Spirituality of Nutrition

10 Indoor Plants to Improve Your Wellness

10 Plants To Improve Your Wellness

Did you know that plants are not only beautiful to look at, but they are good for our bodies, minds, and overall well-being too?

Best of all, plants are an easy, inexpensive way to spruce up any indoor space! Now tell me, who doesn’t love a beautifully feng shuied space?

Research done by NASA found that plants remove toxins from the air! In fact, they found that within just 24-hours, plants can remove 87 percent of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) like formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene — that’s huge!

Plants are not just for your home! Placing a beautiful plant (or five in my case) on your desk or in your workspace can boost productivity and concentration.

A study found that employees were 15 percent more productive when they worked in a “green” office — not to mention, plants make people happy.

Being a #crazyplantlady comes with benefits!

With all their health benefits, it’s no wonder that house plants have become one of the biggest trends!

Whether you are currently surrounded by plants or are trying to decide on the plant that is right for you, read on to learn about my top 10 favorite indoor plants and why I love them!



Not only is aloe super easy to care for, but it also comes in handy around the house!

You have probably purchased aloe vera gel at the store to care for dry or sunburned skin, but did you know you can use the gel from an aloe leaf directly on your skin?

I also love adding it to a face-mask for an extra dose of hydration!


This is one of my all-time favorites!

I have to admit; my feelings are mostly based on looks here. I love how each leaf is unique with its own pattern of holes, plus they are also super easy to care for!

I have one that is over five years old and still going strong! They love to grow outward, so be sure you give it plenty of space.


Don’t worry! These plants do not resemble a snake at all!

They can be found in all shades of green, and rank as one of the highest on the list of air purifiers.

They are perfect for a corner or tight space as they grow straight up instead of out. These guys are hard to kill, which makes them ideal for a beginner. (Yes, even you readers who have killed every plant you’ve ever crossed paths with!)


Another great beginner plant!

The rubber tree has beautiful, shiny leaves, and (in my opinion) a personality. Fun fact: In the wild, these trees can live to be 100 years old! Pretty cool, huh?


We bought a little yucca from Ikea when we moved to Minneapolis over 13 years ago.

And guess what, it is five times as big and still as healthy as the day we bought it!

Plants really do become part of your family, and this one makes me happy every time I look at it.

Plant inspiration


No matter how hard you try, you cannot kill this one — promise! As a bonus, zz plants are excellent at removing toxins from the air.


While this plant can be harder to find, it is one of the cutest little plants I have ever seen! And that alone makes it totally worth the hunt!


If you are looking for a focal piece in your room, and a plant with scale, this one will do the trick!

Here’s a pro tip from this crazy, plant lady: the large leaves can become heavy, causing the plant to droop, so make sure you give this one adequate space.


Not only are these guys mighty air purifiers, but they can also help restore moisture in the air.

They are perfect for hanging planters which can give all areas of your home a touch of green.


Even though I have killed more of these than I would like to admit, I had to add these to my list because they are just so cool!

If you can keep one alive (and I have faith in you!), their large leaves make them a great air purifier and addition to your home.


Since I do not consider myself a plant expert or herbalist, just a proud plant Mom, I am not going to tell you how to care for your plants.

I will gladly leave that one up to the experts!

However, I hope this list inspires you to green up your space, purify your air, and improve your health.

What are your favorite plants, and why do you love them? Tell us in the comments below!

For more on Katie, head here!


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