Psychology of Nutrition

Positive Affirmations To Help With Anxiety

Affirmations For Anxiety

If you suffer from anxiety, you’re not alone. You make up nearly two-thirds of the American population.

Being anxious is quite common. The Anxiety and Depression Association reports that anxiety disorders are the most commonly diagnosed in the USA.

That’s the bad news. But worry not, there is good news to come!.

Data from the University Of Texas and many other credible sources say anxiety is highly treatable.

You can overcome your anxiety. It doesn’t have to be a lifelong struggle. One method that can help calm your mind and help you tap into your subconscious mind to keep that anxiety at bay (and possibly even go away altogether) is affirmations.

These affirmations can help you when you’re feeling anxious and even when you feel a panic attack coming on. Use these affirmations regularly to retrain your thought patterns, and bit-by-bit you won’t feel as plagued by negative thoughts anymore.


  • This feeling is only temporary. It will pass.
  • Even though I’m feeling anxious, I can put my focus on something that makes me feel good.
  • I can release these thoughts and feelings. I choose to let them pass and let them go.
  • I’ve made it past these feelings before, I’ll do it again (these thoughts can’t hurt me).
  • I choose to put my intention on my breath. As I exhale, these feelings leave my body with ease.
  • Lots of people love and appreciate me.
  • Even if I make a mistake, I’ll learn something new, and I’ll improve in this area.
  • I am strong and have made it past worst. This is easy. I can do it.
  • Millions of people have overcome their anxiety, and I can too.
  • All is well. I am very safe.
  • These are only thoughts, and they don’t have to be my reality. My mind supports me in seeing things differently.


As the well-known teacher, Abraham Hicks, “A Belief is Just a Thought You Keep Thinking.” And as they added, if you choose new thoughts, through repetition, you can change those beliefs.

In order to change a belief, it’s good to repeat the new thoughts you’d like to have. Some ways to do that are:

  • On your phone’s notepad, write these affirmations down and look at them first thing in the morning.
  • Take a look at your chosen statements ten minutes before going to bed each night.
  • Open the free voice recording app on your phone and record yourself saying these affirmations.
  • Once a day, listen to yourself saying your statements (maybe as you fall asleep).
  • Take a journal and write down your affirmations.
  • Schedule an email to be sent to you once a week with your statements.
  • Hire a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) to help you uncover and resolve these pain points (with ITN’s Transformational Trauma Technique!).
  • Try using your affirmations during meditation (new to meditation?. Check out this simple meditation technique – it only takes a few minutes).


Certified Transformational Nutrition Coaches help, thousands of individuals find solutions that are long-lasting. They’re trained in methods that have not only helped them heal, but they’ve learned the answers that guarantee deep healing, and now they’re using what they know to help others.

If you suffer from anxiety, you can help yourself. Much like celebrities like Ariana Grande, Emma Stone, Kristen Bell, and Zoey Deutsche have used their anxiety to their advantage, you can too. With the right support and education, you can use your experience to help others.

ITN’s coaching programs are designed to help you understand anxiety and other life challenges in a way that promotes transformation in a 360-degree fashion. You can learn about our courses here.

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