Business Skills

How To Become An Expert In 30 Days

become an expert in your field

No one is born an expert, and becoming one is a process.

Perhaps you have a specialist certification from the Institute of Transformational Nutrition that clearly makes you an expert. Such as a Certified Weight Loss Specialist or Certified Holistic Cancer Specialist.

Maybe you are already certified as a Health Coach, or perhaps you aren’t. Either way, you can always deepen your education and become a next level expert!

The definition of an expert is, “A person with a higher degree of skill or knowledge of a certain subject than most.”

Does that sound like you? (Or do you wish it did?)

You see, one of the things that holds people back from getting publicity as a Health or Life Coach is their own insecurity. (Read this article to help you overcome those nasty limiting beliefs!)

But here’s the thing… there will always be people who are smarter, more skilled, and more knowledgeable than you are.

Don’t let that get you down!

In fact, see it as a blessing, and try to surround yourself with those who are smarter and more accomplished than you! Doing this is a great way to step outside of your comfort zone, learn, and grow!

But also know that you already have everything you need inside of you to be an expert!

If you don’t already consider yourself an “expert” (and we would argue that you most likely are), check out these steps on how to become an expert in just 30 days!



If you want to become an expert, do what all of the experts before you have done — enrolled in a specialist course!

That’s right, if you’re serious about becoming an expert, learn from someone (an expert) who has gone through it all before you! After all, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel!

Think about enrolling in a Specialist certification course. For example, if you want to become a Health Coach or Life Coach, consider enrolling in our Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) Course to become an expert.


Make a point to read a new book on your area of desired expertise every week! Now, that may seem like a lot but try to be reasonable with how long the book is and how long it would take you to read it.

That being said, don’t push it off! Schedule it into your daily planner and set aside a little time each day to read up on your desired subject of expertise!

Pro tip: Plan out two or three months of books and have them handy so when you finish one, you can jump into the next! And do some research to find out the three top-selling books on your topic.

become an expert health coach


Now this one may seem intimidating, but there is no better way to become an expert than to have to get up and speak in front of an audience! (Try it!)

Commit to giving a free 1-3 hour seminar or workshop at your nearest well-known university or wellness hub!

Take this one step further and offer a free presentation to two large companies in your area.

This does more than just make you feel confident and more knowledgeable — it also helps to position yourself as an expert in front of a large audience who might just be looking for your expertise! (Or know someone who is!) #businesshack


Next up, write an article or two for trade magazines or websites! You can also submit an article to your local college or institute.

This is a great way to position yourself as the expert again and learn about your topic of choice as you do so!


Do a little research and find out what the top three websites are about your desired subject of expertise.

Make a point to follow and read whatever articles they post each day or week! Reach out to them and offer to contribute an article! (See what we did there?)


Here we go again with the investing in yourself thing, but it pays you back immensely! Look for some local (or not) seminars or events that are focused on your area of expertise and buy your tickets!

This is a great way to network and meet other people in that same industry. You’ll also learn a ton by being with other like-minded individuals and having the opportunity to ask questions live!


Remember when we said to surround yourself with people who are smarter than you and doing bigger things than you?

Yeah, this is what we were talking about!

Prioritize getting out and networking with others who are experts in your field of interest! Ask them questions and get to know them!

You can even interview them and use them for your blog posts and seminars! (See how resourceful we’re being?)


If you want an excuse to talk about your favorite new area of expertise and interview all the greats in this field, start a podcast or a YouTube channel!

Both of these platforms force you to do research and connect with other experts in your industry!


Now that you’re becoming an expert, put your expertise to use! Begin taking on clients who are looking to work with an expert like you!

Know that you may not always know the answer right away, but when this happens, it’s a great way to do the research and learn something new, making you an even more seasoned expert in your field!


Take everything that you’ve created and learned and put it into a program that will not only set you up as an expert in that field of expertise but will also make you money!

Don’t overthink this! You can create a program by pulling together all of the things you’ve created over the last 30 days!

Remember that as you evolve as an expert, your programs will too! You’ll continue to learn to make it better, so don’t be too attached to having to know everything right off the bat!


While you may claim that you’re not an expert, you have everything you need within you to become one (and right here in this blog post)!

So go out, do the work, become the expert, and share your much-needed knowledge with the world!

Tell us what area of expertise you’re going to dive into in the comments below!

If you’re ready to become an expert Health Coach, check out our Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) Program and start investing in your expertise TODAY!

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