Business Skills

5 Ways To Transform Creative Avoidance Into Creative Action

5 Ways To Avoid Creative Avoidance
– The sense of overwhelm and that feeling of being “busy” without actually having any business is called “creative avoidance.”

– Set dates and share them on social media to hold yourself accountable when launching your business.

– Use simple systems to get started now.

– Create a functional work environment.

– Know your worth and your why.

– Visualize your dream client and make it so they can find you!

Are you too busy trying to perfect your health coaching business that you still haven’t even launched it yet?

You know what I’m talking about! The things like building a website that ideally reflects you, getting the perfect photos, crafting all the beautiful graphics on Canva, and creating a program that stands out! Oh, and then you #KonMari your entire house while you’re at it!

If this sounds like you, you are not alone!


This sense of overwhelm and that feeling of being busy without any actual business is something called “creative avoidance” — and it happens to the best of us (yep, my hand is raised).

It can be terrifying when you are first putting yourself out there to serve your ideal clients!

The truth is that the idea of everything being perfect when you’re just getting started is only a perception — it’s not reality. It isn’t supposed to be perfect before you start!

Building a business is a process and something you improve along the way. The best way is to just start! (Here is your permission to start already!)

When working with my clients, who are building a business, I’ve found there’s an art of procrastination that comes up when it’s time to actually promote their services.

When it comes to sharing your business with the world, are you guilty of any of these thoughts…

  • “I must create my program first!”
  • “My website has to be perfect before I can take clients!”
  • “I have so many ideas of what to offer that I just can’t decide where to begin.”

While these things seem like significant and important statements, they can be stories that are getting in the way of you leaping into the unknown and finally launching your business.

The price of procrastination is what you’ll pay if you continue to put off starting and sharing your offers. What that means is: your dream client is still struggling, you’ve lost out on business and income, and most importantly, you miss out on the total high you get when you do the work you love — being in your higher purpose!

Putting your message and mission above your fears will give you the motivation you need to go for it!

Let’s dive into the steps to help you transform creative avoidance into creative action! Let’s do this!



You know how you seem to get everything (and more) done right before going on a vacation?

Do the same with your launch dates — set deadlines! Ready for a bonus action?

Tell others when and where you’ll be sharing your new coaching services so you can have accountability from your followers on Instagram or Facebook, and your loved ones.

Think about hiring a business coach to support you, offer you guidance, and hold you accountable. Trust me when I say (from experience) that they won’t let you hide from your deadlines!


When you are first starting you don’t need to have all of the fancy stuff. (Save that stuff for when you’re a rich and famous Health Coach!) There are many ways to start coaching with little to no cost technology.

In fact, would you believe me if I told you that there are some successful online coaches who don’t even have a website?

It’s true! Instead of a website, they use Facebook or Instagram for connecting, and Eventbrite or PayPal to receive payments. Amazing, right?

You get to decide what your process is and what systems you want to use. Remember this is YOUR business, run it as your heart desires and you will experience success!


Your environment affects your health and your energy which is why it’s important to create a space where you can comfortably do your creative work and coaching sessions. #fengshuiyourway

Keep it clutter and distraction free — this is where you can finally unleash your inner Marie Kondo! If your home office or space isn’t ideal for focus, consider a local cafe or a co-working space.

Have a ritual and schedule for success! Here are some of my favorite routines…

  • Begin your day by identifying your top goals.
  • Diffuse essential oils that help with mood and productivity.
  • Get up and do some happy dances!
  • Fill your space with beautiful things like crystals.

Head here to learn 3 Ways To Make Your Workspace More Productive!

Set Up A Functional Work Space


Creative avoidance is often fear in disguise!

When you tap into the root of your fear and understand that you are good enough, know enough (especially if you went through an ITN program), and you are meant to do great work, running your business with confidence and successfully gets easier.

Think about how far you’ve come with your health transformation and your education. You’ve invested time, money, blood, sweat, and tears! YOU ARE ENOUGH. (I can’t say it enough!)

Homework: write down, “I AM ENOUGH” and put it somewhere that you will see it often!


Imagine where your ideal client is now… they are suffering, they are in pain (physically, mentally, spiritually), and they are most often not getting the support they need from their friends and family.

Now, imagine yourself two years ago…

How badly did you want support from someone who actually heard you and understood what you were struggling with?

Your ideal client is thinking this same thing and is wishing they could find someone like you! You are their answer! Yep, I’m not making this stuff up!

So, how long do you want to keep them waiting? What can you do TODAY to let them know you’re here for them?


It’s time for you to get out and share your story!

Share your story of transformation on your social media! Let them know who you help and how they can connect with you.

What you share could save a life, knowing that makes the risk of being judged always worth it.

Now is always the best time to start. Let’s go for it! In the comments below, post who you want to help and how they can find you.

Ready to take the next step? Head here to check out The Ultimate Guide To Becoming A Health Coach!

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