Business Skills

4 ITN Coaches Who Are Changing Lives & Changing the World

4 ITN Coaches Who Are Changing Lives & Changing the World

Success Begins with You

The most rewarding part of what we do here at ITN is seeing our students finish their coaching certifications and go out into the world to help other people lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.

When our students commit to taking their future into their own hands by enrolling in ITN, we have no doubt that they’ll be wildly successful.

That’s because they follow a proven path that has been paved by others who went before them – including our founder, Cynthia Garcia, and our faculty of successful leading experts.

Their education at ITN gives them a paint by numbers solution to creating their own reality and having success on their own terms.

Every single day, they’re changing lives. They’re helping people discover what feeds them, so that they can overcome any issue they may be facing in this new world we live in.

Giving the gift of health and fulfillment to others is something you can’t put a price on, and our students are living proof of that.

Here are just a few examples of how ITN graduates are making the world a better place.


Shawn Stevenson, Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach

Shawn Stevenson

Shawn is a CTNC and MCTNC graduate. He’s the best-selling author of “Sleep Smarter” and the creator of the #1 iTunes Health Podcast, The Model Health Show. He’s been featured on numerous TV programs and publications, and his podcast has millions of listeners from all over the globe. He interviews world-renowned experts on the topics of health, fitness, nutrition, personal development.

“ITN has the world’s best coaching education here in one place, taught by the greatest teachers on the planet.

Between the step-by-step coaching system and the practical, actionable ways to build your business, ITN is the Harvard of health coaching schools.

I’m proud to be an ITN graduate and fired up to pay it forward as a faculty member! I could have chosen any school but I chose ITN and that has changed everything.”


Leena Abed, Certified Transformational Nutrition CoachLeena Abed

As a CTNC, Leena is committed to helping others make practical changes that last. Through her coaching business, The Practical Nutritionist, she’s showing her clients how to create a healthy lifestyle that’s unrestricted and sustainable.

“I had a full-time, good paying job when I decided to quit with 3,000 followers and 1 client.

I took the leap to becoming a full-time health coach and nutritionist. I’ve coached over 30 private clients in less than a year and launched a successful group coaching program.”

It’s more than a nutrition certification, it’s a whole process on how to succeed, excel, and make a real impact.”


Brandi Mackenzie, Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach

Brandi Mackenzie

Brandi is a CTNC, a Natural Chef, a Yoga Instructor, and has a double BA in Communications and Studio Art. Through her coaching business, she helps clients grow into the life they want, by feeling their best and trusting their choices in nourishment.

“Within six months of graduating, I had signed a contract to write a book about my signature Heal Your Gut program!

For two years after graduating, my revenue doubled.

I signed my highest paying client ever last week, in the middle of a pandemic, so I think it’s all about perspective. It was a $22,000 package, paid upfront in full.

ITN will teach you the science, psychology and spirituality of running your business, of finding your voice and will support you in every turn.

I am so grateful to have found this program and community!”


Katie Wells, Certified Transformational Nutrition CoachKatie Wells

Katie is the founder of, an online resource for women and moms who want to live a healthier life and the founder of Wellnesse. A mom of six with a background in journalism, she took health into her own hands and started researching to find answers to her own health struggles. Her research turned into a blog and podcast that turned into an amazing community.

“Choosing ITN to advance my nutrition and health education was a no–brainer!

Not only is it the most top–of–the–line and respected program in the world, but the support and certification courses are second to none! Plus they give you the tools you need to create a thriving business!

If you’re looking for a coaching school that will prepare you for an amazing, successful career, you can’t get better than ITN.”

Are You Next?

As you can see, each and every one of these amazing people have found their own path to success. It’s not one-size-fits-all!

There are so many different ways you can be successful as a coach, and you don’t have to fit into a cookie-cutter mold or someone else’s idea of success.

You can be just as successful as these students. You can choose your own picture of what that looks like for you.

Whether it’s one-on-one coaching, creating a group coaching program, writing books, or hosting a podcast, a certification from ITN gives you the flexibility and freedom to define your own outcome.

Are you ready to have a life that looks like theirs?

Becoming a student at ITN is your next step.  

I know getting out of your comfort zone and starting a new career can be a little intimidating.

It’s human nature to keep things as they are. To keep things safe and familiar.

But if you continue to follow the path of least resistance, it will probably result in you getting the same outcomes you’ve always received.

If you’re at a point where you know you need to make a shift and you want to change the direction of your life, you’re going to have to do something different.

We’ll show you a proven solution that works created by successful people who have gone before you. Consider it “paint by numbers.”

Overcoming your fear of not being confident is possible when you have the right information from successful people.

You CAN do this!

In the Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach Course, you’ll…

Get live personal coaching from our founder Cynthia Garcia!

Connect and collaborate with your classmates in real-time!

See live coaching demonstrations and practice what you’re learning in a safe space while feeling supported every step of the way!

Feel like a confident leader (even if you’ve never considered yourself a leader before!)

Discover how to create a career as a coach that finally fulfills you and enjoy success on your terms!

You can have a fulfilling career (finally), share what you’ve learned, make a great living, and help others do the same.

With so much uncertainty in the world right now, we know how important it is to you to be a leader to others and help them live better, healthier lives.

Adding a “Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach” title to your name will give you the knowledge and tools to help people with whatever issues they may be facing as a result of the “new world” we live in.

This is a major game-changer!

If you want to help other people take control of their health and life…

If you want a fulfilling career doing work that makes you feel alive…

And if you want to be seen as a confident leader and be wildly successful on your own terms…

THIS is your chance!

And If you don’t take action? Then 2021 will probably look a lot like 2020.

You will likely continue to lack fulfillment.

You’ll continue to have that nagging feeling deep down that you really should be helping others and doing work that makes you feel alive.

You will continue to crave purpose, meaning, and passion.

If you want to change the course of your life, you’re going to have to believe in yourself.

Think about how much you’ve already overcome in life.

You can make a difference in people’s lives – starting with your own. Don’t forget that. It doesn’t matter how small you start, start now, and start something that matters.

We’ll be here to support you and guide you every step of the way.

See more details and enroll here!

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