Coaching Skills

ITN Student Success Story: Jelisa Smith

ITN Student Success Story: Jelisa Smith


ITN graduate and all around rock star human being, Jelisa Smith, is a mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend, content creator, and a Life and Business Coach!

She began her journey as a coach five years ago and has continued to evolve, grow, and expand her business ever since then!

I started as a personal trainer, transitioned into health coaching and helping people shed body fat and build muscle. Then I wanted to do MORE, to help people with more than just fitness. I wanted to help them shift their mindset (because we all know that our minds run the show)

Jelisa now works with powerful female entrepreneurs to help them bust through limiting beliefs so they can create a business that flourishes and allow them to build an impactful, world-changing business, and live a life they love at the same time!

Jelisa Smith On Top


“In 2017, I was pregnant and getting married in the same year, so I pretty much took a break from online coaching and my business. It was a really great year, but a really tough year too.

After I had my daughter, I knew that being a successful coach was NOT an option because I HAD to model success for my daughter and create the life I always envisioned for myself and my family.

So, I picked up my ITN course again (I had set it aside for over a year to focus on my wedding & pregnancy!), and I studied EVERY DAY!

I would study while nursing my daughter, or while she would nap (usually in my arms), and practice coursework with the few clients I had at the time. I also hired a business coach to hold me accountable because I was so focused!

Focusing on helping women succeed with their physical health alone didn’t feel right anymore; I knew I wanted to do more and had more to give.

Mindset is such a HUGE indicator of success in anything, and I had a strong desire to help women cultivate a growth mindset through EVERY stage of life and be healthy not just physically, but emotionally, mentally, and spiritually as well!

In 2018, I became a Certified Life Coach and decided to work with entrepreneurially minded women. Now I help female online business owners (and aspiring business owners) to build their brand on Instagram and package their genius with confidence.

I believe that my purpose is to help people do work they love, and this is my way of doing it! Now I refer to myself as a Life Coach & Purpose Strategist, and I know I am right where I need to be!”


While Jelisa has many successes as a CTNC, her favorite to date are…

  • Becoming a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach through ITN.
  • Being featured on UPtv’s reality show, “Expecting.”  Watch the episode preview here!
  • Creating her first online course, Finesse the Gram!
  • And of course, her beautiful family!


Here’s where you can find more on and be inspired by Jelisa…

Jelisa is yet another one of our amazing grads, and we are so excited to see where she continues to take her business and impact the world with her beautiful message!

Want more on our other graduates? Read all about CTNC Tammie Duggar here!

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