National Nutrition Month is a celebration of everything food, health, and wellness which we’re guessing you might know a thing or two about. Annually scheduled in March each year, this event coincides with the transition from winter to spring, which is also when many people begin to think about changing dietary habits or jumpstarting a new wellness routine. Leveraging existing promotions and events such as this is also a great way to promote your own business.
Many people are turned off by the idea of eating healthy because they’re worried it’s going to cost more money. While it’s true stores like Whole Foods can get expensive, you don’t have to shop at high-end supermarkets to eat better. In fact, cooking at home is one of the most inexpensive ways to take control of your nutrition habits.
Offer a cooking demo online, inviting people to join, ask questions, and cook along with you. Send out a simple list of ingredients in advance, in addition to a list of basic equipment so your attendees – virtual or otherwise – can be prepared and ready to cook.
This is often most helpful in collaboration with a cooking demo, but you can offer it individually, too. Some of your followers might know basic cooking but need support around reading labels, understanding serving and portion sizes, and knowing how to buy the most while spending the least.
Next time you’re at the grocery store, consider going live on Instagram or Facebook and share the things you look for on your food purchases directly with your followers. Be prepared to answer questions in as real-time as possible, but if you get questions like, “Is [insert brand name] yogurt a good choice?” consider following up with a round of items and a comparison chart for choosing one brand over another.
Use this nutrition-themed month to offer special pricing for your coaching packages. Tailor your social media and marketing to highlight this, and remind your followers that it’s a great time to take control of their health. Offer clear information about the types of packages you’re currently offering and the kinds of things – group calls, workshops, meet-ups – that they’ll include.
Be sure to utilize testimonials from current or past clients who have benefited from working with an expert modern-day coach like you which will allow potential clients a snapshot of the real results they can expect.
Engaging with your followers online is a great way to convert leads to paying customers. Since it’s National Nutrition Month, set your online community up with a simple challenge such as making a green smoothie or drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning.
Instruct your followers to post a video or picture completing the challenge, tagging you in the process. Nutrition does not have to be complicated, and simple habits can be developed quickly through the power of accountability and community.
“What do you eat?” is a common question coaches and nutrition experts often get asked. During National Nutrition Month, consider sharing more about what you eat for breakfast, the brand of yogurt you buy, the type of exercise you usually choose, or your favorite snacks. Remember, many believe nutrition is complicated, and this is a great way to demonstrate that it’s anything but! You could even reach out to some of your favorite brands and ask if they want to partner for a giveaway.
Leveraging existing events and piggybacking off marketing and advertising that’s already aligned with your brand is a great way to drive engagement and increase your exposure – no significant financial investment required. You could also consider leveraging seasonal events, too.
In summer, for example, you could launch a special program to help busy families maintain a healthy nutrition routine while the kids are out of school. With routine and organization changing, many parents begin thinking about how to “keep a schedule” in early spring, so make sure you promote this with plenty of notice so parents can avail.
Alternatively, in fall or winter, a healthy hearty cooking series showcasing comfort foods that check the box for nutrition could be exactly what your community needs. Keep an eye on local events happening in your area and be sure to dedicate time to align your products and offerings with existing marketing opportunities. This is a low hanging fruit revenue option you don’t want to miss out on.
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