Business Skills

How We Built The World’s Best Health Coaching Certification Program (An Inside Look), Part 2

World's Best Health Coaching Certification Program

So, yesterday, I shared with you the issues with health coaching certification programs and why my team and I felt compelled to build, “the world’s best health coaching certification program”.

Today, let’s explore why these issues exist.

The first is that most (and to be fair, not all) people who create these programs didn’t really experience their own transformation first. They don’t understand what it’s like to struggle, grasping for any and all solutions, and then fail over and over again. To feel the despair and hopelessness. To feel defeat.

And then… one day… to finally have that breakthrough that changes everything! And that breakthrough is where the passion to help others comes from. You simply can’t teach that.

My goal was to create a program that encompassed all the pieces and parts I had used, not only for myself, but for thousands of clients I worked with over the years.

I was (and still am) passionate about giving them a solution (and a “soulution”) that worked!

It was also important to me that students truly understand not just the in-depth science of the human body and nutrition but also the psychology and spirituality of nutrition – two factors that are just as important, but are usually either glossed over or not discussed at all.

The second reason these issues exist is because most (again, to be fair, not all) founders of these health coaching certification programs aren’t successfully running their own coaching businesses before trying to teach others how to do the same.

Essentially, they have made money teaching others how to make money (I know, it’s confusing) and since those teachings are based on theory, books, or other people’s experiences, it simply doesn’t work.

So, we are left with people who are passionate about helping others, who want to impact the world in a positive way, but they simply don’t have the confidence or knowledge to do so.

This is not ok.

It eats at the very core of who I am and what my mission in the world is.

For years, these coaches would come to ITN to be certified so they could get the in-depth training they had sought out before. The only problem is now they had gone through TWO certification programs and spent money they shouldn’t have had to. It just wasn’t right or fair.

So, I decided to do something about it and for the last two years I’ve been studying, researching, writing, and working with my team to create brand new certification programs that would fill in all the missing gaps so people could be excited about being a health coach again.

I decided to create something that would do two things… 1) help coaches actually get clients so they had an income and could focus on doing the important work and 2) provide a powerful way for those coaches to actually get those clients results with confidence.

In other words, my goal was to create a certification program that helped our students make a real difference in the world while also making a great living.

At the end of those two (very long) years, the result was a next-level education program for anyone who wanted to be a certified nutrition and health coach.

A program that not only covered in-depth science and nutrition but one that also created a simple system that puts it all together for coaches so they can give their clients a nutrition plan that works, no guesswork required! This means more credibility, and more importantly, more confidence for our health coaches!

In addition, we created the world’s first and only Personalized Nutrition and Health Coaching System that creates personalized plans for each client based on their individual needs – automatically! Yes, that’s right, there’s zero guesswork!

We also updated our entire certification program with the latest research in psychology, coaching, spirituality, habit change, nutritional science, and more for the most complete, up-to-date educational program available anywhere. Because that’s what health coaches deserve.

In fact, our content is so science and fact-focused that our students qualify to sit for the board exam through the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) for even more credibility and recognition. We even provide an exam prep course and I’m thrilled to say our pass rate for the board exam in holistic nutrition in 2017 is 100%!

We knew it was the game changer when we unveiled the new Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) program and the majority of the student body at ITN re-enrolled to take our certification program for a SECOND time!

In addition, I had heard for years from coaches that they wanted to be able to specialize in one area of health. They realized the importance of establishing themselves as an expert so they could stand out in a sea of health coaches and work with the clients they were passionate about helping.

So, we created 8 Mastery Certification Courses to address the most critical areas of need in health and nutrition so health coaches could finally be seen (and credentialed) as they experts they are.

Those certification programs are

  • Certified Weight Loss Specialist
  • Certified Mental Health and Emotional Eating Specialist
  • Certified Digestive Health Specialist
  • Certified Autoimmune Disease Specialist
  • Certified Holistic Cancer Specialist
  • Certified Natural Health Specialist
  • Certified Diabetes Specialist
  • Certified Hormone Specialist

All of these certification programs are in-depth, practical, easy to understand, and easy to use with clients. Each certification program allows coaches to create a personalized protocol for their client – you guessed it – with zero guesswork!

Again… game. Changer.

We also addressed the issue of coaches not being able to build a business by creating a 6-step Business Building Blueprint which – say it again with me – takes all of the guesswork out of building a business, and instead breaks it down into simple steps that coaches can easily follow to create a business that support their needs and their families needs without any of the stress, long hours, and lack of confidence.

What’s more… these steps are proven, not based in theory. You see, at ITN we do this stuff every day.

I’m not just an educator. I am still in the trenches – working with clients, writing books, appearing on television shows, being interviewed by the media, and growing my audience, so I know what’s working and what isn’t. That allows my team and I to share this practical, real-world information with our students so they can build a business they love with ease and confidence.

I also coach our students live on a regular basis to personally help them grow their businesses. They are speaking on stages, appearing in the media, writing books, creating supplements, and serving as leaders in their field.

Our students say this helps them make the right business-building decisions quickly so they can spend more time enjoying building their businesses instead of stressing over them.

But we still weren’t done.

There were still other issues to address.

We’ll discuss those in Part 3 of this series tomorrow.

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