Business Skills

Working On (Instead Of In) Your Health Coaching Business

Working On (Instead Of In) Your Health Coaching Business

As a Health Coach, it’s easy to get stuck in the day to day tasks that keep your business propelling forward.

And when you’re busy with these tasks, it’s easy to forget the importance of working ON (instead of IN) your health coaching business and getting clear on your vision for moving your business forward.

Working on your business opens up space for beautiful miracles to happen — this is when creativity strikes, collaboration presents itself, motivation hits, and your passion reignites.

Now is the perfect time to lay out a plan for where you want your business to go. Once you get clear on your plan, you can use it as a map to guide you and your business forward!

Here are 5 Ways to Start Working On (Instead Of In) Your Health Coaching Business


As your health coaching business begins to grow, it’s essential that you take time to identify your strengths. Pinpointing what you can delegate to others will free up precious time and creative space to shine at the things you do best.

Start by taking a look at your business and take note of the tasks that slowed you down. These might be tasks that someone else could do more efficiently.

And know that acknowledging this is not a weakness! In fact, it’s a sign of a successful leader – go you!

At the end of the day, it’s your job to lead your business and steer the ship, and no one else will do that as successfully as you!

Taking the time to do this now will help you decide if it’s time to bring on team members or outsource so you can continue growing.


As a Health Coach, your time is precious. And as a business owner, it’s never been more important to make time a top priority.

Start paying attention to where you’re spending your time by keeping a log.

Check-in every 15 or 30 minutes and write down how you are preoccupying your time. Do this for a few days to get a clear vision of your current time log.

Keeping a resources log is also a beneficial way to eliminate unnecessary resources that aren’t serving you. When your business is clogged up with resources you’re not using, you’ll notice you are more apt to waste your time and energy.

Make a master list of any resources, programs, and platforms you have been using in your health coaching business, and make note of what items are promoting a well-organized business, which items are useless, and which items can be combined or minimized for more efficiency.

Check out this article for more tips on time management!


Do you notice that you’re often repeating yourself over and over? Whether it be on social media, private messages, client sessions, or anywhere else?

This is a clear sign you’re not spending enough time working on your business. But hey, every business owner is guilty of it, so do not feel bad.

Spend time getting clear on the things you most often repeat and begin to systematize them — after all, what you tend to repeat is typically what your audience wants to hear from you.

Perhaps this gives you the content for a freebie or helps you create canned emails. Whatever you do with this information, it’s essential that you use it to create simple systems so you can free up time for more important things.

The more systems you can set up in your business, the more efficient you will be as a business owner.

And when you’re an efficient business owner, you get to spend more time doing the things you love — like coaching clients and reaching more people.


Understanding where you want to be in 3, 6, or 9 months will give you the guidance you need to create a clear map of how you are going to get there.

As you map this out, stand firm in the “why” of your vision. This is the trick to bringing emotion to your goals, and in turn, will help them manifest more quickly.

Now, this is the fun part! Let your imagination run wild, give your ego the heave-ho, and don’t hold anything back!


With every step of working on your business, allow yourself to be curious and playful.

Remember that your business is a grand experiment and every action you take is simply part of the journey. This will help you to grow not only as a business owner but also as a person.

If something doesn’t work out, trust that it’s for the best. Instead of feeling like a failure, play with the experience of curiosity.

Owning your own business allows you to call the shots, so have fun with it and know you are creating something beautiful.

How often do you like to create business maps? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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