Science of Nutrition

10 Health Boosting Foods You Need To Buy Today

10 Health Boosting Foods You Need To Buy Today

Angela was confused. Last week, she read all about the health benefits of a variety of foods, and now she was reading the exact opposite.

She liked to stay educated about the food she should be putting in her body, but lately, the ever-changing media coverage on the topic was nothing but frustrating.

As she grabbed her jacket and bag to head to the grocery store, she thought how nice it would be to just know what foods she needed to be eating to stay healthy.

“It should be so simple,” she thought.

If you can relate to Angela’s feelings of frustration regarding the changing status of some of your favorite healthy foods, then you’re not alone, and you don’t have to remain frustrated!

Here are 10 health-boosting foods (and why they’re good for you) that will stand the test of time!



One cup of avocado contains 23% of your recommended daily dose of folate. Studies show that people who eat diets rich in folate have a much lower risk of heart disease and stroke than those who don’t.

They also have 54% of your daily fiber which is what gives this fruit it’s amazing fat-burning abilities!

Avocados are also Vitamin E powerhouses, which is an essential vitamin that protects against many diseases and helps to maintain overall health.


Radishes are amazingly high in Vitamin C, containing 14% of your daily value in half a cup, and they are great detoxifiers!

With no fat or cholesterol, you won’t have to jeopardize your diet, either! Half a cup of radishes only contains 19 calories and 4 carbohydrates!


These beans are rich in iron, containing twice as much iron as beef! Iron ensures a stable supply of hemoglobin to carry oxygen-rich blood to every part of your body.

They are a great source of molybdenum, a trace mineral which helps produce detoxifying enzymes.

Cannellini beans are also loaded with thiamine, which is absolutely essential for high mental performance. It’s a required element for the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, which improves your reaction time.


Broccoli is a very important source of calcium for those who don’t consume dairy products. Calcium does more than just build strong bones and teeth. Research has shown it plays a role in controlling high blood pressure!

It is full of beta-carotene and Vitamin C, both of which have been linked to a reduced risk of numerous conditions including cataracts, heart disease, and several cancers.

Broccoli is also full of fiber, which aids in digestion and helps you feel fuller with fewer calories!


Butternut squash is overflowing with Vitamin A, a powerful, natural antioxidant that is needed for maintaining the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes. It is also an essential vitamin for vision. One cup provides 457% of your daily need!

Butternut squash also provides 47% of the regular daily allowance of Vitamin C, which plays a huge role in regulating our body and protecting it from infection.

One cup of cooked butternut squash contains about 7 grams of fiber, which is almost 1/3 of your daily recommended dose!


Chickpeas are naturally fat-free, saturated fat-free, and sodium-free!

They are extremely high in fiber and protein, two great ingredients for appetite control.

The manganese in chickpeas helps skin cells produce energy and fights wrinkle-causing free radical damage.

The molybdenum in chickpeas helps detox skin by aiding in the removal of sulfates, a common food preservative that can tarnish skin’s smoothness.


The very high quality of both protein and fiber in black beans helps move food through the digestive system at a healthier pace.

Due to the regular steady movement of the digestive system, this also allows for a measured breakdown of food and a constant, even simple sugar uptake by the body, helping to regulate blood sugar levels.

Black beans are also an abundant source of soluble fiber, which is specifically the type of fiber that studies have found to help in lowering cholesterol levels.


Mushrooms contain about 80-90% water, are a fat-free food, and are very low in calories, thus ideal for someone following a weight management program.

The Vitamins C, B6, and B12 found in mushrooms are responsible for boosting your immune system, helping to flush out toxins from your body.

Mushrooms provide lean proteins as they have zero cholesterol, fat, and are very low in carbohydrates. Not to mention, the fiber and certain enzymes in them also help to lower cholesterol levels!


Almond butter is rich in monounsaturated fats and can help reduce your cholesterol levels and risk for heart disease.

Rich in antioxidants Vitamin E and flavonoids, they help protect against free radicals that can do damage to cells all over your body.

Almond butter is high in protein and fiber, aiding in weight control and helping to keep you satiated longer.


Rich in cell-protecting antioxidants, dark chocolate can help fight premature aging and cardiovascular disease.

In short-term clinical trials, dark chocolate has reduced blood pressure, improved blood flow, showed mild anti-clotting effects, and may help prevent plaque formation in the arteries.

Despite its sweet reputation, dark chocolate actually ranks very low on the glycemic index scale, which means your blood sugar won’t spike when you eat it.


Now that you know why each of these foods is beneficial for you, you’ll be prepared the next time you read about another good food going bad.

Focus on the facts, and you’ll always know what to put in your shopping cart!

Which of these foods will you add to your grocery list this week? Share in the comments!

Want more? Check out these 5 Spices You Need To Be Eating.

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