Coaching Skills

ITN Student Success Story: Tammie Duggar

Student Success Story Tammie Duggar

Tammie Duggar, a proud ITN graduate and Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC), has a love and passion for helping others heal from chronic health issues.

But this wasn’t always the case.

Tammie struggled with incredibly complex digestive issues, and in her search to finally find answers to help herself, she discovered ways in which she could help others heal as well.

And this was something Tammie simply couldn’t keep to herself!


Tammie graduated from ITN in the Spring of 2016 and is on her way to completing her specialist certification.

ITN’s thorough curriculum attracted Tammie to the program, and the tools she has discovered have helped her find the right personalized nutritional support for each client. Through ITN’s training, Tammie is also able to support her clients’ mind and spirit with helpful tools and practices that have powerful, transformative effects on their overall health.

Through her personal healing journey, Tammie knows that without the work she has done in those three areas, she would still be suffering from her own health issues.  The knowledge and experience she has gained through ITN have given her the confidence to share her expertise and empower others.


Tammie Duggar has a special inner mission to heal, nurture, and nourish others.

Tammie enjoys helping to empower others as they work together to create and implement lifestyle habits to transform health. She is a natural teacher and has a gift for making people feel good while they learn by making complex concepts simple and practical.


Tammie and her husband Dr. Jerry Duggar, a holistic chiropractor specializing in functional medicine, had a powerful experience while attending ITN Live in 2016 that led them where they are today.

With the encouragement of Cynthia Pasquella-Garcia, Tammie and her husband merged their businesses to create a powerful healing practice combining functional medicine and Transformational Nutrition called Duggar Wellness.

They focus on finding root cause healing solutions for hormone issues, gut imbalances, autoimmune disease, and much more, and they work with in-person clients as well as remotely with clients all over the country!

You can connect with Tammie and Dr. Jerry Duggar on Facebook and Instagram, and check out their website for online programs, educational blog posts, and delicious recipes!

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  1. […] Want more on our other graduates? Read all about CTNC Tammie Duggar here! […]

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