Coaching Skills

8 Step Formula For A Successful First Session

8 Step Formula For A Successful First Session

Hold the bus!! You’re officially a certified Health Coach — hopefully a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach! #credibilityyall

You’ve worked hard, and you’re ready to take on clients — THIS is where it gets fun!

But the question every new Health Coach asks is, “How should I structure my first session!”

Yep, that one’s a doozy, for sure! Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! We know what it’s like to be starting out — the excitement, the jitters, and that annoying companion known as “imposter syndrome.

As you use this article to help you plan out your first session or first few sessions as a new Health Coach, keep in mind that each client has different needs and desires.

At ITN, we understand the importance of personalization. We also understand the need for structure and providing a starting point for coaches and clients alike.

Remember to use this with your clients to build confidence and simply as a starting point for your coaching sessions and programs. Of course, only use it as a guide and remember the importance of creating a personalized protocol that meets your client’s needs physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Without further ado, let’s get you set up for your first coaching session!



The first part of the session is where you welcome your client. You want to remember to be on time — early is better! We suggest being about 15-20 minutes early so that you’re ready and settled for when your client arrives.

When they show up, take a moment to welcome them and let them know that you are happy and honored to be working with them. Be fun, relaxed, and welcoming!

Remember that your client is often just as nervous, if not more than you are!


Be clear about your expectations from the get go! You also want to be very present with your client. That means putting away cell phones and anything else that might distract you and your client from your session and be sure to ask your client to do the same.

Discuss the “rules” with your client! (We know, we know — rules sound so uptight! Call them what you like, but be sure to implement them to ensure you are both on the same page!)

Here are some starting points for your expectations and rules:

  • What your client discloses during your coaching sessions is kept in strict confidence and all information shared in your session is considered confidential.
  • Both your client and you (the coach) are committed to being on time for sessions.
  • Without honesty, the value of the sessions will be seriously affected negatively. Both you, as the coach, and your client must commit to being honest about all matters discussed.
  • Your client can share what he or she wants to share. Your client always holds the right to not share information.
  • You, as the coach, will evaluate the cooperation repeatedly with your client during the practice.

Okay, enough with all the serious stuff!

We know that these details can easily be skipped over and saved for a rainy day, however, the earlier you share them and make sure you’re on the same page as your client, the better your working relationship will be!


Before and during the initial coaching session, you will review the Transformational Nutrition Health Assessment Intake Form, the Food and Lifestyle Journal, Transformational Timelines, and any supporting documents that the client provides including health test results or genetic test results.

This is an important, and fun step in your first session! Reviewing these forms is your opportunity to get clear on the responses the client provided, dig deeper, and start to better understand your client’s needs and how you can support them.

Using the protocols found in the Symptom Decoder and Symptom Matrices, you will be able to fully understand what protocols your clients should be following. (Are you noticing a trend of personalized nutrition yet?)

Educate your client on where you will help them go – focusing on the results they want to get. Let them know that transformation happens over time, not overnight and that you will help them take the next right step toward achieving their goals in each coaching session.

Also, don’t forget to refer to the Transformational Nutrition Coaching Method as you work through these sessions with your clients.


A client must be ready and willing to make dietary and lifestyle changes in order for them to see transformation.

As much as many people would like, you don’t have a magic wand that you can wave and transform your client. (Although, that would be really cool!) They must take an active role in the relationship in order to experience transformation.

Discuss the client’s desired outcomes, motivation, and expectancies. Review their responses to the questions in the section, “Readiness Assessment and Lifestyle Change Assessment” in the Transformational Nutrition Health Assessment Form.

This will help you to know where to meet your client and how to get them where they want to go!

Meet Your Clients Needs


It is easy to identify what a client may be doing that is wrong, but it is even more important to identify what the client is doing right!

Nobody likes to be told when he or she is doing something wrong, but most people like to be acknowledged when they are doing something right, so be sure to fill them up with some love!

This will be important in establishing rapport with your client and letting them know that you’re in this coaching relationship together.

Instead of primarily focusing on the question: “What is the problem and how can this problem be solved?”

Focus on the question, “What does a valuable life look like in the eyes of my client and how can this be achieved?” Although both questions may seem similar at first glance, they are not.

Repairing weakness is not the same as building strengths! #quoteworthy

Moving closer to a desired direction is not the same as preventing oneself to move in an undesired direction. Subjective well-being is more than the absence of mental illness or problems.

Getting rid of fear, anger, and depression will not automatically fill you with peace, love, and joy. Getting rid of weaknesses will not automatically maximize your strengths.

The focus of the work that you do with your client should not be on what is wrong with them and on repairing what is the worst.

Begin by focusing on their strengths, what is right with him/her, and on creating what is best for their specific situation. The goal is to help your client to move closer to a desired outcome, a desired goal, and ultimately success!


Co-create a list of action steps made up of “baby steps” so your client can start incorporating foods and habits that get them closer to their goals and begin removing foods and habits that take them further away from their goals.

By creating steps together, your client will feel empowered and more likely to stick to the plan.


Introduce the Transformational Nutrition Model and discuss its importance with regards to your work together and your client’s health transformation.

The Transformational Nutrition Model is a powerful triangle, made up of science, psychology, and spirituality pillars!

Let your client know that what makes coaching with you so powerful (and different from other Health Coaches) is that you use the Transformational Nutrition approach to health and healing and that together you will address each pillar to help them transform their health and their life for good!


The following exercises may be beneficial to give to your client as “homework” before the next session:

    This exercise can be used to clarify priorities for goal setting by increasing balance in the different life domains.
    Values help clients choose directions for their lives that are in line with what is truly important to them and help them construct goals that promote behavior in those directions.
    Ask your client to make a visual representation of his/her goals and/or values. This can be done digitally, by selecting images, photos, words, names, etc. from the Internet. Or by hand, using magazines and other resources.
    Identify foods, lifestyle habits, and spiritual practices that your client can “swap” for more ideal ones. Now that you understand their symptoms and the protocol they will need to follow, you can start edging your client toward it.For example, ask them to swap soda for water and reading news headlines first thing in the morning for meditating for 10 minutes. If you do this now, it will be much easier for your client to start following the protocol for them in the next coaching session.


That’s a lot of exciting information, we know! Now for the fun part — connecting with your client and getting them REAL transformational results!

Have fun with this session!

We promise that over time, these first sessions will become more natural and more relaxed! Trust your intuition to guide you and your client to the best approach for you both.

Comment below with what you’re most excited about for your first session!

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