Coaching Skills

ITN Student Success Story: Katie Faison

Katie Faison - ITN Student Success Story

ITN Graduate, Katie Faison is a mother, designer, and Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC). She has a passion for everything health, wellness, and nontoxic living.

Katie Faison - ITN GraduateThrough her own struggle and journey to healing from two autoimmune conditions, Ankylosing Spondylitis and Chronic Iritis, she started a blog, Whole Lovely Life, so she could share her story and help others heal.

She now specializes in working with people who have autoimmune diseases like herself and helps her clients focus on mind-body connection along with proper nutrition so they can live healthier lives and experience real results.

As a coach I work to make my client feel in control and empowered.  Many times with an autoimmune diagnosis there is much fear attached and a lack of hope for the future.  We are told this is going to be a life long disease that will need to be managed.  ‘Lifelong’ and ‘manage’ are scary words to hear.

When you are living in a state of fear and hopelessness, it’s hard to take steps forward.  I help my clients take back control over their thoughts about themselves, their disease, and the future.  I work towards helping them shift their mindset, look at their disease differently and realize the amazing ways their health struggle will enrich their lives.”

Katie says her autoimmune conditions are now a thing of the past, and she couldn’t have gotten where she is today without realizing the importance of the mind-body connection she learned as a student at ITN and now uses in her health coaching.

Here’s what she had to say about her experience at ITN:

“Finding ITN was a dream come true and entered my life at exactly the right time.  I have always had a passion for health and wellness but until embarking on my own autoimmune healing journey I never truly understood the multiple facets it takes to truly heal.  The fact that ITN’s coaching program focuses on not only nutrition but psychology and spiritually as well made it the perfect fit. 

Through my own experience, I fully believe nutrition only gets you so far.  Understanding the mind-body connection is what took my healing to the next level.  ITN has assisted me further in my own healing and has allowed me to continue working toward my life’s purpose to help others struggling with their health.”

ITN Student Success Story - Katie FaisonKatie is truly a health hero!

And now inspiring others to heal by sharing her story and was recently featured on! Check out her full Healthline article here.

And read more about Katie’s journey with Ankylosing Spondylitis and Chronic Iritis on her website here.

If you’d like to learn more about what Katie is doing to help those around her (and try her amazing Chicken Fries with Mint and Sweet Spicy Raspberry Sauce Recipe – yum!), then visit her website, Whole Lovely Life.


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