Coaching Skills

5 Ways to Establish a Deep Connection With Your Clients

5 Ways To Establish A Deeper Connection With Your Client

You’re winding down after a busy week seeing clients. You’re thrilled your recent marketing campaign is having a positive impact on your bottom line – three new clients just this week! As you plan your schedule for next week, you realize you have another four new appointments scheduled in addition to your existing clients.

This is great, but you want to be sure you’re providing yourself the space to write notes, content, and develop an individual plan of action for each of your clients. You know if you feel rushed, it’s likely your client will feel it too, and that’s not the type of coach you want to be or how you want to run your practice.

You’ve recently caught yourself losing focus in client sessions and you want to be sure you stay in the moment, avoid distractions, and give your clients your full attention. As you grow your business and add more clients to your roster, it’s more important than ever to address this.

How can you ensure productive, engaging sessions with your clients?

How can you establish a deep connection with each client, while still maintaining a full schedule?



It’s important to choose or create a meeting space that is quiet, comfortable, and inviting for your client. The more physically comfortable they feel, the more likely they are to feel emotionally comfortable opening up to you.

If you don’t have a good office space in your home for this, try meeting in a hotel lobby or even a park. Ask your local yoga or acupuncture studio if they’d allow you to rent their space during the day when they have fewer classes. Avoid coffee shops as they are too noisy and action-packed.

Find a space away from others so your client feels like they can confide in you.


This may sound obvious, but it’s so important to continue to work on your listening skills as you grow your coaching practice. Show your client that you are actively listening and engaging to not only what they’re saying, but what they’re feeling and might be implying as well.

Practice active listening, which is when you repeat back what your client says, in your own words. This shows your clients you’re listening and truly hear their thoughts, feelings, and concerns.


Validate your client as they’re opening up to you. It can be tough to talk about personal stories, but consistent validation can help coax your client to continue sharing. Consider sharing your own personal, vulnerable examples if you feel it makes sense so they can enter your personal world. Often, opening up is challenging because clients feel like their story is strange or unusual. By sharing your own personal challenges, your client will feel supported and less alone. Just be careful not to make it all about you!


Make sure you are reaffirming their strengths as they explain their thoughts and concerns to you. Show them how strong they are, how hard their situation must be, and how courageous they are for facing that particular challenge. If your client is working through self-esteem or confidence issues, it’s important to help them identify things they previously enjoyed doing and to find those things again.


Don’t glance over at the clock while you’re in the middle of a session and avoid checking your phone or email. Turn off all distractions and focus on the client you are with. In fact, it’s a good idea to do this as your client enters the room, as it demonstrates immediate attention being given to your client. Your client should feel like they are your only client.

And make sure you tell your client to unplug as well! It can be easy to take a call or check a text message out of habit, but when you value each other’s time and presence, you’ll be surprised what you can achieve in a single session!


Developing strong connections with your clients will help them open up and share more intimate details with you. This will ultimately help you help them more.

With strong connections, you will be able to hold your client more accountable to their coaching sessions and the health plans you co-create. You will show your client that you are there for them and that they are not just another checkbox on your to-do list!

When you develop these deep connections, you grow stronger as a coach and learn what to listen for on many levels. Remember, your clients have chosen to work with you and by offering them a deep connection during sessions, they will value the work you do!

While having a full schedule of clients is important, it’s important you find a healthy balance so you’re giving the necessary time to the clients you already have, too. Always be sure to give yourself time before and after each session so you can decompress, write notes, and stretch. Remember, it’s just as important for you to focus on taking time to breathe as much as it is for your clients. After all, a good coach practices what they preach.

What one thing from this list will you integrate into your next coaching session? Share it in the comments!

And if you’re looking for more, head here 3 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself And Your Client.

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  1. […] Looking to improve your connection with your clients? Check out this article about Establishing A Deeper Connection With Your Clients! […]

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