles and allow us to have more focus and higher energy levels throughout the day.

7. Plan for distractions

Ever open a new tab in your browser with every intention to stay on task, but instead, you take a quick left turn, just for a minute, to check your Facebook page? It happens to the best of us!

A quick plugin, if you are using Google Chrome as your web browser, is Momentum.  Once that new tab opens, a quick reminder of your to-do list also pops up.  A quiet reminder for you to stay on task and keep focused on your day.

In conclusion

Of course, these are just productivity tips to help you get started. Some might work for you while others won’t. 

Make sure you take note of the tips you like as well as the ones that simply don’t help you stay productive. Then, focus on your energy and determine how you can best harness it throughout the day to ensure you stay productive and on-task for the long haul!

Once you complete enough tasks for the day, close your computer and shut down your devices and truly disconnect. You don’t want to work so long and hard that you end up burning out on your dream! 

We’d love to hear any of your tricks in the comments below!

Looking for more productivity tips? Try this 5 minute morning ritual!


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