Spirituality of Nutrition

5 Ways To Be An Emotional Energy Ninja

Release Emotion With Motion
– Do your emotional work first

– Set up emotional and physical boundaries

– Be a mirror for your clients

– Use tools to release the emotional energy

– Release emotions with motion

Let’s talk about emotional energy, shall we?

One of my clients (a new Health Coach) was hesitant about starting to coach women with adrenal fatigue because she knows that there is a strong root of emotional stress affecting the HPA axis.

She said to me, “I’m an empath! How am I going to help clients with their emotional stress if I still have some stuff I’m working through?”

Can you relate?

Do you secretly fear that coaching others will drain you because you have a heightened sense of the emotional energy in your body?

As a coach, I’ve learned you are a stronger coach when you aren’t taking on your clients “stuff.” (You know the kinda “stuff” I’m talking about!)

When you are standing strong in your own energy, you are:

  • More confident as a coach.
  • Can think and guide your clients with a clear thought process.
  • Feel lighter and happier, which allows you to hold space for your clients to feel.
  • Think from a rational standpoint over an emotional standpoint.
  • Have more energy and feel better as a whole.

Here are some simple ways you can protect your energy, so you are still able to feel their emotions but not absorb their emotional wall like a sponge.



As someone who has significant trauma in the past, I know there are triggers and memories to work through. (Oh boy, do I get it!)

It’s essential to work with a professional on your emotional issues first so that if a client mentions events similar to your past experience, you can keep holding space for them without sinking into your own past.

There are many great tools I learned from ITN’s Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) program. My favorites include the Transformational Trauma Technique, journaling, cranial sacral therapy, and the emotional freedom technique (EFT).

I firmly believe that it’s beneficial as a coach to have been coached or have a coach to help you in your own transformation. (You’ll also be amazed at all you learn from working with another coach!)

This doesn’t mean you are completely “perfect” in your health journey. It means you are simply a couple of steps out of the darkness and closer to the light when it comes to your emotional trauma.


As a CTNC, you get to decide who you want to help and what you want to help them with (this is called your niche, by the way!).

You also get to set your schedule so that you have specific times you hold coaching sessions, work on your business, allow for some fun time, and of course self-care.

How you help your clients is also on your terms. Just because a client pays you for your coaching services doesn’t mean you have to be available to them 24/7/365! (Oh, no no!)

Let them know your schedule for office hours and what the timeline of their sessions look like. Head here for more tips on creating scheduling boundaries!

Being a strong, empathetic entrepreneur means you run your wellness business, and it doesn’t run you. (#quoteworthy)


I often like to be a “mirror” for my clients! What does this mean?

Instead of telling them, “I’m so sorry that happened to you” after hearing of a negative experience I would say, “What did you learn from that and how did it make you stronger?”

You see, we can’t change what happened, but we can change how we view ourselves after each experience. I choose to see my clients as a victory and not a victim, which gives them the strength to do the same.

In addition, being a mirror for them means helping them see what they did or didn’t do in reaching their goals or getting results.

It’s not your job to make them do the work or get the results — it’s your job to show up 100% in offering them the education, empowerment, and support the need to make things happen.

Their results, progress, and transformation is THEIR responsibility!

You are a mirror for them to have realizations and gain awareness. Just because you want something for them and you feel their pain doesn’t mean their transformation (or lack of) is on you.

There’s a great quote in the book The Four Agreements to remind me when there are ups and downs in the coaching process with clients: “don’t take anything personally.”


Now for the fun part!

Want to put your collection of pretty crystals and rocks to good use?

When something negative comes up in a client session, hold a crystal in your hand and imagine all of that negative energy going into the stone.

Here is an example…

Let’s say you’re having a discovery session and your prospective client is talking about how they can’t afford your coaching program.

Hold a citrine stone and imagine their limiting beliefs and objections going into the stone.

Then use the strength from the crystal to help them realize what’s really coming up for them and how they can find the money (if it truly is the right fit for you both).

Have fun testing and finding the stones for helping you with this visualization — there is much to explore with ancient crystal rituals for programming and cleansing.


I really learned the concept of releasing emotion with motion while attending the “Unleash The Power Within” seminar with Tony Robbins.

With the power of movement, you can literally shift your energy in your body and mind in seconds! (It’s so powerful that it almost makes you feel like a superhuman!)

A simple way to use motion to release and shift emotion is to stand up, jump up and down for a minute or two, and if you’re feeling really crazy turn on “Shake It Off” by Taylor Swift! (Seriously, it works like a charm!)

It’s nearly impossible to feel all-the-feels when you are jumping for joy with your hands reaching for the sky.

Performing this “emotion into motion” ritual between client calls can be a great way to “shake off” or “shake up” the energy as you need it.


Here are the ways to protect your energy as a coach:

  • do your emotional work first
  • set your boundaries
  • be a mirror for clients
  • use visualization tools
  • put your emotions into motion

Remember these are ways you can strengthen yourself as a coach so you can help more clients and do the coaching work you really love.

Feel free to try them and see what works for you.

I’d love to know — have you tried these ways to protect your emotional energy as a Health Coach? Tell us in the comments below!

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