Psychology of Nutrition

You’re Not a Perfectionist… but you are THIS


Do you consider yourself to be a perfectionist? If so, you aren’t alone.

So many of us let perfectionism control our every move, from how we go about our day to the work we put out into the world.

After all, there are people who are paying attention to what we’re doing. They’re watching our every move… in “real” life and also on all of our social media feeds.

And that’s why we can’t resist making sure that every last detail is exactly as perfect as it should be before we share, well… anything.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, an artist, a coach, or whatever your chosen profession may be, if you’re a perfectionist, you may be holding yourself back from your true potential without even realizing it.

Here’s the funny little thing about perfectionism.

It’s an excuse.

It’s a way for you to not have to do the thing that you know you’re called to do, or put the thing out that you know you’re called to put out.

Perfectionism is protection. Think of it as a shield. As soon as you have to put something out there that you’ve been working on, that shield comes down and you’re no longer protected.

It becomes real and raw because it’s “out there.”

And when you’re no longer protected, you’ll have to finally hear…

…What people say.

…What people think.

…And whether or not what they say and think stacks up to what you envisioned in your head.


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You don’t need to stay a perfectionist forever!

Even ITN Founder and CEO, Cynthia Garcia, suffered with the impossible idea of perfectionism for years before realizing how to beat it… for good.

And on this episode, Cynthia shares about that experience and many more, plus she explains how you can start to break down that layer of protection and live the life that you’ve always dreamed of! 


Listen to Episode 020 to Discover...
  • Exactly why perfectionism prevents you from succeeding
  • The real reason we want to be seen as perfect
  • How Cynthia’s own experience with launching The PINK Method changed her view on perfectionism
  • Simple steps to help you embrace the fear of doing something big (or small!)


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