Business Skills

How to Find Clients and Make Money As A Health Coach

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How to Find Clients and Make Money As A Health Coach

You’re interested in becoming a health coach but you’re not sure how to find clients that are ready to hand over their credit card.

You might even be wondering how you can scale your business to make even more money.

So let’s get into this…

The key here is to choose an audience who is willing and able to pay.

Now, that probably sounds like common sense, but you’d be surprised at how often people will choose an audience that aren’t either willing or able to pay them.

How To Choose An Audience Who Is Willing And Able To Pay

Ask yourself…

  • Who is your ideal client?
    • Someone who wants what you can offer.
    • Someone who can pay for what you offer.


  • Get to know them by answering these questions:
    • How old are they?
    • What is their gender identity?
    • What role do they have in common? (ie: mom, dad, attorney, entrepreneur, etc.)
    • What do they struggle with?
    • What gets in their way?
    • What are their deepest desires?
    • What websites do they visit?
    • What online communities are they a part of?

You want to get to know your audience as well or better than they know themselves. When you get clear on these things, it’s going to be so simple for you to show up and help them. It will also be easier to offer solutions that they want since you know their struggles and desires.

As a reminder, here are some of the top in-demand niches right now for health coaches from the latest Health Coaching Industry Report by YourCoach.

  • Weight Management
  • Women’s Health
  • Mental Health
  • Active Aging
  • Gut Health
  • Corporate Wellness
  • Brain Health
  • Men’s Health
  • Metabolic Health
  • Children’s Health
  • Sleep Health
  • Fertility
  • Hormonal Balance
  • Heart Health
  • Longevity
  • Hormone Health
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Diabetes Prevention
  • Detox Programs
  • Men’s Health
  • Pain Management
  • Acne/Clear Skin
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Digestive Health
  • Holistic Health Coaching
  • Teen Coaching
  • IBS
  • Self-Care Coaching
  • Paleo Diet
  • Cancer Coaching
  • Alcohol Cessation
  • Coaching for Introverts
  • Executive Health Coaching
  • Vegan Diet
  • Eating Disorders

Pro Tips To Make Money As A Coach

Pro Tip #1: Clients are everywhere.

Once you’ve defined your target audience, identified your ideal client, and pinpointed where they spend their time and what they enjoy, it’s time to immerse yourself in those environments. Whether it’s at gyms, fitness centers, health food stores, or Pilates studios, make your presence known. These individuals are already invested in their health, which is where you come in to provide added value.

Become an active member of the community. Participate in wellness centers, engage in local events, and offer valuable insights where you can. You could, for example, deliver a concise talk, around 30 to 40 minutes, where you address common challenges, offer solutions, and invite the audience to connect with you further if they would like. Then, you can share information on your coaching services. This approach not only establishes your credibility but also showcases you as a knowledgeable authority.

Remember, visibility is key. The more consistently you show up and contribute, the more recognition and referrals you’ll gain. Engaging with your community is an enjoyable and effective strategy to attract clients and solidify your reputation as a trusted health expert.

Also remember, connecting with clients isn’t limited to the physical world; the digital space is full of opportunities!  Just like you would in a physical location, engage with online communities and platforms like Facebook, where you can join groups, interact, and offer your valuable insights, tips, and information.

Take the opportunity to contribute to blogs and media outlets looking for authentic voices and expert contributions—your experience is invaluable, no matter how new you are to the scene.

By consistently delivering quality content across your website, podcast, and social media channels, you organically attract clients.

Forget aggressive sales tactics; it’s about establishing your presence and letting your knowledge speak for itself. By presenting yourself as an educated, credible source, you’ll naturally attract clients to you!

Pro Tip #2: Who Else Knows Your Audience?

Don’t keep the fact that you’re a health coach and can help people a secret!  

Share what you’re up to with anyone and everyone in your network. It could be your hairstylist, dentist, doctor, trainer, insurance broker, accountant, and even other entrepreneurs and clients! 

 Let them know who you help and why and simply say, “If you know someone who might be able to use my help, send them my way!” 

For example, when you connect with them and they say…  

“What have you been up to?” 

You might respond 

“I’m a health coach now specializing in weight loss. I help moms with kids under 4 lose the last 15 pounds of baby weight without dieting. If you know anyone who might be able to use my help, send them my way!” 

Pssst… Need help deciding on who you can best help? Check out my niche finding formula

How To Make Money As A Health Coach

Now, let’s crunch some numbers and look at the kind of income that’s possible as a health coach.

For this first example, let’s start small. Let’s assume these are the number of clients enrolled in a 90-day one-on-one coaching package with a rate of $3,000. This comes out to $1,000 a month.

You’ll spend an hour with each client. Take a look at your potential earnings:

Make money as a health coach

How to Scale Your Income As A Health Coach

Once you’re ready to scale your health coaching business, you can do so in a variety of ways.

You can offer group programs, workshops, books, retreats, talks, and online programs – not to mention cookbooks, corporate wellness programs, and meal plans.

This way, you can help even more people improve their health AND grow your business faster. The possibilities are endless!

Here are some examples:

  • Coach clients one-on-one
  • Group coaching
  • Online courses
  • Write a book
  • Become a paid speaker
  • Sell a product
  • Become an influencer
  • Start a podcast
  • Host retreats
  • Host cooking shows
  • Create meal plans
  • Work in corporate wellness
  • Add coaching as an offering to your current work
  • Work in a doctor’s office or hospital
  • Host a television show, radio show, or podcast
  • Start a YouTube channel
  • Become a highly respected influencer
  • Be an expert for media and television shows
  • Create and run online coaching programs
  • Create a health and nutrition app
  • Create your own products
  • Start a foundation or charity
  • And so many more!

Use the following table as a guide and crunch your own numbers! Switch up the number of clients, cost, and even hours a week you work to see how you can make money as a health coach.

make money as a health coach

BONUS: How to Replace Your 9-5 Salary and Transition to Health Coaching

If you’re ready to ditch the 9–5 (and the commute that comes with it), start becoming a coach BEFORE leaving your 9 – 5.

Build your business on the side and as your coaching business grows, decrease the hours you work in your 9 – 5.

Eventually, the money you make, or the time you gain plus the money, will be equal to or greater than your 9 – 5.

Then, you can leave your 9 – 5 and enjoy being your own boss – complete with slow mornings, time to focus on your own health, and a sense of purpose as you help people live healthier, happier lives and they refer you to family and friends!

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