Spirituality of Nutrition

Empaths: How to Protect Your Energy

Empaths: How To Protect Your Energy

Yassss! It’s true!

You CAN create a beautiful, radiant circle of stardust around you to repel negative energy, beautiful empaths! How freakin’ Gucci does that sound?

Because I’m guessing you may have asked a similar question to this — “Why do I keep attracting beings into my life that are troubled inside or that are negative all the time?”

A few years ago, I started my deep dive into empathology! (Note to Wikipedia: If that’s not a word, it really should be! #justsayin)

Truth be told, I discovered it as a byproduct of understanding how I’d gotten involved with an individual who had a narcissistic personality disorder. Well, more than just one actually.

I was on a determined journey to get to the source of it all.


First, let’s break down just what an empath is! Empaths, simply put, are beings that have the ability to feel what other beings are feeling – different than being compassionate, which is feeling bad or sad FOR someone.

It’s such an amazing blessing and a silly curse all at the same time! Just as most gifts are!

We empaths (raise your hands out there), end up attracting beings who either see us as “easy” targets, because we are by nature incredibly forgiving and understanding, maybe to our detriment at times.

We also tend to attract beings who are negative because “moths to a flame,” babyyy! They deeply desire our positive, bright, shiny light energy.


Recently, a friend introduced me to someone. It was just the three of us in a room with no distractions. The introduction was made, and I attempted to make small talk, but this person kept looking at his lap. I thought, “How interesting! Hm. Okay, then!”

Then we proceeded to a get together where he was gregariously chatting it up with others. There were a couple behaviors I observed that made me think, “I’m pretty sure he’s a narcissist because I saw him start targeting someone.”

As the night passed on, I was positive he must be! He pretty much attempted to dodge me all evening, which was actually a relief.

As I processed through what had occurred that night, I realized the work that I had been doing on shielding myself from negative energy was working! Phew!

I repelled what I perceived to be a very toxic person.

I’ve been doing the ‘hard work’ for a while now and most definitely have been seeing how my progress in this area has manifested itself in other instances in my life!

I’ve had fewer encounters with negative people entering my energy field. You can too!


Stay with me lightworker, because it’s about to get even juicier!

I perceive it to be this essence, not visible to our physical eye that we emanate out into the universe. Have you ever felt something positive or negative from someone without even speaking to them?

Guess what? That is someone’s energy field that you are picking up on!

It may sound crazy, but empaths can pick up someone else’s energy field before even meeting! I firmly believe that it’s absolutely IMPERATIVE for empaths to protect their energy field. Read on to learn how!


Protecting your energy field can look however you want it to look like! Seriously! This by no means is a hex or spell!

But we’re here for you. “Wind beneath your wings” style! (Bette Midler, anyone?)

  • Drive to a very remote forest where the fairies fly free on the yellow brick road. Just kidding! Just try to find a semi-quiet space.
  • Put in your headphones and choose some soothing instrumental music. I like the Peaceful Beats playlist on iTunes (not getting paid to say that!).
  • ALL good things begin with meditation. Am I right, or am I right? Ok, maybe not all things but a LOT do! Close your eyes and begin to find a meditative state.
  • Start by taking a DEEP breath in and a long exhale out. Repeat three times.
  • Visualize yourself in a misty forest with sunbeams radiating through the trees. You’re standing in the middle of this forest that’s embracing you for all you are.
  • Imagine a bubble around you and inside is a shield of sparkly, silver stardust (or whatever substance or color feels protective to you – maybe it’s more like a red fire or a blue light).
  • Feel that protective bubble surrounding you. Know that it will invite positive energy flow in and repel negative energy flow. TRUST that it’s always there for your protection!
  • Take three more deep breaths in and out.
  • Blink a few times and slowly come back to the present. Know that this protective energy will always surround you and you can call on it if you need to at ANY moment.


This practice has absolutely transformed my life!

It allows me to know that a positive energy field protects me at all times. I’m beyond excited for you to experience how this will assist you on your empath journey!

If you’re an empath, you’ve got something special! Most coaches make successful empaths. Have you ever thought about becoming a coach?

Head hereto learn if a career as a coach might be a life-changing option for you!

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