Psychology of Nutrition

3 Simple And Schedule-Friendly Daily Self-Care Rituals For Coaches

daily self-care rituals

What do daily self-care rituals look like for you, Coach?

This is something I used to struggle with because I see many coaches “self-caring” with toxic chemicals, buying endless products, and spending loads of time.

Yes, there are great products (read the labels, please!) and spending oodles of time is great — but it’s not required!

After my own health journey, I’ve learned self-care isn’t about what society does — it’s about finding what’s right for YOU!

For example, I’ve found acupuncture serves me much more than getting my nails done. In fact, I’ve gone “true nude nails” for over 5 years now (nail polish isn’t my thing).

When getting professional massages, I’ll skip their often toxic oils by bringing my own organic oils.

Here are 2 reasons practicing self-care rituals (especially as a coach!) is essential…

  • Self-care rituals boost energy and health so that you can really help others.
  • It puts you in alignment with your teachings (aka practice what you preach).

It’s up to you to decide what self-care rituals are best for you and what you desire!

No matter what rituals you decide to practice, you must prioritize yourself with the gift of time. When you do, you can have fun exploring the many modalities of self-care available to you.

A side benefit of discovering self-care rituals, products, and practitioners is that you’ll be able to share options with your clients as well!

Here are 3 simple and schedule-friendly daily rituals you can practice as a coach.



There is a ton of science behind the benefits of taking a daily walk. The simple act of walking has been shown to lower blood sugar levels and boost feel-good hormones!

Ideally, it would be to walk at least 20 minutes or up to 10,000 steps a day. But I say, do what you can!

Even if it’s a 5-minute walk around the block, that’s better than nothing. You can start where you are and work up to more.

My dog, Thor, doesn’t like walks because of the loud city noises. But I do know, we both feel better after walking.

What motivates you to go for a daily walk? Is it your dog, your craving for movement, or maybe to get out of your headspace?


While recently on my walk – I heard the quote, “Praying is for asking questions, meditating for hearing the answers.” How beautiful is that?

You could get a double benefit of self-care in daily with a walk of silence. This is called a walking meditation. We all know the benefits of meditation by now.

Is a walking meditation your jam? Or do you prefer to sit in silence?

Tell us all your secrets!

self-care legs up the wall


How much do you love yoga?

Instead of challenging handstands or twists, here’s my favorite pose to ease anxiety and stress!

It works fast, and you can literally do it almost anywhere. If you’d like to expand your language as well — the Sanskrit name is “Viparita Karani”, meaning “legs up the wall”.

You simply find a wall, lay down on your back with your legs up (resting against the wall) at a 90-degree angle for a few minutes. This helps reverse blood flow and gets you into a meditative healing state.

Legs up the wall pose can even help you fall asleep faster at night.

Smarter sleep habits are another expert way to practice self-care — but you already knew that.

Self-care rituals like this can easily fit into your day!


Daily self-care rituals don’t have to mean spending a ton of time, money, or taking on toxins.

Your daily self-care practice can be as simple as a quick walk, prioritizing some quiet time, and resting with your legs up the wall!

Which ones do you want to try first? Remember to plan your self-care, so you stick to your habits!

For self-care accountability, you can share your self-care habits in my Well Biz Babes group on Facebook.

Our community is full of women who are starting and growing their wellness business. We show up to support, learn, and celebrate life and business success.

Plus, you’ll get exclusive trainings from me there as well!

Go ahead and request to join us here!

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