Psychology of Nutrition

5 Ways To Stress Less This Holiday Season

5 Ways to Stress Less This Holiday Season

The holiday season is in full effect, and with less than a week until Christmas, we would all love to brag about how we’re just curled up by the fire enjoying good company or a nice book, but those Hallmark Movie moments are rarely a reality.

For most of us, holidays equate to stress – and lots of it.

We procrastinate and think we have plenty of time to buy the gifts, prepare the food, decorate, and attend every holiday party with a smile, not to mention slow down and enjoy every moment.

However, mounting stress builds up and we find ourselves wishing to just have the holidays over with so we can get back to our regularly scheduled lives!

Does this sound like you?

If so, you’re not alone, and it’s not too late to turn that stress into peace, joy, and appreciation for the season.



Identify a positive aspect of the situation you’re in that is stressing you out. Maybe you’re stressed about finding that perfect gift for that person on your list that has everything. Instead of worrying, think about how wonderful it will be to see that person and enjoy their company. Odds are, they’re more excited to see you than to open your gift and will simply appreciate the gesture regardless of whether or not it’s perfect.


Don’t bottle up all your holiday stress and try to take it on alone. Open up to your friend, significant other, sibling, parent, whoever you’d like. Not only will their listening help you calm down, but they might just offer to help!


This can be a hard one, especially around the holidays when sugary treats are all around us, but dialing back will help give you a clear, energized mind to tackle your to-do list with a smile.


Resting your body and mind is very important, and getting a restful night’s sleep will do wonders for your attitude and outlook. To help prepare yourself for restful sleep, limit screen time before bed, create the right sleep environment by keeping your room dark and cool with ambient noise, and limit evening snacks. It might sound hard to make sleep a priority with how much you have on your plate, but it will help you take on the holidays and all it has to offer with focus and energy.


Yes, exercise sounds time-consuming, and it’s cold outside, but even a short walk or light stretching session can boost your mood and release endorphins to help reduce stress. Hit the gym for a quick yoga class or grab a friend and power-walk around the mall while you finish up your holiday shopping – you’ll feel great, and you might get some good conversation out of it, too!

So, instead of letting yourself get bogged down with all you have to do, try to incorporate these 5 ways to stress less into your routine so you can relax and enjoy all the good this holiday season has to offer.

How do you handle stress around the holidays? Share your tips in the comments below!

Want to read more? Check out these 6 Tips to Guilt Free Holiday Eating!

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