Science of Nutrition

10 Immune-Boosting Foods to Nourish the Body During Cold & Flu Season

10 Immune-Boosting Foods to Nourish the Body During Cold & Flu Season

Fall has officially arrived, which means it’s time for fun, beautiful foliage, trips to the pumpkin patch, and plenty of tricks and treats. On the flip side, it also means that cold and flu season is right around the corner.

We’ll be hearing sniffles and sneezes before we know it, so we need to get a leg up on fighting colds and the flu by preparing our bodies and strengthening our immune systems.

Supporting immunity is also more important now than ever since COVID-19 is still lingering around like an unwelcome visitor. One of the easiest ways you can set yourself up for having a healthy immune system is through nutrition.

Studies have shown that eating nutrient-dense foods helps our cells and immune system function at their optimal level, which enhances immunity and wards off illnesses.

Have you ever heard the saying, “Food is medicine?” The idea has been around for years and years. Greek philosopher, Hippocrates, is even quoted as saying:

“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.”

Today, it still rings true! There are plenty of foods that support immunity naturally to help us with fighting infections and staying healthy.

10 Immune-Boosting Foods to Incorporate Into Your Diet

1. Citrus Fruits
Vitamin C is a key nutrient that supports immunity. Oranges, lemons, tangerines, and grapefruit all provide a delicious dose of vitamin C. Try this greens, grapefruit, and avocado salad recipe for a tasty immune-fighting lunch!

2. Red Bell Peppers
Would you believe that red bell peppers have even more vitamin C than citrus fruits? They’re also high in antioxidants, which are so helpful in fighting off free radicals. Slice them up and dip them into powered-up hummus as a snack, toss them into a salad, or spice things up and whip up fajitas for dinner.

immune boosting foods turmeric3. Turmeric
Not only does turmeric boost immunity, but it also has plenty of other health benefits. It’s been shown to improve memory, contains anti-bacterial agents, and it’s also a food that fights inflammation.

Use it as a spice to flavor soups and stews, or you can even add a dash of turmeric into your tea for an immune-boosting drink.

4. Garlic
Garlic does a lot more than ward off vampires! It supports immunity thanks to its allicin content, a compound that has anti-bacterial and antiviral properties.

The best way to activate the benefits of garlic is by crushing it or chewing it. So, the next time you’re making a savory dish, try adding garlic for a burst of flavor. (Just make sure to have a toothbrush on hand when the meal is finished.)

5. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are full of vitamin A, which is another vitamin that supports immunity. They’re also packed with vitamins C and D, antioxidants, magnesium, and potassium, which all play a role in keeping us healthy.

They’re so yummy as a side dish. Bake them in the oven and serve with coconut oil and cinnamon sprinkled on top, or cut them up and make your own sweet potato fries.

6. Broccoli
Just one cup of broccoli is full of beta-carotene, another immune strengthener. Broccoli also packs a ton of calcium, and studies indicate that it also helps fight against free radicals.

You’ll get the most nutrients out of broccoli by eating it raw, but if you want a hot bowl of goodness, try this cream of broccoli soup recipe. It’s just divine.

7. Blueberries
Blueberries are full of antioxidants called flavonoids, which boost the immune system and reduce cell damage. They also contain vitamins A and C, plus, they’re delicious! Throw them into a smoothie, use them as a yogurt topping, or even grab a handful straight out of the fridge if the mood should strike you.

immune boosting foods green tea8. Green Tea
In addition to containing antioxidants to support immunity, green tea has also been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. If you want to kick things up a notch, try drinking matcha instead of green tea. One cup of matcha is equivalent to 10 cups of the regular stuff!

9. Chicken Soup
There’s a good reason that chicken soup is a go-to food to combat a cold. It’s full of vitamins A and C, and it’s also loaded with other immune-boosting ingredients, such as garlic, ginger, and even turmeric, in some recipes.

As a bonus, it’s warm, nourishing, and is pretty much the epitome of comfort food.

10. Greek Yogurt
Since it’s packed with probiotics, Greek yogurt helps boost immunity by improving gut health. The state of your gut microbiome is directly related to immunity, so the more foods you can eat to improve your digestive system, the better. Greek yogurt is so versatile, too.

It can be eaten alone, used as a base for a smoothie, or it’s even great as a healthy alternative to sour cream in recipes and for toppings.

In Conclusion

While you can’t totally prevent yourself from getting sick, by eating plenty of foods that help strengthen immunity during cold and flu season, at least you’ll have a first line of defense working for you.

When your immune response is ready to kick in, it’ll be ready to face those pesky invaders.

Even if you enjoy some of these immune-boosting foods a few times a week, you’ll be taking the first step in protecting yourself against sniffles, sneezes, and everything in between.

Do you have a favorite immune-boosting recipe you’d like to share? Leave us a comment and let us know!

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