Coaching Skills

What It REALLY Means To Be A Master Certified Health Coach

What It Really Means To Be A Master Certified Health Coach

A traditional Health Coach can support clients with making healthy food choices, habit change, and other lifestyle recommendations.

While these are all great habits to work on, what happens when your clients need more from you as their coach?

If you’re ready to take your Health Coach certification to the next level and truly help clients who are struggling, read on.


A Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) focuses on connecting with their client, digging deeper into the root cause of their health conditions, and co-creating a personalized nutrition protocol that their client will actually be excited to follow!

Being a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) means focusing on the deeper roots of functional nutrition, understanding all major systems of the body and how they work together ranging from the digestive system to the endocrine system, and personalizing protocols for the most common health conditions ranging from leaky gut to depression and anxiety.

As a CTNC, you’ll focus on these 8 areas of study:

  1. Digestive Health
  2. Autoimmune Disease
  3. Diabetes
  4. Mental Health & Emotional Eating
  5. Hormones
  6. Cancer
  7. Obesity & Weight Loss
  8. Natural Health

With these areas of study under your belt, you will be seen as a credible expert and as a leader in the health coaching industry. You can work with doctors and other practitioners, increase your rates to better match your education and your expertise, and get more exposure online and off to further grow your brand and your business.

But most of all, you’ll be able to do the work you love in a way that fulfills you and allows you to step into your purpose while helping people live better, happier, healthier lives!


You’ll not only have the education and the protocols, but also the credibility and the confidence to do the work that matters in the world.

By going beyond just surface-level symptoms and basic habit change, a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) is able to address health conditions from a whole person approach while their clients achieve a dramatic transformation – mind, body, and spirit.

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In this masterclass, you'll understand what a health coach is, why health coaching matters, and how you can become one.

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Becoming a certified health coach masterclass

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In this masterclass, you'll understand what a health coach is, why health coaching matters, and how you can become one. Plus, you'll leave equipped with the knowledge you need to choose the best program for you!