Business Skills

A Simple Habit For Creating Success

A Simple Habit For Success

What is the number one thing you need to be, to be successful at anything?

Before we get into that, we need to be clear on what being successful even means!

Have you ever stopped to think about what success truly looks like to YOU? (Just you, not what it looks like for anyone else)

How we define success is different for everyone and impacts how we view our own success, as well as, the success of others.

This has to be different for everybody because we all have different goals and things we want to achieve in life.

It’s common knowledge that our success journey will be paved with hard work and sacrifice and that we need to be clear on our “Why,” but what else will success require of us?

For the sake of this article, we’ll be referring to “success” as simply “achieving our desired outcome for a specific goal in a specific area of our life.”

I’m all about keeping it simple here, people.

So I’m not going to give you some overly complicated strategy or a crazy tactic that the 1% or the most successful CEOs in the world do.

If you want that, just do a Google search for “How to Be Successful,” and you’ll receive 1.15 Billion results that will give you the “Top X” tactics, habits, strategies, etc. to sift through.

Happy searching!


I don’t want to overcomplicate success for you because, as I mentioned, I believe in making things as SIMPLE as possible for ourselves so that we can focus on and understand what really matters.

Success in any area of life is tough enough without overcomplicating it (like many of us tend to do.)

You’ll be trying to achieve your goals while battling with limiting beliefs, trying to stay fit, have a healthy mind, body, & spirit, spending time with your loved ones, and making a positive impact on this planet.

It can feel overwhelming!

Rest assured, because what you actually need to do is simple.

And even better for you, you’ve already done this!

The beauty of this habit is that it’s not industry specific or just for one type of person.

This habit is something required of everyone to be successful, and anyone can do this.

Have you guessed what it is yet? It’s going to blow your mind, so get ready!

You need to be CONSISTENT.

Bam! Did I blow your mind? (Actually, I hope that’s not too anti-climactic for you!)


In all seriousness, I specifically wanted to discuss this ONE thing because I believe this is an often overlooked key to success.

Being consistent at what you do will help you to simplify your path to successfully doing whatever it is you were put here on this earth to do!

Simplifying your road to success will help you achieve it faster!

Focus On Your Goals


Simplifying is necessary because as you are putting in the work to achieve your own unique goals and fulfill your purpose, it’s so easy to get caught up in things (like the latest strategies and newest mindset hacks) that you can lose sight of what you actually need to focus on in order to achieve your desired outcome.

Be careful not to get caught up on the hamster wheel of avoiding who you need to be to achieve your goals because you’re too busy searching for what else you need to do to achieve your goals.

Motivational speaker and author Jim Rohn said, “Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals.”

Let that sink in for a hot second!

He said, “CONSISTENTLY applying basic fundamentals.”

My friends, please understand that all of the strategies, tactics, habit hacking, mindset training, etc. won’t work if you’re not consistent with them.

This is what makes consistency the #1 thing (in my book) that you need to do to succeed at anything — it all boils down to consistency.


The late entrepreneur and rapper Nipsey Hussle said, “Instead of trying to build a brick wall, lay a brick every day. Eventually, you’ll look up and have a brick wall”.

Consistency is the foundation of achievement.

Consistency is what will help you persevere as you are trucking along on your journey to success, whether it be to succeed at finally achieving your dream body, running a marathon, reversing chronic illness, completing your ITN certification, or building your business from the ground up.

We all know the story of the tortoise and the hare.

The hare moved at a faster speed than the tortoise, but the tortoise ended up winning the race because he endured through all the races’ challenges and remained consistent.

He may have moved slower, but he never stopped or gave up on his goal of completing the race. As a result, he outlasted the hare and won! (Be the hare, my friends!)

So who have you been in your own story? The tortoise or the hare? Who would you rather be on your journey to success?

Be Consistently Consistent


Tony Robbins said, “It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.”

Being consistent is an easy concept to grasp, but it’s not so easy to put into practice.

I get it, there are so many things vying for your attention that it’s hard to remain focused on your goals, let alone consistently work towards achieving them.

But I also want to let you know that you don’t have to be perfect to be consistent. You may get thrown off track, and that’s okay — it’s normal!

When I was competing in figure competitions, I didn’t stick to my diet perfectly or go beast mode in all of my workouts.

However, I didn’t let a bad workout keep me from going back to the gym the next day, and I didn’t let eating one (or maybe two) “cheat meals” make me give up on my goal of making it to the stage on competition day.

I ended up winning the overall award, beating all of the other figure competitors in that show.

It wasn’t because I was perfect — it was because I was consistent.


“Perfection of effort is not required, by the way. It is the consistency of attempting to work these tools that brings the progress,” according to Holly Moiser, author of “Stress Less, Weigh Less.”

Remaining consistent in your commitment to your goals is the key to achieving them.

You will go through some challenging things, you will be faced with adversity, people you love may doubt you, you may question your abilities and sanity, and you may get temporarily thrown off course.

But, if you keep moving forward and don’t give up, you WILL succeed!

If you take nothing more from this article, let it be this…

Look at being consistent as continually striving to move forward towards your goal despite any adversity you face on your road to successfully achieving that goal.

Keep moving forward no matter what!


Yes, it’s a bit cliche and sounds like something you’d read on an Instagram meme, but it’s true. (Trust me!)

At times, you may feel like you’re taking two steps forward and being knocked two steps back.

When continuously move forward despite this, you will develop the discipline, resilience, courage, and perseverance you need to succeed at anything you choose to.

Now that you’re fired up, you probably want to keep reading about being successful. Head here to learn how to define success on your terms.

Comment below with one thing you’re going to stay consistent with this month!

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