Spirituality of Nutrition

10 Ways to Embrace Spiritual Amnesia (And What Spiritual Amnesia Is)

spiritual amnesia forget great ideas

Have you ever had a great idea or had the most profound thought and then an hour later you can’t even remember what it was?

Or have you ever had the most fantastic day where you were in the flow of life, loving it all from the mundane to the magical, and then you wake up the next day feeling like you hate the world, and just want to go back to sleep?

Or do you start a new healthy eating plan and every fiber of your being screams, “Yes, please!”

Then two hours later, you’re knee-deep in that bag of chips and wondering where the heck that motivation went?

The best for me (or worst) is when I’m running. I get the best ideas when I run — I pretty much feel like a constant genius!

I will have an epiphany and think this is everything, I should really write this down! But then my brain says no way you could ever forget that!

So, I keep running only to want to wring my neck when I get home, and the Einstein of an idea is poof…gone!

This is a case of Spiritual Amnesia!


The bigger picture problem is when I think I’ve got it all figured out.

I’m following the diet, meditating, thinking positive, in the flow of life, and then I wake up one day frazzled, sad, moody, and overwhelmed.

The zen, positive woman I was yesterday is a sobbing mess on the floor or blowing up in a jealous rage, or screaming at the dog while making a green drink. Where did that conscious, high vibe woman go?

Then there are the moments of clarity where you just know you’re ready to kill it!

You wake up the next day and not only is that feeling completely gone, but you’re pretty convinced you can’t even flip burgers.

Forget it, it’s just easier to stay the same. Nope — that’s just Spiritual Amnesia!


Spiritual Amnesia is a without a doubt something that happens to everyone!

I tell you this because if you take nothing else from this article, I want you to know that you are normal!

You don’t have some memory glitch or weird brain problem. Spiritual Amnesia is just part of the game of growth and change. I’m pretty sure it will never end!

Growing, evolving, changing, and doing things that we KNOW make us feel good is actually hard because we’ve never done them.

Our brains are really great at making us forget how great those ideas are because they’re new and unknown. In fact, our brains would rather stay stuck and be miserable than uncertain — it’s more comfortable there!

We could dive into brain science about this, but I say let’s move on and learn how to deal with it so we can live those AMAZING lives we see in brief moments of clarity!

If you’re still with me, I think you’re going to love these ten simple tips for embracing Spiritual Amnesia so you can wake up every day with an “I can do anything” attitude and willingness to grow (even if it takes a second to get there)!



If you have read any of my blogs, you know that awareness is literally the first step in almost anything I write about; and in this case, it’s the umbrella tip for all the others.

Meaning, you have to be aware first to use any of the tips that follow.

If you only use this tip, you will already be on your way to nipping Spiritual Amnesia in the behind!

Here’s how awareness works: simply notice those genius ideas, aha moments, and times of flow.

When you notice them, acknowledge how much you love them, and then get present and grateful for that time of clarity!

The clarity will soon pass; anchor into how it feels so you can remember it later! This tip is also about noticing what you want to attract more of.

When we get aware of and grateful for what’s working, from a law of attraction perspective, we will get more of that!


If you’re running, showering, reading, or listening to a podcast and you get some amazing thought that hits you right in the head (that idea that is a full-body “YES!”), grab your phone, your notepad, or a napkin and just WRITE IT DOWN.

Even if you never look at it again, the act of writing it down will give you a much better chance of being able to remember it.


This takes Tip 2 a step further and is one of my favorites!

When you get that fantastic idea, send yourself a text summarizing the thought so that when you check your phone its right there!

I often move it into my to-do list at a later point in the day so that I create an action item.


Another thing I do is record a voice memo. It’s so fun to listen back to because not only am I remembering the idea or inspiration I had, but I am feeling the excitement of where my mind was when I recorded it.

This is powerful! I highly suggest this when you’re in your flow and you know you need to hear the message you received again and again!


Listen, I’m basic. I don’t need all the bells and whistles.

I need things I can see daily! So, if you’re like me, put post-it notes on your mirror, next to your bed, in the book you’re reading, on your journal, or on your phone background.

I like to pick a mantra or inspired idea that’s really feeling present for me that week.

Something as simple as “I want to be an example of what’s possible,” on my desk is enough to trigger my brain to go… “Oh yeah! We are doing THAT now!”

growth and change


I am so committed to living a pinch-me kind of life and committed to reminding myself of that daily by doing my morning practices!

I did a whole blog on how to increase your happiness through a morning practice, but in a nutshell, it is a nonnegotiable that I will wake up meditate, read, journal, or connect to my soul and set an intention for the day. In the minutes or hours that I spend in my daily practice, I always re-commit!


Spiritual Amnesia is tricky because not only does it strike every day, but multiple times a day. There are many times I’m feeling great after my morning, but then 3pm hits and I’m feeling overwhelmed and under-appreciated.

I always commit to scheduling a 3pm alarm that says, “Hey girl, this day will never come again, make it fun!” and this redirects me in an instant.

You can also do this for your morning alarm so it’s the first thing you see and an evening alarm so you go to sleep already preparing to combat Spiritual Amnesia when you wake.


Share your epiphany moments with someone who will share your excitement and cheer you on.

This is another way of anchoring in the feeling and making it less likely that Spiritual Amnesia will take you over. It’ll be hard to forget if you have a pal to remind you!


Immediately create a “to do” list from your inspiration.

This is so powerful because it takes your genius thoughts and puts them into action steps. This doesn’t even give Spiritual Amnesia a chance to take hold.


Each day your mind will try to get you to succumb to Spiritual Amnesia but you CAN and WILL overcome it by repeating these 10 excellent tips!


Spiritual Amnesia can kill dreams, goals, and so much more!

You will have Spiritual Amnesia for almost all the things that are good for your soul! We are all susceptible to it, but with these 10 tips, we can come back to our truths again and again.

Now that you know that Spiritual Amnesia is normal, can you let yourself off the hook for all the do-overs?

Can you stop saying, “What’s wrong with me?”, “Why can’t I get this already?”, or “How many times do I have to hear that?”

We MUST move past those thoughts if we are to work with this situation.

So after you accept Spiritual Amnesia, put these practices in place and watch how your life changes with all those inspirations you’re finally putting into practice!

Have you experienced Spiritual Amnesia before? Tell me about your experience in the comments below.

For more on Diana, head here!

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