Coaching Skills

ITN Student Success: Mindy Touzani

ITN Student Success: Mindy Touzani


Meet ITN graduate, Mindy Touzani, CTNC!

She is very near and dear to our hearts as one of our Student Mentors and Success Coaches!

After her amazing journey from a stressful job to a high-end business coach, Mindy knows she has truly found her passion and is determined to help others do the same.

Read on to be inspired by Mindy’s journey, adventure, and how she is now living a life beyond what she ever imagined she would, coaching clients from all over and traveling the world!


I officially started my coaching business in early 2016 — as a CTNC with the mission of helping women transform anxiety and autoimmune disease.

Before graduating from ITN, I coached a group of women at my workplace to gain more health coaching experience.

Once I graduated, I launched my first ever online group program. Shortly after, I was fully booked with high-end one-on-one clients.

My coaching business eventually transformed into offering business coaching to coaches. The majority of clients I had been working with were Health Coaches and wellness practitioners looking to take their business to the next level.

Health Coaches came to me for their own healing but were most interested in how to be successful in doing what I was doing — Health Coaching!

This is when I clearly knew my transformational coaching is best served as a business coach to health coaches and wellness practitioners!

Years before I found ITN, I was business coaching and consulting as a nutrition consultant for a nutraceutical company. During this time, I educated hundreds of functional medicine doctors, integrative practitioners, and their patients.

I taught doctors nutrition, marketing, and business strategies to scale and serve their patients. I also led group wellness workshops to their patients on detoxing, holistic skincare, and lifestyle medicine!


I help new Health Coaches and wellness practitioners start their businesses and get paying clients fast so they can create a successful life and business they desire.

The women I work with are ready to step into their purpose, create the freedom lifestyle, income, and impact of their dreams. (“Hello” to self-care FriYAY and travel!)


When I was in my early 20s, it felt like I had a heart attack!

The emergency room nurse came back after reading my lab tests and said, “Honey, you’re not having a heart attack. You’re having a panic attack. You need to see a psychiatrist.”

I followed the doctor’s orders and was diagnosed with PTSD from my traumatic past. The only solution I was offered was prescriptions drugs. However, it all changed when the doctor gave me another pill to “level out all the side effects”.

Instead of just taking the pills without question, I stopped to read the warning label. It listed “seizures” as a side effect. At that moment, I decided to find another way to heal myself.

Years later, my role as a nutrition and business consultant to doctors helped me on my healing journey. I was applying some of what I was taught, and then the ITN program put everything together for me!


What led me to my path now, of wanting to help Health Coaches and wellness practitioners with their businesses of helping patients, was my healing journey!

I’ve met hundreds of super talented nutrition and wellness experts who can clearly help others with healing. However, for most Health Coaches and practitioners, the idea of building a business, marketing, and making money often leaves them feeling paralyzed and overwhelmed.

This is where I come in to help them put all of the pieces together. I’ve been on every side of it — patient/client, coach/practitioner, business, sales, and marketing.

I’ve always had the desire of being an entrepreneur and love the freedom lifestyle it offers. I know the fear that comes up with it as well, which is the foundation of what I help my clients embrace (mindset is key!).

One step at a time, we work through what’s really coming up for them in sessions and co-create a clear plan of action for how to create success on their terms.


My clients’ success (getting their first paying client, getting out of their dreaded 9-5 job, realizing they can be a successful Health Coach)!

What’s even better is when my clients tell me their client successes!

A few other highlights on my coaching journey:

  • The very first launch of my own business, I filled up my group and high-end one-on-one programs. I was making an impact and income easily and quickly!
  • Helping numerous women from all over the world with my online programs.
  • Sharing education from functional medicine doctors and Health Coaches with my expert video series, Victory Stories. You can find this on my blog!
  • Being able to help others create their dream life and business too!

I’m so grateful every single day that I have the luxury of coaching my clients from anywhere!


Enrolling in ITN is one of the BEST decisions I’ve ever made!

My health and journey have truly been transformed by what I’ve learned. Within six months of graduating from the CTNC program, I got out of the high-stress job I was in and jumped wholeheartedly into my fulfilling coaching business.

I followed the steps, shared my story, started coaching, and making money right away!

For almost three years now, I’ve been living my dream of having the freedom to work from anywhere and travel the world. But most importantly, I’ve been given the opportunity to make an impact coaching women.

I’m so grateful for all of the ITN programs, community (I’ve even found best friends), and support. All of those parts have been extremely valuable in helping me be successful!

In addition, I’m honored to be part of growing the ITN community and spreading this amazing educational opportunity as an ITN Success Coach and Student Mentor.


Ready to start your health coaching business?

Get the 4 Steps To Your First $5K Guide – click here.

You can work one-on-one with Mindy in the 90 Days To Your First $5K program – click here for the details.

If you’d like to learn more about how this program can benefit you – click here to schedule a complimentary discovery session.


Instagram: @mindytouzani

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