Business Skills

Living La Vida Successful: Daily Schedule Of ITN Founder, Cynthia Pasquella-Garcia

Cynthia Wondering How To Get All The Shit Down

Rule #1 of being successful: The absolute BEST way to become successful is to learn from those who are successful!

Rule #2 of being successful: Schedule out your day, period! (Success favors action takers — just sayin’!)

You’re in serious luck because in this article, you get to see a peek inside the daily schedule of ITN founder, successful Health Coach, and celebrity Nutritionist, Cynthia Pasquella-Garcia! (Take a moment, freak out with excitement, and then bring your attention back!)

Now that that’s over with, we can focus on the juicy stuff!

Below you’ll get to see a sneak peek into a day in the life of Cynthia! We suggest you read through it, take notes, and use it in one of these three ways:

  1. Begin to structure your day identically to Cynthia’s.
  2. Take bits and pieces of her day and implement them into your routine to help you become more productive (i.e., successful)!
  3. Leave it all and just read it purely for entertainment and enjoyment.

Then again, if you’re looking to become successful, using this as a way to learn and improve is going to be your best bet!

Cynthia is now running a successful business, which means she’s not coaching as much as she used to. However, the cool thing about seeing what her schedule looks like now is that you get to see where you could take your business one day! #dreambig

Here’s what Cynthia says about her schedule and the importance of following your intuition when it comes to laying it out and letting it change over time…

My schedule changes through the years and seasons. When something is no longer working for me, I change it. It allows me to not burn out and to keep my priorities in check. And if there’s a big push on a project, I’ll work late or ditch my workout a few days a week to make sure deadlines are met, and the project is a success!

Okay, okay! We know you’re getting antsy to dive into the good stuff. So, without further ado, let’s begin our journey through a day in the life of the one, the only, Cynthia Pasquella-Garcia.


6:00 – 6:20: RISE & SHINE

I grab some Bulletproof Coffee or Four Sigmatic Coffee, a big glass of water, and head off to meditate. I like to start my mornings gently. I find this helps me to be more grounded and focus as I move throughout my day.

I know some people workout first thing, but that just doesn’t work for me. #yodoyouthough

Cynthia Drinking Bulletproof Coffee


Even though my office is in my home, I don’t work in pajamas all day (although let’s be honest, I do have those days) because I’ve found that I’m not as productive. It just doesn’t work for me!

I choose to show up and literally put my best face forward. By doing hair, makeup, wardrobe early, (the things we go through — amirite ladies?) I’m ready for whatever the day might throw my way!

Need to shoot a video? No problem!

Need to take some photos? I got this!

Need to hop on a video call or meet up with someone in person? Let’s do it! I also listen to a podcast or audiobook during this time so I can multitask.

Cynthia Getting Ready

7:00 – 7:15: EMAILS & ASANA CHECK-IN

I handle anything urgent and move the rest into Asana as a task to follow up on later. By taking care of these things early, I don’t hold up my team members or partners. This allows them to keep moving forward without me being a bottleneck.


I wake my daughter, help her get dressed, and make breakfast (some more water for me since I like to fast in the morning, food for her!).

We spend this quiet time connecting on our day, and I drive her to school. On the way home, I turn on a podcast that focuses on something I am currently working on (like launching a new brand) or working through (patience, forgiveness, productivity, etc.) so I can have that time to tune in to myself.

 9:00 – 12:00: LASER TIME

This is my time to focus on the current projects I’m working on. I do the big, important things that will move my business and life forward first and then move on to the others.

I might be creating content, exploring partnership opportunities for the company, interviewing new team members, etc.

Once a month, I go live and coach our students at the Institute of Transformational Nutrition (ITN). 

12:00-12:30: LUNCH

I’m usually still fasting, so I don’t eat lunch. Instead, I will grab some water and/or a hot cup of tea, and take some time to breathe. I might take a walk, read a (non-work related) book, or catch up with friends or my husband.

12:30 – 1:15: WRITING TIME

I’m working on a new book (stay tuned!) and focusing on launching a revamped personal brand, so my writing here is typically something that will feed those needs.

1:30 – 2:00: EMAILS & ASANA

I hop back into email and Asana and respond to any messages or tasks there to make sure we can finish out the day the way we started it. #sofreshsoclean

By closing out tasks and avoiding leaving things open-ended, I feel more relaxed, on top of my schedule, and more present for not only my team but myself and my family outside of work!

2:00 – 3:00: COACHING

This could be time spent coaching my team members, clients, or participants on Revenge Body With Khloe Kardashian. I also coach our ITN students and graduates in our student community. And, of course, I put my money where my mouth is and invest in my own coaching so I can continue to grow and expand.

3:00 – 3:30: WORKOUT

Some days this is yoga, sometimes I go for a run, and sometimes I weight train. I am also always multitasking when it comes to movement.

I park far away, take the stairs, and do squats and standing kickbacks while brushing my teeth. #truestory #stuffyouwontseeoninstagram But seriously, try it!

3:30-4:00: DAILY REVIEW

I always like to ask myself:

  • What did I get accomplished?
  • What needs to be moved to tomorrow?
  • What can I not do at all or delegate?

By having time to reflect, I can set intentions for any areas I want to improve. I also use this time to comment on agendas for meetings. I also schedule the following day at this time so that I’m prepared and able to jump right in!

4:00 – 4:30: PICKUP TIME

I look forward to this time every single day! I get to pick up my daughter from school, and we connect on the ride home about what went well for her and what didn’t.

Since I’ve had time to review my own day, I’m fully available for her.


I check out the things that I have on my plate for tomorrow and see what I can squeeze in today. It’s that final push toward my dreams and goals for the day!

5:00 – 5:30: ME TIME

This is my time to connect with myself.

It’s my time to breathe, to reflect on what’s going well and what isn’t, and to explore things that might be holding me back. I might meditate, journal, read, or any combination of those things.

Anddd… sometimes I might do a little gaming or reading to zone out after a hard day. It’s not always about working on yourself all the time. Sometimes you just need to press the pause button!

Cynthia Wondering How To Get All The Shit Down


This time for me is non-negotiable!

I am available for the random text from friends or questions from my team, but that’s rare. This time is spent focused on my family. We always make it a point to sit down to dinner together every night unless I’m traveling. #crazybuttrue

Plus, I love doing the bedtime routine I do with my daughter.


I sneak a slice of time in the evening for any personal development that I want to focus on and for deep conversations with my husband, Zak. I also slather on the lotions and potions, so I don’t have to work so hard on my face the following morning. #truth


If I could live in my bed, I would! I get into some cozy pj’s, diffuse some essential oils on my bedside table, and rub a rose cream on my feet and legs before hitting the hay!

I also read every single night! It relaxes me and helps me drift off to dreamland!


Obviously, not every single day looks like this, but this is what I strive for. I’ll squeeze in social media posts and check-ins throughout the day, connect with friends over text message, message my team in Slack, and grab a snack while proofreading copy. I also sneak in a few minutes of reading wherever and whenever I can.

I  live and die by my calendar! Everything I have to do each day goes on my calendar instead of a “to-do” list because a calendar is actually based on the time I have during that day.

Time isn’t factored into a “to-do” list, and you can easily put things on your list that would take three days to complete instead of one! #askmehowiknow

Plus, I can set reminders which pop up to tell me what’s coming up next so I can be proactive and always ready for the next thing.

Comment below and tell us your biggest takeaway from this article and how you plan to schedule your day for success!

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