Coaching Skills

Why You Should be Practicing Vulnerability as a Coach

Showing Vulnerability As a Coach Is a Gift to Your Clients
  • We are quick to assume that vulnerability is a weakness, but as a coach, it is actually a huge strength! 
  • By being open and authentic with your audience about your own story, you are more relatable and credible. 
  • It might not be easy to practice vulnerability, but even small steps can make all the difference. 
  • Be proud of where you came from and the why behind what you do.

Vulnerability can actually be a strength 

Do you find that there are certain things about your life that you tend to keep bottled up? You know… those things that you’re afraid to share because you want to keep up the appearance of having it all together all of the time? Maybe you’re afraid of showing any vulnerability because you don’t want to feel judged.

The truth is, underneath the surface, we are all having similar experiences. But oftentimes, we think we’re completely alone in our journey. And that’s because we’re afraid to talk about it. We’re afraid to be vulnerable out of fear that we’ll appear wounded or weak.

It’s only when we hear someone else open up about what they’re going through that we have an “a-ha!” moment and feel more “normal” about whatever it is that’s troubling us.

Especially as a coach, it can be hard to put your own struggles out in the open because, well… you’re a coach. You’re the person who is there to be a lifeline for others and to help them live healthier, more satisfying lives.

You might be thinking, “If I open up too much with my clients, won’t they worry about my credibility as a coach?”

Actually, the opposite is true.

Sharing your story with your clients and showing vulnerability will make you even more credible.

Clients want authenticity, not perfection

Your clients come to you for help because they are struggling in one way or another. Maybe they are having issues with their physical health, and they are uncomfortable or in pain.

Maybe their mental health is holding them back from living a life where they feel happy and optimistic about the future.

Whatever their struggle happens to be, one of the best gifts you can give is to show them that you didn’t figure it out overnight.

Like them, you overcame hardship, or conquered your own health issues, or maybe becoming a coach helped you break past some emotional barrier or scar that had been holding you back.

Think about it for a second. If you have a problem, who would you rather turn to? Someone who has experienced their own problem and found a solution and can now express vulnerability about that, or someone who’s simply trying to help, even though they can’t really relate?

It doesn’t matter what your struggle in the past was or how closely it matches up with theirs. What matters is that you aren’t perfect. You’ve had dark days, too. But you figured out a way to find the light again, and now you’re sharing that light with them.

You’re real. You’re authentic. By being vulnerable, you’re honestly giving your clients a gift.

The more people can see themselves in you and relate to what you’ve been through, the deeper connection they’re going to feel with you, and the more they are going to trust you.

Having that true, deep connection is what is going to allow you to truly help them. By showing vulnerability with them and sharing your own story, they’ll understand not just HOW you’re going to help them, but WHY you’ve made it your life’s mission to assist others with transforming their lives.

The importance of sharing your own story

That’s the main reason why ITN Founder & CEO, Cynthia Garcia, is so open about her personal story.

Cynthia came from a life of extreme poverty. She grew up in the Appalachian mountains, and she lived in a house that had no bathroom or running water. Her family didn’t have much money – sometimes not enough to buy food.

She endured abuse from a very young age. After moving out on her own, she wound up struggling with health issues and wondering if life was even worth living.

In her own words:

“After overcoming a childhood filled with poverty, abuse, and trauma, I struggled with numerous health conditions, trying everything to fix myself.

I went to all the “experts”.

When nothing worked, I decided that suicide was the only way out.

I was tired of feeling like I wasn’t in control of my own life.

When I hit rock bottom, a voice from inside gave me hope and I decided to put my survivor personality to the test.

I would fix myself because I had to. Right?

I was able to overcome my health struggles, become a successful coach, and help others in the process. And, I could only do that by expressing my own vulnerability with what I had endured.”

Would you have ever guessed she’d been through something like that, based on how her life looks today? Probably not.

Her authenticity makes it easy to understand why she is passionate about helping others rewrite their stories.

In Conclusion

If you are ever working with someone and find yourself on the verge of wanting to share something personal but you’re feeling scared about showing vulnerability, just know that opening up may be the key to helping that person heal. (And isn’t that the ultimate goal?)

As a bonus, every time you share your story with someone, you’ll take one more step forward in your own journey towards healing. It’s such a win-win!

Be honest, open, and authentic. And above all, be vulnerable. It’s the best possible thing that you can offer your clients.

Have you found that showing vulnerability helps you connect better with your clients? Let us know in the comments.

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