Business Skills

Health Coaches And The Chronic Disease Battle

Health Coaches And Chronic Disease
– One in two Americans suffers from a chronic disease.

– One in four Americans suffers from not just one but multiple chronic conditions.

– By 2025, the number of physicians is expected to be down by 50,000.

– Health Coaches are trained to assist their clients in creating new habits that support them in creating long-term behavioral changes that give them the knowledge and ability to make lasting changes for improved health.

– A study has shown that Health Coaches can help to minimize long-term spending and as a result, have become an extremely cost-effective investment.

– According to multiple studies, Health Coaching is one of the most effective ways to help individuals create a healthy lifestyle for good.


Do you know one person with a chronic disease? Do you know two people with a chronic disease? Do you know three or more people with a chronic disease?

Our guess is, that you know far more than just three people who battle a chronic illness daily. Here’s the scary part, and the reason you know so many people with a chronic disease:

One in two Americans suffers from a chronic disease! And an even more alarming stat, one in four Americans suffers from not just one but multiple chronic diseases.

With chronic disease on the rise, you would think that the number of physicians is also increasing. Unfortunately, we are now seeing a decline in physicians!

In fact, by 2025, the number of physicians is expected to be down by 50,000. Chronic diseases don’t seem to care either!

It’s predicted that by 2025 49 percent of Americans will suffer from a chronic disease. That means 164 million Americans will be diagnosed with some form of a chronic illness.


It’s clear that as the number of physicians to patients continues to climb away from one another, it’s going to be difficult to give those patients the attention and guidance they need.

Aside from that, it’s no secret that physicians aren’t equipped with the training or time to help their patients with behavior changes and creating healthy habits around diet, movement, and mindset.

It seems we need a new approach to helping those with chronic diseases heal and create a lifestyle that supports ultimate health.

Enter, Health Coaches!

Health Coaches are trained to assist their clients in creating new habits that support them in creating long-term behavioral changes that give them the knowledge and ability to make lasting changes for improved health.

[bctt tweet=”Health Coaches may be the biggest piece of the puzzle when it comes to minimizing that growing number of Americans, and individuals worldwide, who are dealing with a chronic illness.” username=”InstituteTN”]

Health Coaches Are In High Demand


While many are predisposed to a certain disease, a study has found that almost 85 percent of disease risk actually comes from environmental and behavioral factors!

Now, there are two ways you can look at this statistic. You can look at it as a lost cause — thinking that environmental and behavioral factors are simply out of your control! Or, you can see it as an opportunity to heal and minimize that growing number of chronic diseases by changing your habits!

Let’s go with the second one!

Think about it this way, you have a cup, and that cup is filled with a little bit of liquid. This liquid represents any diseases that you’re predisposed to. Every action you take either keeps this little bit of liquid at the current levels it’s at or adds to it.

For example, if you don’t get enough sleep every night, the glass fills up. Or perhaps you don’t move your body often and avoid  exercise — your glass fills up a little more. Perhaps your diet consists of highly processed foods and minimal, if any, vegetables. Again, up goes your glass!

You get the picture.

However, if you look at that glass, and you do all that you can to keep it right where it’s at, such as eating healthy, getting adequate sleep, moving your body as often as you can, and practicing stress management tools, you’ll be able to keep the liquid in that cup right where it’s always been.

You see, just by creating life-long healthy habits that minimize the development of disease and support longevity, you can live a life that is disease free and feel amazing!


Health Coaches are trained to do just that — they are trained to help their clients create habits and improve their behaviors to support ultimate health. Health Coaches help a client look at their life as a whole and start to shift their habits to ones that will aid in keeping them healthy for life.

Health Coaches are their client’s number one cheerleader, they offer support and guidance, help their clients to develop the tools and acquire the knowledge they need to make healthful decisions. A well-trained Health Coach helps their clients to form new habits and eliminate old ones that aren’t serving them, and they hold their clients accountable for their actions.

Understanding The Scope Of Practice For Master Certified Health Coaches

As you can imagine, the amount of money spent on chronic conditions yearly is significant and growing annually. A study has shown that Health Coaches can help to minimize long-term spending and as a result, have become an extremely cost-effective investment.

Are you starting to see the extreme importance and need for Health Coaches?


If you are a Health Coach or dreaming of becoming a Health Coach, now is the perfect time for you to do it! There is a high demand for Health Coaches, and there is clearly no shortage of clients!

More and more studies continue to prove that health coaching is one of the most effective ways to help individuals create a healthy lifestyle for good.

In fact, many workplace wellness committees are turning to Health Coaches to help their employees lead healthier lives and in turn, minimize their companies healthcare spending.

If you’re looking to become a Health Coach or looking to become more credible as a Health Coach, we invite you to learn how ITN can help you make a difference in a BIG way as a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach!

At ITN, we are committed to certifying Health Coaches that are transforming the world! Are you ready to become a reputable health coach?

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