Business Skills

7-Step Checklist for Choosing the Best Health Coach Certification Program

Checklist for health coaches

7-Step Checklist for Choosing the Best Health Coach Certification Program (So You Don’t Waste Thousands of Dollars and Regret It Later)

Chances are good that you’ve been through you own health struggles and now you want to help others not have to struggle like you did. 

You want to share what you know and what you’re passionate about.  Cynthia Garcia shares the 7-Step checklist for choosing the best health coach certification program.

You want to be seen as credible and as a go-to expert, you’re just not sure exactly how to choose the right certification program or school.  

That’s where I come in. 

Hey there, I’m Cynthia Garcia, founder and CEO of the Institute of Transformational Nutrition. 

I’d like to share with you…

What you need to know when choosing the Best Health Coach Certification Program

What I can tell you is there’s nothing more rewarding than hearing someone say, “You changed my life.”


It’s an amazing career and I personally can’t imagine not being a coach.

You know, it’s smart of you to be looking at health coaching right now as a career. It’s a wildly growing industry and estimated to reach over $8 billion in 2025! Exciting, right?

In fact, at ITN, our graduates earn $117,498* in their first year of coaching, even with no prior experience.

And as passionate as you might be about health and wellness, you also want to make sure you get a good education that will prepare you to be seen as credible, get clients, and make money.

You’re afraid of investing thousands of dollars into a program and regretting it later.

I get it because I did just that. I spent a fortune on educational programs before I finally got all the pieces that I needed.

That’s why I created ITN.

I’ll tell you more about that later.

For now, let’s get you what you came here for…

The 7-Step Checklist for Choosing the Best Health Coach Certification Program

  1. The founder and their experience

    This matters more than you may think. You want someone who you connect with. Someone who has been in your shoes and can give you what you need to succeed because they know that that is. Look for someone who has had success in the field of coaching before starting a health coaching school. Have they done the work? Sold the programs? Written the books? Been recognized by the media as an expert?


    • Do I connect with this person and their approach?
    • Have they had the kind of success as a coach as I want to create (so they can show me how)?
  2. Actual certification not just a “certificate”

    There’s a big difference between being “certified’” and receiving a “certificate”. Certification generally means there’s a governing body that endorses the program, ensuring a standard of education and ethics. Certification also translates to being more credible and a higher paid coach.


    • Is this a certification program or just a certificate (of completion)?
    • Do I need to pay for another course or invest more money to be “certified” through NBHWC?
  3. Licensure and accreditations

    Licensure as an actual school by a state (in the US) is critical for choosing an education program. These programs are held to very high standards and requirements and also protect the student and their tuition should something happen to the school.  
    Accreditation bodies like the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) adds credibility and recognition to a certification. They are critical in this day of modern health coaching. 

    • Is the school licensed by a state-level board?
    • Is the program accredited by the NBHWC?
    • Are there extra courses or fees required to obtain these accreditations or are they included in the core certification program at the school? 
  4. Proven history/track record

    Longevity and success stories are indicators of a program’s effectiveness. Research the program’s history and look at their website for alumni testimonials and how many students have been certified by their school.  

    • How long has the program been established?  
    • Can the school provide success stories or evidence of its track record?
    • How much do graduates earn, on average, in their first year of certification?

  5. Comprehensive curriculum

    The interconnectivity of mind, body, and spirit is central to health coaching and getting your clients results that last. It’s not enough to focus on “mind, body, spirit” when it’s the combination of the three in one simple, and proven model, in addition to powerful coaching skills that ensures success.  

    • Does the curriculum incorporate the science, psychology, and spirituality of nutrition?
    • How does it integrate the mental and spiritual aspects of health with the physical in one coaching model so they’re combined and not approached as separate?
  6. Proven coaching system to use with clients

    Certification programs that set their coaches up to be confident and successful have a proven coaching system that works instead of leaving it up to the coaches to try and piece together all the information they’ve learned and use it with a client.


    • Does the school should provide a done-for-you coaching system complete with what to say and do in every coaching session that you can use with clients with no guesswork?
    • Is this coaching system proven to be effective to help clients achieve their health goals?
  7. Proven business training with done-for-you guides

    It’s critical that you can make money as a health coach, even before you graduate. You want to look for PROVEN done-for-you systems and resources that save you time and money and have been shown to get results.  

    • Do you offer done-for-you business resources like website copy, sales page copy, email nurture sequences, lead magnets to attract customers, social media prompts, a sales script, client contracts, and more?  
    • What type of business training is taught and was it created by someone who is successful in the field of coaching so it’s proven to work? 

Taking some time to do your research on the programs you’re considering using these important questions will help you and make an investment in yourself and your future that you won’t regret later!  

Click here to download a convenient checklist here to compare your top 3 schools in all of these areas. I’ve filled out sections for ITN for you.

And, feel free to book a call with one of our Admission Specialists to dive deeper and get all your questions answered, take a tour of our course, or get additional financing options.  

Of course, my hope is that you choose ITN for your health coach certification if it serves your needs. 

As I said earlier…  

I know what it’s like Trying to Choose the Best Health Coaching Certification Program  

When I decided to become a coach, I just wanted to help people feel better. 

I wanted this to be my career and I wanted to make the money I needed to live a life of freedom. 

But my road wasn’t a straight line. 

I quickly realized that the old way of approaching health as a physical issue only were outdated. Disappointed but not deterred, I broadened my studies into the psychology and spirituality of health.  I knew these were the missing pieces. 

So, I created a system that made it simple to focus on health – physically, mentally, and spiritually – that required very little time to get results.  

I quickly built a thriving business, was featured in media across the globe, and eventually created the Institute of Transformational Nutrition to make this method accessible to more people who wanted to do meaningful work as a health coach while creating their own schedule, working from anywhere and having plenty for a spontaneous getaway, picking up their kids from school, or heading to their favorite workout. 

I’d love to support you too.  



You whip out your phone and snap a selfie since today is the first day in as long as you can remember that you are aren’t stuck in a morning commute or dealing with office politics while your coaching business just made another $3k.  

A smile crosses your face as you see another email from a customer saying, “you changed my life.” 

It’s all waiting for you.  

Discover how by learning more about our Certified Transformational Nutrition Program here. 


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In this masterclass, you'll understand what a health coach is, why health coaching matters, and how you can become one.

Plus, you'll leave equipped with the knowledge you need to choose the best program for you! 

Becoming a certified health coach masterclass

How To Turn Your Passion For Health Into Some Significant Extra Money On the Side (Or Even A Fulfilling New Career)

In this masterclass, you'll understand what a health coach is, why health coaching matters, and how you can become one. Plus, you'll leave equipped with the knowledge you need to choose the best program for you!