Psychology of Nutrition

5 Steps To Define Success On Your Terms

5 Steps To Define Success On Your Own Terms

What does success mean to you?

Has anyone ever asked you that? For many, success has been defined for them from their family, friends, and other acquaintances in their life.

That isn’t going to be the case for you, and if it currently is, we’re about to change all of that!

Close your eyes and begin to visualize yourself living the life of your dreams. What does it look like? Who is there? What are you doing, wearing, and feeling?

Now, open your eyes! (Which should be tear-filled because what you imagined was so beautiful and moving!) If you didn’t experience that feeling, close your eyes and try again! Don’t hold yourself back!

The image you conjured up, was your truth, YOUR version of what success looks like. It is vital that as you build your business and continue to grow as an individual, that you have a clear understanding of what success means to you!


If you let anyone else define success for you, you’ll never truly experience inner peace and happiness! #truth

[bctt tweet=”When you map out success on your terms, you start to create a life you love to live — a life that is fulfilling to YOU!” username=”InstituteTN”]

So, are you ready to get crystal clear on your definition of success? Take a moment and dance around (that’s right!) and shake out any old beliefs of success! Let them go, get them out — okay, let’s move on!



Time to get comfortable, inspired, and totally clear! Grab a pen, a journal, and lock yourself in a room where you cannot be disturbed! Seriously! Put a sign up to keep everyone out if you need to — this is YOUR time!


Close your eyes and in your mind’s eye, begin to paint a detailed picture of the life of your dreams! Don’t hold back here — let whatever you truly desire to reveal itself. Notice everything in this picture! Use these questions to help you get clear…

  1. What do you see?
  2. Who is there?
  3. What are you doing?
  4. Are there any smells?
  5. What about any sounds you hear?
  6. Where are you located?
  7. What does your business look like?
  8. How much money are you making?

Take as long as you need to let this picture fully come to life.

Once you’re clear on all the above questions, ask yourself, “How do I feel? What emotions am I experiencing?” Take note of any emotions or feelings that you are experiencing and hold them in your body. Our guess is that they are emotions of joy, love, excitement, and inner peace!


Now open your eyes and put your pen to the paper! Write down all that came up for you! Write down the picture you saw in as much detail as you can and be sure to document any emotions you experienced too.

This should be fun! The visualization you did in step one should have made you giddy with excitement. If it didn’t this time around, there might still be some old beliefs holding you back, and that’s entirely okay! Accept where you are and allow for growth each time you do this!


Look over all you’ve written and begin to highlight or underline the pieces that stand out most to you.

Perhaps it’s that sentence about you hosting a top-rated podcast. Or, maybe it’s the paragraph about you working remotely on a beach somewhere while coaching your clients! It might even be the section where you talk about being a rock star mom, wife, and business owner.

Whatever it might be for you is perfect — it’s your truth!



Take all the parts of your vision that you highlighted and rewrite them. As you go through each one, make sure it feels good to you! Make sure it feels like your truth and your definition of success.

Avoid comparing it to what others might think success looks like. If it brings you ease and confidence, it’s yours to take! Be sure to place this piece of paper (or feel free to type it up and print it off) somewhere that you will see it every day!


Now that you’ve defined success for yourself, be sure you stick to it! Take time to acknowledge when you’ve accomplished or done something that aligns with your version of success. Celebrate YOU and get EXCITED already!

Also, keep in mind that your definition of success will change, which is perfectly normal! Reassess it when you need or when you feel disconnected from what once felt like success for you!

As you accomplish new goals and levels of success, you’ll find you have to define new success markers, which is fun and exciting!


Getting clear on what success looks like to you will bring your personal growth and health coaching business to a place of ease, joy, and alignment.

If you really want to skyrocket your success, keep yourself in a high vibe place and align every action with your definition of success! Cheers to creating massive amounts of success on YOUR TERMS!

Want more on creating the life of your dreams and doing BIG things? Check out this article — 5 Simple Shifts To Accomplish Your Dreams!

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