Business Skills

How a Strong Morning Routine Sets You Up For Success

How A Strong Morning Routine Sets You Up For Success
  • Creating a sustainable morning routine is crucial to your long-term success.
  • When it comes to creating a ritual, do what feels best for you. 
  • Something as simple as starting your day with gratitude can make a huge difference.
  • Studies show that people with a morning routine make as much as $12,500 more per year.
  • Do you have a structured morning routine?

    If you do a quick Google search for “morning routine,” you will be flooded with tips, tricks, advice, and research. And, it’s for a good reason!

    Most of us will do just about anything to ensure that we have a productive day. We use time management apps and tools, we time-block our calendars, we invest in the best desks and office chairs. 

    Andddd, that’s great. Go ahead and do that. 

    But, what if there was something even simpler that could help you succeed in your business every single day?

    That’s where setting a morning routine comes in!

    Having a morning routine sets the tone for the day ahead so that you start out on a positive note with more energy to tackle all of the tasks on your plate.

    Research has shown that people with strongly established morning habits make about $12,500 more per year than those who take a fly-by-the-seat-of-their-pants approach after getting out of bed.

    But, what does a great morning routine look like? Here are our tips for crafting your wellness-filled morning.

    The Perfect Morning Routine

    When it comes to establishing your own routine each morning, the exact steps you take after you throw off the covers and your feet hit the floor aren’t what’s important.

    What matters is finding what works best for you and sticking to it each and every day. Here are a few ideas to get you going.

    Wake up at the same time each day

    Even though it can be tempting to hit the snooze button to get a few extra z’s, waking up at the same time each morning helps keep the rest of the day on track. For starters, it helps regulate your body’s internal clock, so you’ll wind up having more restful sleep.

    You’ll have more energy, and getting up at the same hour will also ensure that there’s enough time to finish the rest of your morning ritual. If you’re an early morning person? Even better. You’ll have even more time to devote to starting the day off on the right track.

    Start your day with gratitude

    Before you get out of bed each morning, take a moment to note three things that you’re thankful for. Say them out loud, or keep a journal on your bedside table if you’d rather write them down.

    Start each statement off with, “I am thankful for…” or “Thank you for…”.

    It can be anything. The sunrise. The comforter that keeps you warm and cozy all night. Your relationships. Your dog. The roof over your head. (You get the gist.)

    It may seem like a simple practice, but you’ll be surprised at how good you feel by showing gratitude as soon as your day begins. It’s a subtle, daily reminder that even in more challenging times, there is always something to be grateful for.

    Set an intention

    This follows on the heels of the gratitude thing, but setting an intention for how you want your day to go will get you into the right mindset.

    It can be a full sentence or even a single word – whatever speaks to you and motivates you the most. Nobody has to hear you. Just say it out loud, and when distractions pop up and you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed and flustered, come back to your intention to recenter yourself.

    Avoid your phone

    This may be a hard habit to break, but your morning will be so much calmer if you resist the urge to pick up your phone as soon as you wake up.

    If you start the day off by checking your email or scrolling through your social media feeds, there’s a good chance that you’ll see something that triggers you, upsets you, or moves you away from your intention.

    Plus, staying away from electronics will allow your brain to wake up naturally instead of being immediately stimulated.

    Make it a point to avoid the phone for at least 20-30 minutes after you wake up. You won’t regret it.

    Get in some movement

    Not only will getting your workout in early give you more time to unwind and relax in the evening, but it also gets your blood flowing and gets those endorphins pumping right away!

    Whether it’s doing a few stretches before you hop in the shower, taking a brisk walk before breakfast, or full-on hitting the gym, exercise makes a morning routine even more enjoyable.

    Make a healthy breakfast

    We’ve been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day since we were little kids, and for good reason! Taking time to eat a healthy breakfast gives us the fuel we need for the day so we don’t run out of energy or have an afternoon crash.

    Eating breakfast helps regulate blood sugar, and research has also shown that it can help us concentrate and be more productive throughout the day.

    If you’re someone who prefers to have breakfast on the go, try one of these simple smoothie recipes. They’re SO yummy!

    Prioritize your day

    Before starting the workday, take a look at your to-do list, and plan out your tasks based on priority and how much of your energy they will require. This will help keep you on a schedule so you don’t lose focus or burn yourself out. Block out time on your calendar to dedicate to each task. This way, you’ll know exactly what you need to concentrate on at any point in the day.

    To maximize your morning routine even more so you have extra time for things you enjoy, go through your list the night before. If you do this, you’ll have one less thing on your plate when you wake up.

    In Conclusion

    Make your morning routine your own, and before you know it, going through the motions will be as natural as brushing your teeth. Once you’ve made a habit of it, you’ll be well on your way to having more productive and successful days.

    You’ll wake up energized and go to bed feeling fulfilled, accomplished, and ready to do it all over again after a good night’s rest.

    What does your morning routine look like? We’d love to hear from you, so let us know in the comments!

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