Spirituality of Nutrition

Boost Your Spirituality by… Cooking?


The total amount of money spent on food away from home versus eating at home has risen 94% since 2003.

And no, that’s not a typo!

Especially in America, many of us go out to eat anywhere from a couple times to 5-6 times a week.

And, even if (and that’s a big if!) we are all making healthy choices when we go out to eat, we are still missing out on incredible benefits. Not for our physical health, but for our spiritual nutrition.


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Sometimes it can seem like a massive chore to cook meals for yourself at home, especially if you’re only cooking for one or two other people.

However, spending time in the kitchen can be an incredibly healing, soothing, and meditative experience. 

At ITN, spiritual nutrition is broken down into three categories: personal spirituality, communal spirituality, and environmental spirituality.

And, truthfully, cooking at home can nourish every single one of these areas!


Listen to Episode 019 to Discover...
  • The one simple way Cynthia transformed her relationship with cooking 
  • Why we need to start making more meals at home  
  • Tips to help you stay present and intentional during the meal-prep process 
  • Easy ways to make cooking a family experience 
  • How cooking helps calm anxiety and raise self esteem


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