Psychology of Nutrition

Transformational Nutrition Break Down: Psychology (Part 2)

psychology of nutrition

Now that you’re familiar with the Science of Nutrition and how that ties into the complete Transformation Nutrition Model, let’s talk about the psyche!

Many coaches believe, correction, make the mistake of believing, that science alone can help their clients achieve results.

While this may have worked at one time, focusing solely on science to create a coaching plan leaves you with an incomplete plan.

You see, while science is an essential component, science without psychology and spirituality holds your clients back from truly healing and creating new, long term habits.

Think about it like this: trying to treat dis-ease without addressing past trauma, evolutionary psychology tendencies, or mental environment is like a computer programmer looking only at the screen and the monitor to diagnose computer problems.

By focusing only on the screen and monitor, you completely ignoring the hardware (brain) and software (mind) of the computer.

If you are somewhat skeptical that the brain and the mind play a role in physical healing, it is probably for a good reason. In the past, “thinking good thoughts” in order to heal has been associated with “snake-oil salesmen” and “quacks.” (We get it!)

While unproven methods and mind-body gimmicks still exist today, there is much more scientific research that supports the interconnectedness of the mind and body.

When you view your client as a whole person — body, mind, and spirit — you’re able to separate yourself from an overcrowded sea of healthcare professionals and coaches.

When it comes to the Transformational Nutrition method, the psychological includes past trauma, evolutionary psychology, and mental environment.

Let’s dive into each of these areas so you can better understand them and start to incorporate them into your practice!




Evolutionary psychology gives you a picture of your client’s evolutionary tendencies. What does this do for you as a coach?

Well, it gives you the information you need to create a program that your client is willing to follow.

By paying attention to these environmental tendencies, which have been passed down through generations, you can start to understand WHY your client reacts to certain suggestions and action steps the way they do!

It’s almost like cracking the code!

Some natural, evolution-based human tendencies you might notice in your clients include an unwillingness to give up control, fear of trying something new, and expressing emotions before logic.

Do any of these sound familiar?

By watching and being aware of these deeply rooted reactions early on in your time together, you’ll be able to effectively respond and work with your client to help them achieve success!

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The mental environment gives you a snapshot of the client’s current mental state.

By noticing how positive and resilient your client is, you’ll be able to meet them where they are at and have a more successful working relationship!

Did you know that the human brain is biased toward negativity? Interesting, right?!

However, the good news is that humans can override this tendency by intentionally choosing to be positive and using their natural strengths to shift any neurological patterns over time.

As a coach, you have the unique and amazing opportunity to help your clients leverage what is complete within them and finally overcome what is broken. You can do this by introducing stress reduction techniques.

Here are some examples:

  • Journaling and free-writing.
  • Using positive affirmations.
  • Practicing meditation and breathwork.
  • Engaging in hobbies.
  • Getting adequate amounts of sleep.
  • Doing something active.
  • Spending time outside in nature.
  • Making time for activities that bring them joy.

Free write


Finally, understanding a client’s past trauma can give you clarity and insight into why they are the way they are and any struggles they may currently be dealing with.

Trauma is trauma, period — it can be big or small. What is traumatic for one person may not be for another. When it comes to trauma, there is no judgment or comparing.

We tend to store traumas in the brain and even carry them in our cells!

If these traumas go unaddressed, they can significantly reduce functioning capabilities and tend to create faulty belief systems and resistance to change. (Still sounding familiar?)

In fact, any trauma that occurs before the age of eight is particularly damaging because the brain is extremely sensitive and vulnerable at this time.

Symptoms of past, unresolved trauma include depression, anxiety, sadness, memory lapses, addictions, insomnia, and chronic pain.

Studies show that childhood trauma hinders brain development, and leads to lifelong mental and physical health problems.

It is essential for you to be mindful of these traumatic experiences as you co-create a healing protocol with your client.

You may even choose to recommend professional counseling.

You can also recommend the face and embrace method in which a client acknowledges, embraces, and releases past traumas — this is something students at the Institute of Transformational Nutrition learn to use with their clients.


You’re starting to see how the Transformational Nutrition method is truly the only way to get your clients real results and to help create a healthier, happier world!

Now that you understand how science and psychology are significant components in the Transformational Nutrition Model let’s talk about the Spirituality of Nutrition! (Yet another important part!)

Are you ready to become a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach so that you can too use the Transformational Nutrition Model? Head here to get started and to learn more about beginning your journey!

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