Business Skills

How We Built The World’s Best Health Coaching Certification Program (An Inside Look), Part 3

World's Best Health Coaching Certification Program

Yesterday we discussed with issues with health coaching certification programs and how we solved them. Today, I’ll share with you how we went even further in our goal of building the world’s best health coaching certification program.

So, In addition to these major changes, we also sought out the world’s top experts to become faculty members at ITN. They aren’t paid speakers and they don’t just deliver “interview-style” trainings to promote their latest book or program. They have specifically tailored the classes they teach at ITN to what they feel health coaches need in order to get their clients actual results.

ITN students don’t just learn from me and our internal team of doctors and coaches. They also discover the best tips and techniques from the world’s leading experts in health and nutrition.

We also rounded out our courses with active-learning and live coaching classes that go beyond the theory of coaching to give students practical experience in the classroom so they are confident and ready to go when they actually start working with clients.

Maintaining our well-established relationship with Carnegie Mellon University was also critical for us through our journey as it allows our students to take college courses at one of the world’s top universities so they can continue their education at no cost!

And speaking of continuing their education, we are now granting lifetime access to our students so they can continue to be a part of our powerful community and have access to all of the latest and greatest education, tools, done-for-you resources, and updates so they stay in demand and at the top of the health coaching industry.

Finally, we understand that we can’t create an impact in the world without supporting those who need it the most – our veterans and those without access to education.

We established the Zakari Garcia Scholarship Fund, in honor of my dear husband and his service to our country, that grants 10 veterans a full scholarship to our Master Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) coaching program every single month.

We also donate a percentage of every single student’s tuition to the Just Like My Child Foundation every year to help build schools and empower vulnerable adolescent girls by enabling them to create healthy, self-sustaining families who prosper without further aid. To date, ITN has contributed almost $75,000 to this worthy cause.

At ITN, we believe in the power of health coaches. We believe in their ability to empower people to take charge of their own health, to determine their own destiny, and to become greater than they ever imagined they could be.

We are dedicated to equipping them with everything they need to make their dreams, and the dreams of so many others in the world, finally come true.

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