Spirituality of Nutrition

Live Intentionally With the Power of Breathwork


Breathwork is an amazing tool to help you slow down, stay present, and refocus within just a few minutes.

ITN founder and CEO Cynthia Garcia has reaped the benefits of breathwork for many years and shares the science for why it works on today’s episode.

It’s a simple practice that can truly transform your daily life. Not only can breathwork guide you through moments of chaos or anger, but it can also help folks who struggle with depression, anxiety, and PTSD to calm their body and mind. 

Breathwork is not a cure-all, but it’s a start to living a more present life.

Cynthia shares two techniques — deep abdominal breathing and the 4/7/8 practice — to give beginners an idea for what to expect and how to get started.

Tune in to learn more about how and why you should add breathwork into your wellness routine. 


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Here at ITN, we believe that spirituality equals connection.

Connection with yourself, with others, and with the environment.

Practicing breathwork is a great way to connect with yourself and strengthen that personal relationship.

It helps you get in tune with your body and your mind in a calming, peaceful, safe way.

You don’t need to be a meditation expert to reap the benefits of breathwork.

In this episode, Cynthia walks you through two different breathing techniques that can help kickstart your breathwork journey.

And, we even put together a guided meditation that will help move you through a “Detox Your Mind” 7-minute practice. Click here to access this guided meditation exercise right now.


Listen to Episode 021 to Discover...
  • The physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of breathwork
  • Where breathwork originated from and how other cultures use it to improve health
  • The biology behind how breathwork encourages the nervous system to let go of stress
  • Two simple breathing techniques that Cynthia recommends for beginners
  • How to implement breathwork into a sustainable daily routine


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