Coaching Skills

3 Reasons to Avoid Cookie-Cutter Diet Plans (And Why Your Clients Will Thank You)

3 Reasons To Avoid Cookie Cutter Diet Plans

You’re finally working as a Health Coach! You’ve received your certification and are ready to take on clients.

You dive right in, giving your new clients the cookie-cutter protocols you learned in school. You’re so excited about this approach and know that it’s going to help you change the lives of so many!

And after weeks of working with your clients, they’re just not seeing much progress.

You’re frustrated, your clients are frustrated, and you’re both ready to give up.

Here at ITN, we’ve seen this far too many times.

It’s unfortunate but true. Many Health Coaches who don’t study at ITN are taught a cookie-cutter plan to use with their clients upon graduation.

What’s the problem with this?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach for anyone. We cannot emphasize this enough!

No two clients are the same. Therefore, no two protocols should be the same.

This is why, at ITN, we educate and give our Health Coaches the tools necessary to put together a protocol for each INDIVIDUAL client according to their psychological, spiritual, and nutritional needs.

As a Health Coach, you must be able to identify what health issues a client is dealing with on a mind, body, and soul level, and cater to those specific needs.

This is what sets you apart in an industry that can be crowded. Before you go out in the world and help others to live the best life they can (which we know you’re itching to do), it’s important you understand why a one-size-fits-all plan will ultimately fail you and your clients.

3 Reasons to Avoid Cookie-Cutter Diet Plans (And Why Your Clients Will Thank You)

1. Biologically

Even though many fad diets parade themselves as a one-size-fits-all diet, the truth is that there is no perfect diet that works for everyone.

Research is revealing that individuals have different nutritional needs based on a wide variety of factors, such as genes, level of physical activity, climate, body size, metabolic rate, and so much more. However, when’s the last time your doctor took the time to consider all of these factors and make personalized nutrition recommendations?

Even with the best of intentions, most mainstream doctors don’t have the time to uncover the various lifestyle, environmental, and genetic factors that play a role in nutritional needs. Therefore, at best they make general nutritional recommendations, and at the worst, they ignore nutrition altogether. But either way, when personalized nutrition isn’t implemented, individuals miss out on the potential for optimized well-being. You see, personalized nutrition is fundamental to greater energy, a stronger immune system, and a balanced body.

Certified Transformational Nutrition Coaches (CTNCs) are equipped to educate their clients about the centrality of nutrition to health and to work with them to co-create a personalized nutrition program.

2. Psychologically

Everyone’s life has presented them with different experiences that have shaped how they psychologically process and experience things.

Many times, these experiences leave them feeling alone and unheard.

Giving a voice to their deep, hidden fears and beliefs can help guide them to release, move on, and ultimately heal.

Cookie-cutter plans don’t address a person’s needs on a psychological level.

Understanding that this is an essential component of ultimate health will give a personal touch to whatever protocol you create for your client.

3. Spiritually

Spirituality is often overlooked in a one size fits all health coaching plan.

Why? That’s beyond us!

Helping your clients to cultivate faith and belief in something bigger than themselves is the secret to helping them get through the tough days and create real, lasting changes in their life.

As a Health Coach, helping them to experience transformation is your job.

A cookie-cutter plan doesn’t give your clients space or opportunity to explore what spirituality means to them or experience how it can help them to fill the void they’ve been feeling for far too long.

Want the tools to help your clients succeed using an individualized plan? Check out our Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) program to learn how you can set yourself apart as a Health Coach.

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  1. […] diets used to be the cool (and easy) thing to offer your clients! Not anymore — and for good reasoning! (Thank […]

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