Science of Nutrition

12 Supplements For Mental Health Support

12 Supplements For Mental Health Support

Penny had completed her Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach certification program (CTNC) and was so excited to start making a true difference in the world.

Throughout her course, she had fallen in love with the idea of helping clients with mental health and emotional eating disorders.

After all, she too had struggled for many years with anxiety but had overcome it through the power of proper nutrition and lifestyle changes.

By combining the psychology, spirituality, and science of nutrition, the healing process became so much clearer to Penny, and she couldn’t wait to help others out there who were struggling find the same results!

While ITN recommends using a whole-body, personalized approach when helping clients with mental health conditions, there are a variety of supplements that are great supporters of mental health – especially those with stress, anxiety, and depression.

Today, we’re going to take a look at 12 incredible vitamins, minerals, herbs, and essential oils to support mental health.



Vitamin B complex is known to help alleviate symptoms such as depression, anxiety, nervousness, and poor memory function. It is also incredible for helping to heal the adrenals.

The recommended daily intake varies for each B vitamin, but for most healthy adults is as follows:

B-1 – 1.1-1.2 milligrams daily
B-2 – 1.1-1.3 milligrams daily
B-3 – 14-16 milligrams daily
B-5 – 5 milligrams daily
B-6 – 1.3 milligrams daily
Biotin – 30 micrograms daily
Folate – 400 micrograms daily
B-12 – 2.4 micrograms daily


A high-potency multivitamin and multimineral supplement has been shown to be beneficial for any kind of mental disorder and is imperative for those with neurotransmitter imbalances.

You should always consult a healthcare professional when choosing a new multivitamin so they can tell you what you should be looking for to help with your specific nutrient deficiencies.


Chromium helps to stabilize blood sugar and has been shown to help fight depression. It has even been shown to provide instant relief of atypical depression in some people.

Female adults should aim to take 20-25 micrograms of chromium daily while male adults should aim to take 30-35 micrograms daily.


Magnesium has been shown to help with psychiatric problems such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and sleep disturbances. It is well known as the stress antidote!

Adult women should aim for 310-320 milligrams daily while men should aim for 400-420 milligrams daily.


Omega-3 fish oils have confirmed benefits including improvements in general health and wellbeing, mood, cognitive function, cardiovascular health, ocular health, and many benefits during pregnancy, infancy, and breastfeeding stages.

Why does it have this many benefits? One of the main reasons is because it helps to reduce inflammation in the body.


L-theanine is an amino acid, commonly found in green tea, which supports a relaxed state of mind. It helps to calm the nervous system and is great for anxiety-related disorders!


While Rhodiola, or the golden root, is known for its brain and energy-boosting effects, it is also an adaptogen, a natural substance considered to help the body adapt to and resist stress.


Kava Kava is an herb often used to help with anxiety. It may be beneficial for those who have difficulty sleeping or those who are prone to agitation, anxiety, and anxiety attacks.


Valerian is an herb that is often used for sleep, but it has also been shown to promote relaxation, thus helping to improve symptoms of anxiety!


Lemon Balm can be taken as a tea, tincture, or in capsule form. It is classified as a stimulating nervine, or nerve tonic, and has a soothing effect on the nervous system.

Lemon balm helps to alleviate anxiety and is particularly indicated for nervous problems that have arisen from long-standing stress and anxiety.


Frankincense has been used for thousands of years and has many medicinal uses. In addition to being comforting and sedating, it has also been shown to help relieve anxiety, anger, stress.

Added benefits of this essential oil include repairing skin problems. It can be applied to the skin in a carrier oil such as olive or coconut oil or inhaled.


Lavender has been used for stress relief, anxiety relief, restlessness, nervousness, and relaxation in general.

Try applying a few drops of this essential oil to the palm of your hand, then inhale or rub a few drops into your temples.

At night, combine this oil with diaphragmatic breathing exercises, and you’ll sleep like a baby!


These supplements have been shown to have vast improvements in those suffering from anxiety, depression, nervousness, and stress, but keep in mind that there are a variety of mental health conditions that need personalized attention from a healthcare professional.

Be sure to always talk to a healthcare professional before beginning a new supplement routine!

Interested in learning more? Check out these 10 Foods to Enhance Brain Health.

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